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What I hate about my country

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Posted by Valentin B, 19.08.2008 - 14:32
new thread! something i don't like about Romania is the fact that compared to other countries there are some really expensive shit, at least relative to the normal salary(mostly the utility prices) and of course the EXPENSIVE stuff(musical instruments , PC software and IT stuff like I-pods, playstations etc.), of course music albums goes without saying, they're ridiculously expensive, and then there's really cheap stuff(mostly food, which compensates with low quality).. you can't be sure of anything here!

haterz hate on!
18.07.2010 - 11:53
Written by Zuzuz0r on 18.07.2010 at 08:00

Written by Don Martin on 13.07.2010 at 20:47

The constant fucking-around approach of our political system. A few examples

1.There's this area called Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde here in Belgium. My country is divided into 2 fronts the Flanders and Wallonia. People in Wallonia speak French, people in the Flanders speak Dutch. This BHV thing is located in both of these fronts and in BHV there is a lot of bullshit going on about funerals, voting, town counceling, ... in French or Dutch. Politicians have failed to solve this problem for years and it's procrastinated all the time...

2. A couple of years ago the politicians have failed to form a governement for more than 300 days because the Walloons always opposed the Flemish politicians...

Another thing I also hate from this country is how people react when it comes to Soccer, yes, I know this happens not only here, but still, I don't like it, they put it as a priority, even sometimes above important things, like if it was a truly national event, and not to talk about local teams, and worse of all, people call you a fag and a pussy for not liking it. I don't have a problem with people who like it, but hell, this doesn't happen with any other thing.

Oh yes, definitely agree. I don't understand why people get so emotional about it. But when you look at it, it kind of is. I have barely any idea about World Cup, never seen it. All I know is Spain won 0 to 1 this year against Holland. XD

However, we don't have that problem here, as Bulgaria... well, our team is pretty weak from what I know.
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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
18.07.2010 - 12:39
Australia is isolated from the rest of the world and while this can be viewed in a positive light, it gives companies an excuse to hike the prices up on pretty much anything as anything and almost everything has to come across the ocean to get here. Example: It's generally cheaper (in the majority of cases I've encountered) to import something like mid to high-end musical gear and equipment from the USA or the UK and pay all postage fees any everything else that comes with it, than it would be to go in-store and buy it here. That is, if the store has what you're actually looking to buy as the selection is often rather limited.

The metal scene here in Melbourne is either extremely small or is hiding from me. There's no shortage of people willing to play music but unless you're interested in playing screamo with 15 year olds, then you'll have to invest more time looking.

I'm not that into politics and current affairs so I can't really comment on the pros or cons of this country in that aspect.

Oh and at the moment, work is extremely difficult to find. I doubt that this is something that's just unique to Australia, though.
18.07.2010 - 19:50
Written by Archetype on 18.07.2010 at 12:39

Oh and at the moment, work is extremely difficult to find. I doubt that this is something that's just unique to Australia, though.

and to think i was going to apply for immigration to Aussie !

but seriously? .. you're like the 5th or 6th largest country in the world and you have only about 20 Million people... how is work difficult to find ? .. this is really weird

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
19.07.2010 - 00:53
Since moving to the States, I really hate the liquor laws. In Israel, you could have your bar open to whenever the hell you wanted, you could get a bottle of wine and sit out in the park and it wasn't a big deal. And drinking at 21? Seriously? I think if teenagers got their drinking escapades out when they were younger, it would be a lot healthier for them mentally and emotionally than say, 21 when you're probably well into several semesters of college.

But other than that, I really love this country \m/
19.07.2010 - 12:12
Don Martin
le fu-
Written by Zuzuz0r on 18.07.2010 at 08:00

Written by Don Martin on 13.07.2010 at 20:47

The constant fucking-around approach of our political system. A few examples

1.There's this area called Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde here in Belgium. My country is divided into 2 fronts the Flanders and Wallonia. People in Wallonia speak French, people in the Flanders speak Dutch. This BHV thing is located in both of these fronts and in BHV there is a lot of bullshit going on about funerals, voting, town counceling, ... in French or Dutch. Politicians have failed to solve this problem for years and it's procrastinated all the time...

2. A couple of years ago the politicians have failed to form a governement for more than 300 days because the Walloons always opposed the Flemish politicians...

Does people from Flanders are extreme religious and also speak in doodily language? [/badjoke]

Another thing I also hate from this country is how people react when it comes to Soccer, yes, I know this happens not only here, but still, I don't like it, they put it as a priority, even sometimes above important things, like if it was a truly national event, and not to talk about local teams, and worse of all, people call you a fag and a pussy for not liking it. I don't have a problem with people who like it, but hell, this doesn't happen with any other thing.

Well, we have a couple of religious fuckheads who are mostly pedophiles but a lot of people are atheistic or non practising and what do you mean with "doodily language"?
What a tackastrophe!
21.07.2010 - 22:25
Written by Don Martin on 19.07.2010 at 12:12

Well, we have a couple of religious fuckheads who are mostly pedophiles but a lot of people are atheistic or non practising and what do you mean with "doodily language"?

Lol, was just a Simpsons reference, as also the extreme religious thing.
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
21.07.2010 - 23:19
Don Martin
le fu-
Written by Zuzuz0r on 21.07.2010 at 22:25

Written by Don Martin on 19.07.2010 at 12:12

Well, we have a couple of religious fuckheads who are mostly pedophiles but a lot of people are atheistic or non practising and what do you mean with "doodily language"?

Lol, was just a Simpsons reference, as also the extreme religious thing.

Not so much of a Simpsons fan anymore the last years
What a tackastrophe!
30.08.2010 - 18:23
I hate that my city (Cairo) has 15,200,000 people .. and its is only as little as 214km2 .. giving it the Ranking #1 in the 'population density' in the world with density index of 71,028 person per km2

Delhi (India) in second place with 31,972 person per km2
Seoul (Korea) in eighth place with 17,296 person per km2
Buenos Aires (Argentina) ... 9th place ... 15,028
New York City (USA) ... 13th ... 10,636
Moscow (Russia) ... 14th ... 9,722
London (UK) ...32nd ... 4,823
Berlin (Germany) ...39th ... 3,860
Los Angeles (USA) ...43rd... 2,970 (almost 3,000 people sharing a whole kilometer square vs. 71,028 people in Cairo... GODDAMN !!!)

most of your european capitals aren't even on the list ... so, immigration destination, EUROPE !!

EDIT: corrected the numbers, put commas instead of periods (decimal points)

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
30.08.2010 - 18:40
My country capital has 3490 people per km2. Your still luckier than me
30.08.2010 - 18:59
What? .. no fucking way !! ... what is your popultion and your capital's (and suburbs) area ... calculate it again as you're surely mistaken.. i got my list off wikipedia and it is updated in january 2010.

EDIT: Goddamn you're correct, i put a period (.) instead of a comma (,) (in arabic they're both the same thing that is why i made the mistake)

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
30.08.2010 - 19:23
Angelic Storm
Definitely, the thing I hate most in my country, is the ridiculously slack justice system that allows kids to run riot and rule the streets, and the yob culture to thrive. Also in general, I think the law is pathetic. Even a lot of adults get away with highly inadequate sentences for horrific crimes. Every successive government says they'll clamp down on crime, and do something about yob culture, but its always just empty words.
30.08.2010 - 21:24
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Angelic Storm on 30.08.2010 at 19:23

Definitely, the thing I hate most in my country, is the ridiculously slack justice system that allows kids to run riot and rule the streets, and the yob culture to thrive. Also in general, I think the law is pathetic. Even a lot of adults get away with highly inadequate sentences for horrific crimes. Every successive government says they'll clamp down on crime, and do something about yob culture, but its always just empty words.

Thats ewery where, thats why I hate skin head wankers who Im working class hero, but he live drom social garanties, never working, also say F&¤# niggers thay looks like monkey, same time, look how skin heads at in Oi concerts thay jumping, moshpitting, like monkeys
My opinium is those who are involdet in extreme organisations shood be banned from getting social garanties and pension , get it live calm n nice be happy there no work.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.08.2010 - 21:25
Written by Zombie on 30.08.2010 at 18:23

I hate that my city (Cairo) has 15,200,000 people .. and its is only as little as 214km2 .. giving it the Ranking #1 in the 'population density' in the world with density index of 71,028 person per km2

I miss Beijing... not that Tallinn is more populated, no... Beijing was just a metropolis but at the same time it was so vast that the millions of people just disappeared into it... That's the funny thing... Beijing's a large small town...

Now speaking of Shanghai, it has a small area but it is the most populated city in China which makes it instantly more crowded...
30.08.2010 - 21:43
What i hate most about my country is the corruption...the health care system is corrupt, the education (universities) are corrupt the politics are corrupt..everything is corrupt...oh and btw the whole territory is 73.000 km2 and the whole population is 2 milions..and the average monthly income is 100 euros...
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
30.08.2010 - 22:05
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Malphas on 30.08.2010 at 21:43

What i hate most about my country is the corruption...the health care system is corrupt, the education (universities) are corrupt the politics are corrupt..everything is corrupt...oh and btw the whole territory is 73.000 km2 and the whole population is 2 milions..and the average monthly income is 100 euros...

Its in whole ex red theritory, its ewery where there, seems Balkans never reach EU level Ro, Bul , is lil under level to
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.08.2010 - 23:30
Written by Ernis on 30.08.2010 at 21:25

Written by Zombie on 30.08.2010 at 18:23

I hate that my city (Cairo) has 15,200,000 people .. and its is only as little as 214km2 .. giving it the Ranking #1 in the 'population density' in the world with density index of 71,028 person per km2

I miss Beijing... not that Tallinn is more populated, no... Beijing was just a metropolis but at the same time it was so vast that the millions of people just disappeared into it... That's the funny thing... Beijing's a large small town...

Now speaking of Shanghai, it has a small area but it is the most populated city in China which makes it instantly more crowded...

Shangahai IS more populated that Cairo, however, that 'Small area' is about three times as large as Cairo's area ... so, still cairo is about 3 or four times more 'dense' and crowded... the picture included in the previous post is a VERY generous one of a non-busy street (notice the amount of people trying to get on the bus at the upper right of the photo, and they're standing IN the street occupyng almost a lane and a half forcing the bus to cross lanes)

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
31.08.2010 - 00:25
Written by Zombie on 30.08.2010 at 23:30

Shangahai IS more populated that Cairo, however, that 'Small area' is about three times as large as Cairo's area ... so, still cairo is about 3 or four times more 'dense' and crowded... the picture included in the previous post is a VERY generous one of a non-busy street (notice the amount of people trying to get on the bus at the upper right of the photo, and they're standing IN the street occupyng almost a lane and a half forcing the bus to cross lanes)

But why are there so many people? Why raise children if you have to bring them up in poor living conditions? I really can't understand why there are couples who live in absolute poverty, where the woman delivers 10 or sometimes even up to 20 kids and the husband sometimes being an abusive bastard... and they all live in one tiny room...
Or when some very religious parents arrive at church with their "gypsy team" of at least 5 kids of whom at least one (usually more) are screaming and kicking and running all the time disturbing everyone... and the parents are "SEE! We are tro0 religious! We've never used condoms!"
Well... yes, it's nice to have kids and yes Father has said "May you have lots of kids" but not that lots... not so lots that overpopulation makes kids suffer... 'twas different earlier when lots of kids was necessary for a family to survive and when the population was scarce anyway...
31.08.2010 - 01:05
Totemic Lust
Written by Angelic Storm on 30.08.2010 at 19:23

Definitely, the thing I hate most in my country, is the ridiculously slack justice system that allows kids to run riot and rule the streets, and the yob culture to thrive. Also in general, I think the law is pathetic. Even a lot of adults get away with highly inadequate sentences for horrific crimes. Every successive government says they'll clamp down on crime, and do something about yob culture, but its always just empty words.

Our government is pretty harsh in terms of prison sentences and population, but that's only if you don't have money. Not sure which is worse...
31.08.2010 - 04:26
Written by Ernis on 31.08.2010 at 00:25

Written by Zombie on 30.08.2010 at 23:30

Shangahai IS more populated that Cairo, however, that 'Small area' is about three times as large as Cairo's area ... so, still cairo is about 3 or four times more 'dense' and crowded... the picture included in the previous post is a VERY generous one of a non-busy street (notice the amount of people trying to get on the bus at the upper right of the photo, and they're standing IN the street occupyng almost a lane and a half forcing the bus to cross lanes)

But why are there so many people? Why raise children if you have to bring them up in poor living conditions? I really can't understand why there are couples who live in absolute poverty, where the woman delivers 10 or sometimes even up to 20 kids and the husband sometimes being an abusive bastard... and they all live in one tiny room...
Or when some very religious parents arrive at church with their "gypsy team" of at least 5 kids of whom at least one (usually more) are screaming and kicking and running all the time disturbing everyone... and the parents are "SEE! We are tro0 religious! We've never used condoms!"
Well... yes, it's nice to have kids and yes Father has said "May you have lots of kids" but not that lots... not so lots that overpopulation makes kids suffer... 'twas different earlier when lots of kids was necessary for a family to survive and when the population was scarce anyway...

two reasons:

1) as you said, misinterpretation of religion, the poor uneducated people aren't enlightened enough to correctly interpret religion, and most of'em think that "interfering with god's will" and use of contraceptives is a sin.

2) second reason applies to extremely poor families, they just have lots of kids to use'em for child labour, especially in third world countries where there are no restrictions on child labour and it is not considered a crime .. so, they basically 'sell their kids' to factories and farmers to become child slaves .. or.. they wander the streets and beg for money from pedestrians and vehicle drivers, wo not only are they poor.. they lose their dignity too begging for money and food.. its a really fucked up mentality .. and the government isn't doing anything to fix it..

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
31.08.2010 - 11:20
Written by Bad English on 30.08.2010 at 22:05

Written by Malphas on 30.08.2010 at 21:43

What i hate most about my country is the corruption...the health care system is corrupt, the education (universities) are corrupt the politics are corrupt..everything is corrupt...oh and btw the whole territory is 73.000 km2 and the whole population is 2 milions..and the average monthly income is 100 euros...

Its in whole ex red theritory, its ewery where there, seems Balkans never reach EU level Ro, Bul , is lil under level to

Same here.
01.09.2010 - 01:40
Fallen Angel
The water...drink it I dare you
It's Better To Reign In Hell Than Serve In Heaven
01.09.2010 - 13:52
Written by Firebringer on 01.09.2010 at 01:40

The water...drink it I dare you

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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
01.09.2010 - 14:09
Lactation Cnslt
Written by Firebringer on 01.09.2010 at 01:40

The water...drink it I dare you

I did twice, accidentally, in Neza. I think that's why I had the most awesome diarrhea ever.
04.09.2010 - 23:31
Account deleted
Our gouvernment, i would say. This is becoming a bit of a police state, this country. And things that the gouvernment can't handle are to be banned. Thats what our gouvernment is good at, banning things and stealing your privacy. And taking your money by making changes to the economy wich have a negative effect to 80% of the population.

And this country is beeing overrun by people from other countries! Middle eastern countries. I have no right wing or racial problems with that what so ever, but its gone a bit to far when Dutch becomes somewhat of a secondairy language in some neighborhoods. I don't like the way thats going.
05.09.2010 - 00:53
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=35612] on 04.09.2010 at 23:31

And this country is beeing overrun by people from other countries! Middle eastern countries. I have no right wing or racial problems with that what so ever, but its gone a bit to far when Dutch becomes somewhat of a secondairy language in some neighborhoods. I don't like the way thats going.

Its every where in Swe same , in Nordic Swe its not big deal, but souther parts some Stockholms districks , some places I wish I have dead head on my beck, HAMC its some kind a guardian, since all are afraid of angels n bandios here and I like it I wont be happy walk in Sodertölje, some parts of Stockholm,
When here was ''Great Scandinavian Biker Wars'' ppl was not happy, when some parts swedish is like secend, ppl are not happy , when there was whatever, ppl was not happy. but nobody do something.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.09.2010 - 16:23
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Frodo me not because we in Europe hardly can survive self, ok billions why notr but millions I could buy CD,s good whisky, good food, visit good restauarins buy harley , you know im not working class here what sjin heads proudly proclaim, but , but woild donate it for animal wrights, animal protection, wild life protection etc

Thasos about 3th well you shood know there is hells angels in Greece thay have a 1% patch
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.09.2010 - 21:34
Written by Ernis on 05.09.2010 at 12:42

"... it's like our government and elite are the Jews and we, the people, are the Palestinians Estonians...

Jews fuck everyone up not just palestinains, the banks in Estonia causing all the debt and taxing troubles are probably jewish :p
*cough* Protocol no. 21 *cough*

EDIT: Post number 666

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
05.09.2010 - 21:59
Yeah, just like Bulgaria was the most dominant country in Europe when under Tsar Simeon the Great's reign.

I'm not aware of Estonian history, but generally historical facts like these tend to be exaggerated or modified in some sort of way to appear more "dignified".

Can't be sure though.
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
05.09.2010 - 22:16
Written by vezzy on 05.09.2010 at 21:59

Yeah, just like Bulgaria was the most dominant country in Europe when under Tsar Simeon the Great's reign.

I'm not aware of Estonian history, but generally historical facts like these tend to be exaggerated or modified in some sort of way to appear more "dignified".

Can't be sure though.

Actually I ain't aware of Estonian history either... we didn't have any written history until the Germans came and brought written language here...

As much information there is, it goes like this... this area here was divided into small communities which all robbed each other constantly. The society was a primitive hunter/gatherer one. Since the Scandinavians, Germans and Slavonic peoples were trading and our area was near their trade routes, they soon felt the need to "civilize" these dangerous areas since our savage people were constantly attacking them to steal their goods. Then the Germans and Danes came and "civilized" us... and thus began our history...

Lately, of course, we've been speaking about having a glorious "viking" civilization before the Scandinavians and Germans came...
09.09.2010 - 05:42
This is one of the things i hate about my country:

6 out of 7 women are veiled

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832