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Generic European Power Metal - Good Or Bad?

Posts: 286   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 330 users

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Posted by Judas, 13.05.2007 - 15:23
So, I think the topic is pretty self-explanatory. What are your opinions on the multitude of European Power Metal bands around today, and why do you have that opinion? The style, often called 'Happy Power' or 'Flower Metal', is inspired by bands like Helloween and Stratovarius, and often uses neo-classical chord progressions along with soaring vocals, sing-along choruses, rollicking drums, frequent keyboards, and shredding guitarwork.

It's predictable, yes, and the lyrics, song-titles, and often even band names are horrendously cringe-worthy, but for me, nothing can brighten my mood and self-esteem better than some awesome tales of dragon slaying, princess rescuing, smiting with steel, and broken love, told in such a melodic and catchy manner.

Some bands in this area of Power Metal are Freedom Call, Magic Kingdom, Fairyland, Hammerfall, Lost Horizon, Power Quest, even Rhapsody Of Fire and Kamelot to an extent... If those names mean anything to you, then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about! Powerscreams, catchy choruses, awesome melodies and a general feeling of invincibility and awesomeness, without feeling truly metal like Manowar. I'm a fan, but clearly it's not all I listen to. It's good in doses, to brighten the day, and to put a smile on my face, but if this was it, well, Metal would be pretty boring. Still, may this genre live forever!


What is your opinion on standard European Power Metal?

It's awesome! YAAAAAAHHH!!!
It's good in doses.
It depends on my mood/the occasion.
It sucks, Flower Metal is for wimps.
It's uninspired, yet somewhat enjoyable.

Total votes: 245
21.03.2010 - 16:26
Written by I_Die_Often on 21.03.2010 at 16:13

I liked "power metal" in my teens/early twenties... a long time ago... but not since.
I can hardly listen to Maiden and Judas Priest now even.
So IMO, it is a good starting point for someone discovering metal, until they find their niche.

I still like old Maiden, but only old. I don't like anything released after SSOASS.
I never liked Priest much, apart from the album "Painkiller".
Imo, Maiden's 80s stuff is ten times better than any modern-day Euroflowermetal album.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
21.03.2010 - 18:28
Urs Blank
I dont have the words to explain what I feel when I listen to European Power Metal... It's like... that's it it simply makes me throw up!!
21.03.2010 - 18:50
Written by Lord_Regnier on 21.03.2010 at 16:26

Written by I_Die_Often on 21.03.2010 at 16:13

I liked "power metal" in my teens/early twenties... a long time ago... but not since.
I can hardly listen to Maiden and Judas Priest now even.
So IMO, it is a good starting point for someone discovering metal, until they find their niche.

I still like old Maiden, but only old. I don't like anything released after SSOASS.
I never liked Priest much, apart from the album "Painkiller".
Imo, Maiden's 80s stuff is ten times better than any modern-day Euroflowermetal album.

Very true on the old Maiden, and only Priest I really like is Screaming For Vengeance.
Better stop before we turn this into a Priest/Maiden topic -
Old enough to be your Daddy... speaking of which... you look familiar... do I know your mother???
22.03.2010 - 04:53
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
A lot of German power metal bands are just unlistenable to me: Axxis, Edguy, Symphorce (AWFUL), Blind Guardian here and there...its just the same thing over and over again...the only one I can really listen to out of those are Blind Guardian...
22.03.2010 - 17:07
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Lord_Regnier on 21.03.2010 at 14:43

Written by [user id=104065] on 21.03.2010 at 04:58

Power Metal is the best music genre in the universe.

It's the best music genre for people who like cheesy commercial garbage falsely labeled as metal.

And are you not this guy who posted "this album is glorious" about every PM album in the reviews section?

With such hopeless fans, there's no wonder this genre sucks so bad nowadays.
Lame music for lame people, I would say.

damn straight!!!
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

24.03.2010 - 03:15
Hammer Pie
The reason power metal is considered a stagnant genre is that once a band experiments or adds complexity to their music, they're no longer considered power metal.
24.03.2010 - 12:40
Written by Hammer Pie on 24.03.2010 at 03:15

The reason power metal is considered a stagnant genre is that once a band experiments or adds complexity to their music, they're no longer considered power metal.

When do they add complexity?

When Powermetal bands change, it's always in the same direction, which is dumbing down their music to hard rock and pop. They always choose the more accessible, mainstream and commercial road, never the more extreme and complex one.

Just look at what this genre became over the years. You often hear people say "Powermetal and hard rock are close genres". Well, you would not have heard this 15 years ago because Powermetal had nothing to do with hard rock back then. It was melodic speed metal. But it became a dumbed down commercial genre in the late 90s and early 00s.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
24.03.2010 - 13:05
Hammer Pie
While a lot of power metal bands have gone the dumbing down to pop route (Sonata Arctica), and there's no doubt that there's a lot of stagnation in that genre, there are examples of power metal bands changing in the direction of increased complexity. The examples that leap to mind are Symphony X, Blind Guardian and Pagan's Mind.
24.03.2010 - 19:02
Hail Power Metal! I am a socially inept person who just happens to fanatically like or dislike music based on the audience and who is personally offended if some form of music is labelled in a way remotely similar to my preferred genre.

My point is this thread attracts musical fascists and drooling fanboys like shit does flies and I am so bored to death by it. I enjoy reading posts but people retarding this site just makes me not want to come here.

And for the record, I personally dislike European power metal.
24.03.2010 - 21:49
The Arkaholic
European power metal is good, it just gets boring after a while.
24.03.2010 - 23:36
Written by Zhao on 24.03.2010 at 21:49

European power metal is good, it just gets boring after a while.

Imo, if it gets boring then it means it's not good.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
29.03.2010 - 04:14
Account deleted
Written by Lord_Regnier on 24.03.2010 at 23:36

Written by Zhao on 24.03.2010 at 21:49

European power metal is good, it just gets boring after a while.

Imo, if it gets boring then it means it's not good.

Same can be said for any genre you fool. There's tons of blackmetal/deathmetal bands out there who bore the fuck out of me due to their lack of innovation. Simply being heavy, pseudo evil, or isolated in some godforsaken forest some where doesnt make many of those bands less generic

Back to the topic....As I said before, if something is generic, regardless of the genre its bad. If a Euro Powermetal band adds innovation to their music, get rid of the predictable song structures and mix things up to not sound like the countless generic bands out there, then Im all for it.
31.03.2010 - 02:14
Written by Lord_Regnier on 21.03.2010 at 14:43

Written by [user id=104065] on 21.03.2010 at 04:58

Power Metal is the best music genre in the universe.

It's the best music genre for people who like cheesy commercial garbage falsely labeled as metal.

Commercial garbage? I don't remember seeing any commercial for any power metal band. I guess I missed all the Advertisements in the news paper and on MTV for the next Dragonland album, or how Blind Guardian are going on tour. Once again my eyes have been open! May the gods of metal praise your name for years to come!!
"The bands called Demon Hunter! They hunt demons!"
31.03.2010 - 11:24
Heaven Knight
Lol...that was good point
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

31.03.2010 - 21:08
The thing is that lots of power metal bands nowaday have a "commercial" and poppy sound, but the genre is far from being on the mainstream, it's just that ppl like to call "commercial" something that they don't like, I'm not a big PM fan as I used to be, but not because of that I'll start calling every band I don't like "commercial". I see the genre more for a "geeky" audience than a trendy mainstream audience, maybe I could be wrong, but that's the way I see it.
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
01.04.2010 - 00:42
Written by Zuzuz0r on 31.03.2010 at 21:08

The thing is that lots of power metal bands nowaday have a "commercial" and poppy sound

Exactly. Being commercial, for me, is not a matter of selling more, playing more on radio or being popular. It's a pure matter of the way music sounds when you hear it. And, like you say, lots of PM bands nowadays sound commercial and pop-ish.
Not a matter of popularity and sales, but of sound. For example, I'm sure Slayer and Nile sell much better than lots of second-rate (I mean not so well-known) PM bands, yet their music has nothing commercial and pop-ish when you hear it.

Lots of people link 'commercial' to sales and success, which is something irrelevant. In some cases, it is true that their music is softer and sell more than less accessible music but you can find many cases where music that is much more 'metal' sell more than softer music.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
01.04.2010 - 01:35
The Ancient One

generic euro power metal is fantastic. ok, so it might be mediocre creatively void copycat drivel, but so long as we're gonna be getting $$$ for each album we review positively from label bands, well, generic euro power metal sounds like... victory. and by victory, i mean cold hard cash.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
01.04.2010 - 05:47
Written by Hammer Pie on 24.03.2010 at 03:15

The reason power metal is considered a stagnant genre is that once a band experiments or adds complexity to their music, they're no longer considered power metal.

This is the most concise, astute observation I've read in a while. So true. Usually if you stray from power metal in the slightest you become gothenburg, prog power, or symphonic, or avant, etc. I look to bands like Kamelot to push the envelope JUST enough.. to stay "power metal" while taking baby steps into a larger musical spectrum.

Bas' latest review is also a good read for anyone contemplating the genre. Not because of the album he reviews, but because he also makes some great observations about the genre. If you're going to play power metal you'd better be able to compete with the top bands otherwise there is no room for you. With so many similar bands, who has time for mediocrity?

Oh, and I'm a GIANT fan of European power metal. I just have no delusions about the genre either
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
02.04.2010 - 02:47
Wow ALOT of hate in here against Power Metal, i just wanted to say that even thou most european PM bands tend to stick and sound alike i'll still like 'em cause their music gives a good feeling and inspration, plus i don't think it's close sounding "mainstream" maybe in their countrys but not here it's far different region.
02.04.2010 - 20:45
There are masterpieces in power metal as in every other genre of metal. Invasion of uninspired power and gothic bands will never cast a shadow on true diamonds of the genre. Somebody said that it is good starting point for discovering of metal. Just be aware of bands with no soul and creativity. I think the most known of those bands like Rhapsody, Kamelot, Lost Horizon and few more are only worth to start with.
03.04.2010 - 02:55
It's kind of a bad way to put it, I mean, of course generic is bad, but I don't really consider those bands to be generic. Helloween was a progenitor and innovator of the genre, and anything that's generic just means that it sounds like what has come before... See what I'm saying? I LOVE power metal, but I think that there needs to be innovation and greater musical development across the board in power metal.
The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance.
15.05.2010 - 17:24
Got Mayhem?
I don't mind it at all. Same goes with generic Black Metal. I can go listen to or watch a straight up Darkthrone-worship band and still find them enjoyable. Is it something that I'd like to spend money on? No, not really, but I"d still rather be listening to something than nothing.

So I don't LOVE your average PM band, but I don't mind listening to it in doses.
22.05.2010 - 04:06
Some European power metal bands like Helloween (the creators of the genre BTW), Rhapsody, Edguy, Heaven's Gate and most American 80's power metal bands (Liege Lord, Sacred Oath, Attacker, Omen) blow any metal band out of the water
22.05.2010 - 16:40
Written by Razzputin on 22.05.2010 at 04:06

Some European power metal bands like Helloween (the creators of the genre BTW), Rhapsody, Edguy, Heaven's Gate blow any metal band out of the water

That's your opinion. Lots of people think differently. Imo, these bands just blow. Especially Edgay.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
23.05.2010 - 16:46
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Lord_Regnier on 22.05.2010 at 16:40

Written by Razzputin on 22.05.2010 at 04:06

Some European power metal bands like Helloween (the creators of the genre BTW), Rhapsody, Edguy, Heaven's Gate blow any metal band out of the water

That's your opinion. Lots of people think differently. Imo, these bands just blow. Especially Edgay.

they do blowjob to other bands
he memntion moust cheasyest bands ever
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
23.05.2010 - 17:10
Written by Bad English on 23.05.2010 at 16:46

they do blowjob to other bands
he memntion moust cheasyest bands ever

Honestly, who else (apart from Luca Turilli), believes Rhapsody is not cheesy?
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
23.05.2010 - 17:14
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Lord_Regnier on 23.05.2010 at 17:10

Written by Bad English on 23.05.2010 at 16:46

they do blowjob to other bands
he memntion moust cheasyest bands ever

Honestly, who else (apart from Luca Turilli), believes Rhapsody is not cheesy?

336 members in MS LOL
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.05.2010 - 17:06
First off, I would like thank Lord_Regnier for making this thread readable.

Over the last 30+ years that I've been listening to Heavy Metal there have been at least a couple of times it's veered off course. One of them was Big Hair and more currently Power Metal, which is Heavy Metal without the Heavy. The end result is flowery pop nonsense with the absence of any sustainable power.
30.05.2010 - 19:03
Wow, I haven't seen such hate against European power metal before. I'm not a fan of the genre either, but I don't think it's THAT bad... unless it's something like DragonForce or Power Quest.
Some power metal is great, like Rage.
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30.05.2010 - 19:10
It has its moments, can be awesome and can be cheesy. Besides, a beauty is in the eyes (ears) of beholder (listener)
*insert something deep and profound*