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Boring songs from Iron Maiden?

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Posted by Unknown user, 12.01.2012 - 00:23
Ok, here's the favorite band from any metalhead! Even the best bands has weak points before the eyes of someone. Let's discuss about songs from Iron Maiden that we find "boring". For me, "Wildest Dreams", "Chilhood's End", "The Apparation" and "Invaders" are quite boring songs. What about your guys?
16.01.2012 - 09:35
gloom cookie
Written by whatsacow on 16.01.2012 at 07:26

No, I'm not doing it for humour. I just like annoying extremist fanboys who think people aren't allowed to have opinions contrary to their own. I'm not the biggest fan of deathcore/metalcore, but I do enjoy them. I went and seen an amazing local metalcore band two days ago called storm picturesque that really impressed me.

Yeah. But this topic isn't about annoying extremist fanboys; if you read through it, you'd notice that people came and posted about how they find Maiden, or a huge string of their albums, boring, and no one took offense. If you want to annoy extremist fanboys, go to your local metalheads' gathering and say stuff like those to a bunch of 13-year-olds in their first Iron Maiden shirts, since they would have been the only audience for that.

And good for you. However, the "metalcore/deathcore trolling" is so vast on this forum that you can't talk to anyone on this forum about it since it might be a dude just typing shit for fun. Which probably annoys real deathcore/metalcore fans. Anyway, I'm sorry if this is rude, you probably had no mean intention posting your first post here but it's just that I'm getting to you before mods get to you, and that behavior is really annoying some people no matter if you posted it in intention to contribute to the topic; it is not contributing. The forums are very lenient but there's just gotta be some rules.

If you have a response to me, send me a PM, so we don't clog the topic further.
7.0 means the album is good
16.01.2012 - 10:20
Angelic Storm
Written by Milena on 16.01.2012 at 09:35
Anyway, I'm sorry if this is rude, you probably had no mean intention posting your first post here but it's just that I'm getting to you before mods get to you, and that behavior is really annoying some people no matter if you posted it in intention to contribute to the topic; it is not contributing.

I have raised the issue of trolling on these forums a few times recently, (and I know I'm not the only one who has done so) and how annoying it is. But it seems like the issue isn't being dealt with, or taken seriously. And is just accepted now as normal forum behaviour. And the mods don't seem to be doing anything about it at all.
16.01.2012 - 10:25
Troy Killjoy
Last warning. Keep it on topic, if you want to complain about trolling, PM a Moderator.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
16.01.2012 - 12:43
Written by Angelic Storm on 16.01.2012 at 10:20

I have raised the issue of trolling on these forums a few times recently, (and I know I'm not the only one who has done so) and how annoying it is. But it seems like the issue isn't being dealt with, or taken seriously. And is just accepted now as normal forum behaviour. And the mods don't seem to be doing anything about it at all.

Constantly whining about trolling is a lot more annoying than trolling itself, tbh. :/
16.01.2012 - 12:56
Angelic Storm
Written by Slayer666 on 16.01.2012 at 12:43
Constantly whining about trolling is a lot more annoying than trolling itself, tbh. :/

I'll probably be banned if I respond to this properly, (as I was told to stay on topic) so I'll just say, stay on topic please.
17.01.2012 - 04:05
Well, Fear Of The Dark is the album that got me into Iron Maiden, also the first songs I heard from iron maiden are from "FOTD". Maybe that's why I love this album so much. Not that the other albuns have low quality for me, I like them all, but this album has something "different" (Fear Is The Key). Oh, I don't even know what I am talking! I mean, The Number Of The Beast is too overrated!

Ah...I understand. The first album that gets you into a band can imprint deeply. I feel the same way about Piece of Mind and Powerslave...I got them within a week or two of each other and listened to them nonstop. I eventually collected the first three albums...within a few months, but those two albums are still my favorites.
"Bullshit! You didn't convince me!"
17.01.2012 - 08:41
The Ancient One
Hi. keep it on topic. i have no problem just wiping out posts.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
17.01.2012 - 09:14
Must. Resist. Urge. To. Continue. Argument.

Personally, the only full albums I consider boring by Maiden are the 90's ones with Blaze. Other than that, yeah, there's tons of random songs throughout their discography that I consider boring. Sign of the Cross probably takes the cake as their most boring song for me.
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

17.01.2012 - 10:16
The Turbanator
Boring songs from Iron Maiden? BORING SONGS? Dude....

their whole discography is boring!
In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
17.01.2012 - 10:54
China was a neat
I find 22 acacia avenue boring in Number of the beast as its the only record of IM i've heard fully.
17.01.2012 - 10:56
Written by The Turbanator on 17.01.2012 at 10:16

Boring songs from Iron Maiden? BORING SONGS? Dude....

their whole discography is boring!

There are few times I will say that someone's opinion is wrong. One of those times is if someone tries to tell me that the ending to Fight Club was stupid. This is another one of those times.

Your opinion is wrong.
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

17.01.2012 - 17:01
Troy Killjoy
22 Acacia Avenue boring? That's a new one.

Although I personally enjoy the Dark Tranquillity cover by far.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
17.01.2012 - 21:39
Nemo Atkins
I personally find much of The Final Frontier dull, as I find that most of the songs are far too long (generally, anything seven minutes long or will be skipped by me unless made up of movements or particularly epic. Yeah, I'm not a prog fan). It's kinda like Death Magnetic to me: if the songs were all trimmed down a bit, it would have been closer to the classics, but, as it is, it becomes a bit of a test of will and, sadly, one which I tend to lose. Everything else I have by them needs more listens to really be sure about.
18.01.2012 - 00:07
Written by Nemo Atkins on 17.01.2012 at 21:39

anything seven minutes long or will be skipped by me unless made up of movements or particularly epic. Yeah, I'm not a prog fan).

Why do people automatically establish a link between enjoying long songs and being a prog fan?

I'm the living proof that this association is flawed. I'm a huge fan of long songs. I already mentioned on this forum that my favorite songs out of an album are usually the longest ones. Yet, I'm no prog fan at all. I don't listen to a single prog band, unless we label 70s and 80s Rush as prog. Honestly, prog bores the hell out of me. Still, I'm a huge fan of long songs.
Black Metal is a genre in which very long songs are quite common and you can also find long songs in traditional Heavy Metal, Powermetal, old school Death Metal, Doom Metal, etc...
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
18.01.2012 - 00:59
Troy Killjoy
Written by RavenKing on 18.01.2012 at 00:07
Why do people automatically establish a link between enjoying long songs and being a prog fan?

Seriously. Black and doom have their fair share of 10+ minute songs. Hell, even Vektor's latest had a 10 minute song.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
18.01.2012 - 06:10
Nemo Atkins
Written by RavenKing on 18.01.2012 at 00:07

Written by Nemo Atkins on 17.01.2012 at 21:39

anything seven minutes long or will be skipped by me unless made up of movements or particularly epic. Yeah, I'm not a prog fan).

Why do people automatically establish a link between enjoying long songs and being a prog fan?

I'm the living proof that this association is flawed. I'm a huge fan of long songs. I already mentioned on this forum that my favorite songs out of an album are usually the longest ones. Yet, I'm no prog fan at all. I don't listen to a single prog band, unless we label 70s and 80s Rush as prog. Honestly, prog bores the hell out of me. Still, I'm a huge fan of long songs.
Black Metal is a genre in which very long songs are quite common and you can also find long songs in traditional Heavy Metal, Powermetal, old school Death Metal, Doom Metal, etc...

Can't really argue about the long songs in traditional Heavy Metal and Power Metal (I'll admit I have no knowledge of the other genres you mentioned): on my computer is Avantasia's song "Seven Angels", which is about 14 minutes long and Iron Maiden's "When The Wild Wind Blows", which is 11 minutes. However, I wasn't trying to imply that all long songs are prog songs: I was just saying that, when songs get over seven minutes, I need a good reason to give it repeated listens and prog, which is usually the reason you get long songs apart from being in movements ("The Poet And The Pendulum") or so epic that you don't realize how long it is when listening ("Seven Angels"), is not one that I can deal with.

Like you, I tend to get bored of prog pretty quickly: a guitarist is within his/her right to play 250 notes and 10 riffs a minute if they want, but, if it is intended for general release, it should be remembered that someone has to listen to it and, if it sounds crap, it won't matter how many riffs there are and how many notes can be played in a minute, people won't like it. One major offender of this I can think of is DragonForce, who seem to think that playing faster than Slayer makes them better than them, ironically missing the fact that playing as fast as they do removes any emotional impact their songs could have had, which makes their albums major snoozefests.

Anyway, let's get back on topic: for me, The Final Frontier would have been a lot better if the songs were trimmed down by a couple of minutes, as most of them outstay their welcome far too many times for me to really enjoy them. (Sorry if this comes across as a angry rant, it's about ten past four in the morning where I am and I've not been able to sleep.)
25.01.2012 - 04:56
Free as a.. Fish
Back in the Village is one that I've always found to be boring. Their worst song up to that point, and the chorus is annoying as hell.
25.01.2012 - 06:42
Oddly enough, I find the bass overpowering on the Powerslave album, and where the bass is the least pre-dominant is what I like. Tracks 3-6 on that album are actually my preferred songs on that album, though I can still appreciate parts of aces high and 11:58
'You're short, you're fat, and even for a film critic you are ugly.' - The Critic
27.01.2012 - 07:10
Written by Azarath on 25.01.2012 at 04:56

Back in the Village is one that I've always found to be boring. Their worst song up to that point, and the chorus is annoying as hell.

i agree with this 100 percent
top 5 albums of 2012 so far.

1. wintersun- time I
2. woods of ypres- woods V grey skies and electric light
3. agalloch- faustian echoes EP
4. the slow death- II
5. kreator- phantom antichrist
29.01.2012 - 14:21
Written by 3rdWorld on 17.01.2012 at 10:54

I find 22 acacia avenue boring in Number of the beast as its the only record of IM i've heard fully.

Totally agree. The song itself isn't too bad but I just found the lyrics so cheesy and bleh.

I like Back In The Village for the first 2-3 minutes but I think it goes on for a bit long. There's only so many times I can listen to "I'm baaaaaacckkkkkk in the viiiillage again in the viiiillllaaaaaaggggee bacckk in the viilllaaaggeee" before I want to change song.
02.10.2012 - 11:06
Secundum Filium
For me, I would say that "Angel and The Gambler" is the most boring song in the entire Iron Maiden song book. "Don't ya think I can save yer life"... blah blah blah. Nothing against Blaze Bayley (I think he's great), its just that I feel Steve may have snoozed a little and accidentally wrote this song twice as long than it should have been.
Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).
02.10.2012 - 12:43
gloom cookie
Written by CobiWan1993 on 02.10.2012 at 11:06

I feel Steve may have snoozed a little and accidentally wrote this song twice as long than it should have been.

That is the only logical explanation really.
7.0 means the album is good
02.10.2012 - 12:55
Written by Milena on 02.10.2012 at 12:43

Written by CobiWan1993 on 02.10.2012 at 11:06

I feel Steve may have snoozed a little and accidentally wrote this song twice as long than it should have been.

That is the only logical explanation really.

This song is incredibly stretched, even the best quality condoms don't stretch that much But I don't think he fell asleep. He probably was learning ProTools and copied/pasted some parts too many times
02.10.2012 - 15:55
Heaven Knight
Written by The Turbanator on 17.01.2012 at 10:16

their whole discography is boring!

watch out, we got a badass over here!
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

02.10.2012 - 16:46
gloom cookie
Written by Daniell on 02.10.2012 at 12:55

This song is incredibly stretched, even the best quality condoms don't stretch that much But I don't think he fell asleep. He probably was learning ProTools and copied/pasted some parts too many times

Maybe it was a combination of both, like falling asleep while holding the click, and then this:

Blaze: "Yo dude, how much longer will I be repeating the line, this is really taking a while!"
Steve: "What? It's supposed to be like that. Seriously, just go through it. Gosh you're such a big baby."
Blaze: *does the 74757575 lines*
Steve: *snooze*
Blaze: So is this good?
Steve: *wakes up* oh yeah, yeah, it's fine dude.
7.0 means the album is good
02.10.2012 - 17:32
Secundum Filium
Written by Milena on 02.10.2012 at 16:46

Written by Daniell on 02.10.2012 at 12:55

This song is incredibly stretched, even the best quality condoms don't stretch that much But I don't think he fell asleep. He probably was learning ProTools and copied/pasted some parts too many times

Maybe it was a combination of both, like falling asleep while holding the click, and then this:

Blaze: "Yo dude, how much longer will I be repeating the line, this is really taking a while!"
Steve: "What? It's supposed to be like that. Seriously, just go through it. Gosh you're such a big baby."
Blaze: *does the 74757575 lines*
Steve: *snooze*
Blaze: So is this good?
Steve: *wakes up* oh yeah, yeah, it's fine dude.

That sounds about right.
Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).
02.10.2012 - 17:52
Secundum Filium
I personally think they should have made "Angel and the Gambler" the same length as its music video. Much more reasonable I think.
Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).