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New Album Recommendations 2019

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Posted by 3rdWorld, 14.11.2018 - 08:36
Recommend metal albums from 2019.

Dissonant black death from Denver, Colorado.


31.05.2019 - 16:18
Written by tominator on 31.05.2019 at 15:39

Oh god, I must have missed that post then. Completely my bad. You're right now it's even more unexplainable as to why I didn't know tthem before.

Well it was a while ago now, so easily forgotten and missed. I particularly like the artwork too, seems like an interesting twist on a more classical style.
31.05.2019 - 17:11
At best deranged
Written by Mercurial on 31.05.2019 at 16:18

Well it was a while ago now, so easily forgotten and missed. I particularly like the artwork too, seems like an interesting twist on a more classical style.

Well I normally try to keep up by adding albums that get posted in this thread in a "To listen to" list. The ones that look interesting to me (whether genre or cover art,...). I think the problem is that I also have a list with albums that haven't been posted on this thread yet. Ones that I found myself and still need to listen to. Essentially to avoid placing the same album multiple times in this thread. But seems like it's not a flawless system.

So basically either I looked over it (which suprises me because of the cover art) or I accidently added it to the other list of albums I needed to listen to. I'm probably just making things too complicated for myself.

I agree about the artwork it's a very nice twist on a classical painting style.
31.05.2019 - 20:39
Written by tominator on 31.05.2019 at 17:11

Well I normally try to keep up by adding albums that get posted in this thread in a "To listen to" list. The ones that look interesting to me (whether genre or cover art,...). I think the problem is that I also have a list with albums that haven't been posted on this thread yet. Ones that I found myself and still need to listen to. Essentially to avoid placing the same album multiple times in this thread. But seems like it's not a flawless system.

So basically either I looked over it (which suprises me because of the cover art) or I accidently added it to the other list of albums I needed to listen to. I'm probably just making things too complicated for myself.

I agree about the artwork it's a very nice twist on a classical painting style.

I have a similar sort of system. This page is basically a dumping ground for stuff I think I might like but haven't necessarily listened to yet. Either that or have tabs open, but they often get lost. I think I'm starting to forget old albums I like even exist now, but that could be because I'm getting old. But yeah, I've never found a perfect system to remember everything I need to listen to lel
31.05.2019 - 23:25
Not sure if this was posted here, It's very some very melodic (and maybe medieval?) black metal from France. Might be among my favorites from this month.

04.06.2019 - 11:05
Black and White edition:

Japanese always make good grind.


Disrotted conjure two, very long sludge-drone songs. Nasty great.


Despite the album being called The Sacred Dissonance, this isn't very dissonant. Some sort of instrumental doom / post-metal hybrid. Fuzzy and moody.


And Pound are back, with more wacky, avant-garde tech grind / djent that's reminiscent of PSUDOKU.


No One's suggestion is some absolutely vicious, dissonant black / death metal that should be a pleasant challenge to listen to in one go.

04.06.2019 - 13:26
At best deranged
Written by tominator on 31.05.2019 at 02:52

I think I've found a contender for best album on my end of the year list!

Might have to reconsider that statement... Listened to 2 albums yesterday. 1 had a horrible production (vocals were too high in the mix, drums sounded like someone hits cardboard on top of paint cans, guitars sounded too weak, etc.) which completely ruined a possibly solid record because the singer was really good.

However then I came across this:
Thrash metal with power metal and heavy metal touches from the USA. 1 vocalist going from heavy metal screams to deep growls and doing some power metal clean vocals inbetween. Excellent guitar, bass and drumwork. Great riffs throughout the whole record. Relentless and intense work they delivered here. It's their debut and damn this is impressive work if you ask me. This and the My Diligence record are now fighting for the top spot so far.

06.06.2019 - 23:54
Everyone's gonna be busy listening to the new Wormskaphe, but Cvlt Nation just highlighted two seriously great sounding records.

The first is rather Mike Patton-ish sounding avant-garde / industrial sludge thing.

All You Know Is Hell

The second might end up being one of Iron Bonehead's best sounding records in a while. Some kind of amazingly produced black metal (ish) that has a melodic, melancholic vibe to it. IDK, just sounds awesome to me. Highly emotive, especially the ending of the track.

And yet more Mystiskaos, Icelandic goodness today. Sounds like Icelandic Xasthur.


Also an interesting day for the ever increasingly elusive Ajna Offensive, who've put out the likes of Volahn, Reverorum ib Malacht, Ofermod, Teitanblood etc. This record is some kind of lo-fi, ritualistic exploration of psyched out sonic sounds that seem to sway from genre to genre. Quite interesting from skimming it. If you need to be sold on it, Angry Metal Guy gave it 0.5 / 5.

(Full thing)
09.06.2019 - 11:24
Account deleted
Written by Mercurial on 06.06.2019 at 23:54

The second might end up being one of Iron Bonehead's best sounding records in a while. Some kind of amazingly produced black metal (ish) that has a melodic, melancholic vibe to it. IDK, just sounds awesome to me. Highly emotive, especially the ending of the track.

Lots of maybe good stuff coming first days in july. The demo and ep was a bit catchier but I have high hopes for this, awesome art as usual.
09.06.2019 - 14:15
Written by [user id=173045] on 09.06.2019 at 11:24

Lots of maybe good stuff coming first days in july. The demo and ep was a bit catchier but I have high hopes for this, awesome art as usual.

I briefly tried one of their previous records, it seemed a lot rougher but might be worth some time.
09.06.2019 - 23:13
Account deleted
Written by Mercurial on 04.06.2019 at 11:05

Disrotted conjure two, very long sludge-drone songs. Nasty great.


I had that on my list a couple of weeks but I didnt feel rewarded by it, its quite dense but imo it lacks something. Then again thats what I thought last year with COO too. With the lack of obvious good extreme doom I might have to come back to this at some point. Good that you liked it
10.06.2019 - 00:00
Written by [user id=173045] on 09.06.2019 at 23:13

I had that on my list a couple of weeks but I didnt feel rewarded by it, its quite dense but imo it lacks something. Then again thats what I thought last year with COO too. With the lack of obvious good extreme doom I might have to come back to this at some point. Good that you liked it

Well I only skimmed it really for a bit, just to figure out the sound. There does seem to be lack of super sludge atm so might be good enough until the next best thing comes along.
10.06.2019 - 23:17
If older Benighted went more tech-death, it might sound something like this.


Pinkish Black seem to keep getting better and better. Space-y, psychedelic and synth-soaked experimental rock, with some superb vocals.

Pinkish Black

And Ripped To Shreds grace us with a new EP. Really liked their previous album, quality OSDM, with a hint of Entombed to it.

Ripped To Shreds

Quite rather interesting black metal. Sounds gritty, but also not really. Modern in a weird sort of way.

Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze
11.06.2019 - 23:01
New Wolok is pretty fucking weird. Some kind of avant-garde black I guess, with extra oddness.


Only 15 minutes of music, but this is some pretty stellar (in both senses of the word) deathy black metal.


Also a new Tau Cross song. Riotously and chunky fun punk-metal.

Tau Cross

Rather great atmospheric sludge. Has all the key ingredients of the genre, but these guys seem to ramp it up to 11 with heightened energy and atonal sounds.

Ire Wolves
14.06.2019 - 22:19
This album came out today! One of the better albums this year.

Spotify: 2019 - New Releases [Metal][/url]
17.06.2019 - 13:59
Actually some pretty good, moody but dissonant black / death metal.

(Full thing here)

Second album from these guys. This one being a single 45 minute track. Kinda like a slightly noisier, more psychedelic Darkspace. It's good anyway.

Starless Domain
19.06.2019 - 12:51
Very nice, satisfying Lovercaft-themed Finnish black metal, with a vaguely death-ish edge. No mad musicianship or ballsy dissonance here, but fairly mid-paced with a nice atmosphere and attentiveness to sound.

Pnakotic Vision

Only one song from this but it sounds great. They describe themselves as "experimental sludge / doom" but this track seems more like an atmospheric / post / black band that segues into some kind of sludge. Guessing that the rest of the album will explore this in depth.


Raw, perhaps slightly experimental USBM. Didn't sound amazing from skimming, but on proper listens it's dynamic and explorative with nice use of floating leads and hellish vocals. Very good.


I'm not sure I've ever heard a bad prog / psyche rock album. They always seem to be good. Pretty much only posting the ones with the best artwork now (and they usually tend to have nice art anyway). This one is a bit more chill than the average.


Wobbly as fuck, kind of retro black thrash with a gothic vibe. Interesting and kind of fun.

21.06.2019 - 00:44
This isn't very intense.

24.06.2019 - 15:51
At best deranged
Some very solid doom/stoner metal from the UK

Another doom/stoner record that I liked. This one comes from Costa Rica.

And this psychedelic stoner album from Romania with lots of groovy elements to it.
26.06.2019 - 17:35
Pretty sick death / doom type thing. Something about it sounds a bit "off" but kind of makes it more interesting that way.


Nice black metal from the UK. Nothing out of the ordinary but they have a good ambient-like approach to the classic formula.

Lamp of Murmuur

And a new Black Cilice track.

26.06.2019 - 20:14
Massive Slavery - Global enslavement

Modern death metal from Canada.
28.06.2019 - 10:06
I like this: some kind of gritty, classic sludge with an unhinged, slightly Tom G. Warrior-esque vocalist.

High Priest

German black metal that sounds typically German, i.e. it has very shrieky vocals.


Thought this would have been shared already as it's doing the rounds, but seems not. Death metal + hardcore hybrid. Not the best of its type this year but solid nonetheless, and has nice art (though too similar to the upcoming False a bit).

Fuming Mouth

And a one-long-song release that exhibits a raw, slightly avant-gardy black metal style. The artist has a few more releases in the same format this year too.

De Douăsprezece Statui ale Stărilor de Umbră ale Sufletului
28.06.2019 - 16:44
Written by tominator on 04.06.2019 at 13:26

However then I came across this:
Thrash metal with power metal and heavy metal touches from the USA. 1 vocalist going from heavy metal screams to deep growls and doing some power metal clean vocals inbetween. Excellent guitar, bass and drumwork. Great riffs throughout the whole record. Relentless and intense work they delivered here. It's their debut and damn this is impressive work if you ask me. This and the My Diligence record are now fighting for the top spot so far.

Someone has been paying close attention to the AMG reviews! This and Idle Hands were their RotM. Neither did it for me but horses for courses and all that.

My favourites from May were probably Possessed, Darkthrone and Bewitcher.
01.07.2019 - 22:13
At best deranged
Written by gavdann on 28.06.2019 at 16:44

Someone has been paying close attention to the AMG reviews! This and Idle Hands were their RotM. Neither did it for me but horses for courses and all that.

My favourites from May were probably Possessed, Darkthrone and Bewitcher.

Haha, yes that's accurate in the case of the Paladin record. The Idle Hands one I discovered myself (by accident) before I saw the review from AMG.

AMG is a great source for finding some good albums, hence why I check the website from time to time.

I still need to listen to the Darkthrone and Bewitcher albums (have been pretty busy recently so haven't been able to listen to a lot of records).
02.07.2019 - 12:07
Jumbled drivel is the new kvlt.

Templum Anima Morti

03.07.2019 - 13:13
Feel like this was probably shared somewhere but can't find it. Icelandic black metal, but this time raw and psychedelic. Quite good.


The most bleak doom. Empty sounds of death.

Burial Fog
05.07.2019 - 14:00
Murky, raw and dissonant cavernous black metal. One 25 minute long song. Nice.


Very solid German black metal. Not as gritty as the artwork might suggest, but frenetic and riffy with good sound.


First song out from the new Tenebrae in Perpetuum. They never struck me as a very Debemur Morti band but they're on that label, so there you go. Pretty classic black metal.

Tenebrae in Perpetuum
07.07.2019 - 14:25
Echo! (echo echo echo...)

Super sick cavernous nasty death from Japan. Only 2 songs totalling 16 minutes but damn they're good sounding songs, possible even microtonal elements used. Some of the best I've heard this year.

Mortal Incarnation

Slightly Meshuggary progressive metalcore. The vocals are very metalcore though so you were warned.

I Have No Eyes

Sharing this again as it's quality, weird and challenging experimental doom from Russia.

I always kinda liked Posthum. Nothing outrageous but solid prog-ish black.

07.07.2019 - 18:37
Stamp Tramp
Our roundup of the year so far. Promise not to post again until December.
Daily underground metal recommendations at Metal Trenches.
Watch metal content on the Metal Trenches YouTube Channel.
08.07.2019 - 12:50
Excellent modern black metal from Ukraine. Has those technical Slowspell Omega moments, but atmospherically more varied with some minor blackened death smatterings. Very well rounded and realised album.

Temple Of Nihil

All-women black metal from the Netherlands. I like the artwork more than the song they released but if you want solid, straight up black metal you could do worse.

10.07.2019 - 13:11
Satisfyingly rich sounding black metal.


Atmos / post-black that I really quite dig.


Yet more black metal, from Chile. Has a non-overbearing noisy element to them, whilst also being a tad melancholic. Good anyway.


Absolutely top-tier modern, extreme (ish) prog from WAIT featuring Anup Sastry on drums.
