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A Multi-Author MS Story

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Original post

Posted by Elijah, 18.06.2006 - 15:52
This idea may have been mentioned before and shot down. If so, feel free to lock, Mods.

Lately, I've been wanting to write something of significance, but all I seem to get is bits and pieces out before I lose interest. Then, I thought of this idea, perhaps as a way to get me going again. A story which anyone from MetalStorm(after creating a roster of who wants to participate so shit doesn't get messed up, of course) can join in on and write a block for. A story that isn't necessarily a constantly funny one, or sad one, or any in between.

Think of it as a roleplay, kind of, except that the writers all write about the one character. No main plot, just bits and pieces about the character's adventures/doings/whatever. I think it would be a nice way to showcase the writing talent of this site. Of course, it could be a major flop, but I reckon it would be fun regardless of how the actual story turns out.

Anyone else think this is an interesting idea, or am I speaking to an empty audience? I'd rather some feedback from people before I post anything.
14.07.2006 - 02:36
Dance, bitch!
Here's my intro, folks.


The fan creaked as it struggled to rotate. It was a really annoying sound. Grunting, he walked over and turned the fan off.

"'Highest setting' my arse," he muttered, sitting back down at his rickety desk. The stink of old cigarettes filled his nostrils as he stared at the piece of paper which lay on the soda stained wood. As he stuck another smoke in his mouth and sparked his lighter, he read over what he'd written.

"Space flight. At the moment, space flight is only a dream of civilians, who long to revel in the wake of a star. We struggle to get a rocket off of the ground to send a probe off into the far corners of the solar system. But, I have pondered for some time on a rhetorical question. If humanity had developed into an avian race, would space flight be a reality instead of test runs and probe launches?"

Sucking on the filter, he picked up his pen, twirling it between his fingers. He'd gotten that far, and now he had come up against the impassive wall of writer's block. As much as he shouted, screamed and cursed at it, the wall wouldn't move. Exhaling plumes of smoke from his nose, he put the pen back down and got to his feet yet again. Moving to the window, he gazed out over the slumbering town. Here and there, streetlights flickered in what he thought of as agony. Music drifted on night's breath, coming from one of many clubs still open at two in the morning. Opening the window, he flicked ash out onto the street below as the music got louder.

"Why am I even writing this? It's not like I'm ever going to publish it." As he once more drew the concoction of narcotics into his lungs, he laughed mentally at himself. Oh, the poor writer's woe. Listen to him moan about his work. Breathing out another thick cloud of smoke, he tossed the still burning thing out of the window, letting it fall amongst the thousands of other cigarettes which mantled the streets.

Rubbing his thumb along his nose, he went back to his pointless battle against the wall in his mind, his face set into a scowl as the hours drifted by without being marked by the touch of pen against paper.
22.07.2006 - 12:18
Retired Staff
Endless planes. A bloodred sky. Wind cold as death. The nearby Howl of wolves. And him in the middle of it all. He sensed an evil presence, it was approaching from the east, or was it the east? A small check on his compass did only assure him that it didnt work anymore, the pin spinning uncontrolably, leaving him without means of knowing where he was, or how to get back.
Suddenly he became aware of a black cloud coming from the direction of the evil presence, he tried to run, but in vain, the cloud raced across the barren stone, coming closer by the second.
As it came closer he could recognize thousands of eyes, varying in size in the black cloud, and a huge opening gaping in it, as a mouth wanting to devour him.
He tried to run faster but the cloud was only a few meters behind him now, it's "mouth" widened even more...

Bathed in sweat, Rick awoke from his restless sleep. This was the fourth dream in a row in which he got taunted by horrors previously unknown to him, but like the other three he found the monster in some book about mythology or books about old demons later on.
How could this be, that he dreamed of an old indian demon he had never before heard about? That he could clearly see gigantic sea monsters described accurately in books of folklore from Japan? That he saw horrors who were being described by russian storytellers a few hundred years ago?'
He had never had a particular interest in such nonsense, and he knew just about nothing about them, yet he was seeing them clearly in his dreams.
After searching for black clouds with countless eyes and an incredible moving speed he found out that it was described in an old poem written by a poet on his vacation in India, he disappeared a week later and was never found again.

The poem went like this:
It storms across barren rocks,
With countless eyes and countless looks,
The sky above it, coloured red,
A huge mouth gaping in it's head,
Beware of this menace black,
Leaving no witnesses in it's track.

Rick shuddered, remembering the vacation trip to India he was leaving to tomorrow, yet it was only an old poem, what was there to worry about?
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
22.07.2006 - 12:22
Valentin B
i like this one
11.08.2006 - 17:52
people... get moving!

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
12.08.2006 - 01:03
Dance, bitch!
I'm going to give this until Tuesday next week. If we don't get at least four more intros that people want to use, then I'll scrap it and lock this thread.
12.08.2006 - 23:57
harsh, but i guess thats the only way for it to work...

or wait, even if we dont get 4 more intros, why dont we just take the intros we have by tuesday, make a poll based on them, and then make a seperate trhead to see who wants in and who wants out?

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
13.08.2006 - 13:22
Dance, bitch!
Hrm.. that's an idea. I'll answer it all on Tuesday. Give me a couple of days to think it over.
13.08.2006 - 23:59
ahh, your sig and avatar are so trippy! its like i'm high without the leafs :O

and yeah, take your time to think it over

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
16.08.2006 - 00:46
Dance, bitch!
I'm a day late(I lost track of days, haha), but my decision is to scrap this idea. Maybe down the track someone can bring it to light again, but due to lack of response, I'll close it down. Sorry to the few who put forward an intro.
16.08.2006 - 15:26
Valentin B
i's gone cold...:(
16.08.2006 - 16:13
Retired Staff
a shame, and i was actually really looking forwards to this...
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
17.08.2006 - 03:33
Written by Bas on 16.08.2006 at 16:13

a shame, and i was actually really looking forwards to this...

i hear you on that man. shame. but oh well, shit happens

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde