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Posted by totaliteraliter, 04.09.2008 - 20:28

I was recently surprised to see this popular website described as "ultra elitist" and the review system criticized for some rather odd reasons. I'm sure most are familiar with the site.

"Elitist" gets thrown around negatively a lot, and I don't quite see how the site qualifies as being this (in any negative way). I suppose this stems from the nature of discourse surrounding the site - intelligent arguments are given more weight than popular opinion in many cases. I suppose this could alienate some but it is this attitude that has made the site the success it is today.

They also seem to have a big advantage over other sites in the review department: they aren't a webzine, they don't advertise labels, they aren't in the business of promoting bands or metal in general. So all opinions are welcome (as long as the review meets a certain minimal standard of written quality).

Plenty of room for improvement of course...


Written by [user id=4365] on 04.09.2008 at 02:28
Calm down, stop being so sensitive and making baseless accusations and whining about freedom of speech. You're taking my words way too seriously. I'm not talking about restricting opinions at all, just the manner in which they are presented - the standard of quality you just mentioned and what I keep having to repeat.

If that's what you're talking about why did you bring up the number of x% scores a certain reviewer had given out? What does that have to do with quality? Show me some examples of this shoddy quality you're talking about (I'm really just trying to see your point of view, but so far it seems your main complaint is that there are too many negative reviews).

Written by [user id=4365] on 04.09.2008 at 02:28
All you've done is bleat on about MA's golden rules, which you clearly have a major hard-on for, you've given no evidence whatsoever that the website offers any kind of consistent level of quality in its reviews, instead repeatedly misunderstood what I've been saying. I don't think adjusting a few guidelines here and there amount to an attack on people's freedom btw and my argument about the idea over using 0 and 10 to quantify an album is a pretty solid view as far as I'm concerned.

It's not solid, it's arbitrary and useless. You're asking the mods to reject certain opinions:

Mod: "What do you think of this album?"
Reviewer: "It's awful, I gave it 0%"
Mod: "Wrong!!! Review rejected."

This is the sort of insanity I am extrapolating from your viewpoint. If I have been unfair please clarify, but I cannot under any circumstances understand how limiting user opinions would improve the site.

Written by [user id=4365] on 04.09.2008 at 02:28
Anyway I really don't care enough about MA to warrant any further imput on this subject, especially when you're so blindly adamant about its superiority despite the blatant lack of quality all over the site, not to mention your flair for the dramatic. Maybe you should start a thread on it yourself seeing as this was a thread about Earth. Before you do I strongly suggest you take a stroll through some of the reviews on there and see for yourself what I'm talking about, unless of course you work for them which would explain your fanboyish attitude toward MA.

Again, an example of the sort of review you're talking about would help. Sure there are poor reviews on the site, but there are poor reviews on every metal site. It's the freedom of MA where all opinions are accepted that gives it an advantage over webzines that need advertising dollars.
02.06.2014 - 14:08
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by deadone on 02.06.2014 at 04:54

Written by psykometal on 02.06.2014 at 04:25

They are a database, therefore they attract a lot more contributing users, and they have much less stringent quality expectations/requirements. MS, however, is primarily a webzine with a forum, so we attract a lot more socialites than worker bees.

Fair enough.

By the way we need more articles. And maybe resurrrect those wierd blogs.

wrote you sone artickle

blogs are staff think, staff dont write much some dont even write concert reviews, when we had last DDD review ?
Only Birgit writes, we lost Europeain writers

about MA
BTW I have seebn many errors in MA, via official bio and like 5-10 times via PM band (small band not Slayer bussy type) and user confirmed its wrong x guy never was, x album never was IMO 2 bands even complained here on MS about x album never was out (listed in MA, used MA source and add)
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.06.2014 - 07:22
Written by ß on 04.09.2008 at 22:19

I browse this site quite a bit. I usually go on it to check out bands and have found quite a few good ones. But when it comes to the forum it's it hardly seems like a community. For me it seems like a very negative enviroment.

The biggest problem is the community, which is especially apparent on the forum. It's the absolute worst community I've ever tried being in, after getting a fight with a mod (over saying Deftones is clearly metal influenced and even if they don't meet the sites standards for metal they are the prime example of metalgaze which is neither blackgaze or post-metal (atmospheric sludge)) I left. This was after the mods had already locked every single thread where anyone asked or theorized on what makes something metal and called the person making those threads an idiot without actually making any meaningful discussion. As for the elitism, it mainly comes from their inane genre classifications where they make up genres to avoid calling things they don't like metal. I'm fine with them rejecting nu metal and whatnot, they are their own database and they have their own standards, but the problems is they are incosistent, often accepting non-metal bands as long as they have significant cred. I think the reviews are shit merely because the community has terrible tastes, but they are good for finding information on the bands they do have in their database.
29.08.2015 - 02:36
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Look at main page update there, seems they have bad English as well

Minor detail: "digipak" is the preferred spelling, NOT "digipack". Please try to stick to it. That is all.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
29.08.2015 - 04:19
no one
Account deleted
I think my musical tastes are more in common with MA, i'm actually more tolerant of the site these days
31.08.2015 - 22:21
no one
Account deleted
Written by Sang Dalang Abu on 31.08.2015 at 19:22

They even rejected my submitted band. And called it 'not METAL' enough.

annorkoth? wtf
31.08.2015 - 22:22
Wandering Midget
Written by Sang Dalang Abu on 31.08.2015 at 19:22

They even rejected my submitted band. And called it 'not METAL' enough.

I'm not taking any stance on Annorkoth, but the splitting hairs attitude of that site is about to turn it into Has-been Archives. I sometimes feel they refuse to accept metal music is evolving.