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Grand Illusions

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Posted by Mindheist, 29.06.2006 - 18:01
Have a look at this first pic, On the left is Dr Angry, and on the right is Mr Calm.Now stand up from your chair and back away from your computer screen, the effects will be visible at different distances and depends on your vision capacity but everyone of you should see the two characters swap!!
Okay,you should be afraid after seeing that, hè hè,a short explanation should be as follows:
When we look at something else, we can automatically see both of the fine and coarse detail...the distance takes a grand part on this illusion, when we are close, the fine detail dominate,but when we are further away, the coarse detail appear then we lose the fine details.As you can see Both of the faces you see above are hybrids and each face is actually a combination of two faces
12.07.2006 - 17:23
Account deleted
@ Danigar: Finally I get it!!!! you pervert!
@Icewings: I'm glad you like the page. That is what I'm studying now... really funny and cool
16.07.2006 - 13:14
No Longer Human
This time i'm gonna give you a very simple illusion that everyone of you see it each night.Well, i suppose you all know the Moon illusion, it's one of the most famous illusions.Don't you think that's impossible to see the full moon much larger than when it's overhead?.Yet the moon, a quarter of a million miles away from the earth, always maintain the same angle wherever it is in the sky, roughly 0.5 degrees.
19.07.2006 - 02:41
La Luna
@Alouqua : Yes my dear very fun fun great //I love learning about this stuff and I had so many nice things that I learn from my phychology class trully nice ... lol yeah isn't he ?

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
25.07.2006 - 02:48
Account deleted
Has anyone thought why the moon is red when it is rising? it is red because of earth's atmosphere,the only clour tha gets through is red, that's why we also have sunsets with red and orange colours in the sky
30.07.2006 - 20:36
Written by Mindheist on 29.06.2006 at 23:21

OKay,let me clarify a thing,you have to concentrate for about 30 sec on the four dots in the middle,then tilt your head back and close your eyes,you'll see a circle of light.

WTF??? I looked at the 4 dots for 30 secs and i didn't see any circle of light but now where ever i look i see the face of Jesus!! Is this what you meant by "circle of light" or have i just had a vision?
Procrastinate, NOW!
30.07.2006 - 21:30
No Longer Human
No, you must see a circle of light, you have just to look in the middle and precisely on the four dots...maybe you have not concentrated enough.
Note: it doesn't necessarly take 30 sec,it could be 33 sec or 28 matter the time,you'll see it.
18.12.2006 - 21:07
No Longer Human

A good trick to try on a group of drunken scientists!


Explain that just as a glass prism splits up the different colours of white light, when different coloured light passes through glass, it is also affected to an extent that depends on its colour.

Write the words CARBON DIOXIDE on a piece of paper, CARBON in red and DIOXIDE in blue. Put the paper close behind the stem of a wine glass, and look at the words through the stem. The red letters turn upside down, but the blue ones don't.

So is the glass affecting the red light more than the blue?


You weren't fooled, were you? This has nothing to do with the different colours of the words, or of red light being bent more or less than blue light.

The stem of the wine glass turns both words upside down, but because DIOXIDE is symmetrical about a horizontal line, you don't notice that it is upside down - it looks just the same either way.
25.03.2007 - 20:22
Baz Anderson
wow - I should have come in here a little earlier.. I just wrote an essay on illusions for my psychology in university..
they are always fascinating to look at though arent they

this is a site I used to see a bunch of illusions:
26.03.2007 - 14:04
No Longer Human
Written by Baz Anderson on 25.03.2007 at 20:22

wow - I should have come in here a little earlier.. I just wrote an essay on illusions for my psychology in university..
they are always fascinating to look at though arent they

this is a site I used to see a bunch of illusions:

Wow, the site is wonderful. Thank you so much. Have you ever heard of the dragon illusion? well, if not You can download a copy of the actual dragon and try this illusion for yourself if you wish. This is a PDF file. Right click to download the file. This is a 244k download. Once you have printed the dragon out (a colour printer is best since this is a colour image) then you can cut out the dragon, fold and stick it, and you will be able to see this fantastic illusion yourself. When you print the page out, you will see that the instructions for folding the dragon are included. Please follow these instructions exactly.
Have fun and don't get insane
26.03.2007 - 14:59
Baz Anderson
I will have a go with that if I have time.. I have downloaded the file ready
it looks like it could be interesting indeed, could be fun sticking it together too. haha
26.03.2007 - 21:28
No Longer Human
Written by Baz Anderson on 26.03.2007 at 14:59

I will have a go with that if I have time.. I have downloaded the file ready
it looks like it could be interesting indeed, could be fun sticking it together too. haha

Yeah why not . Also,Here you can download the video Baz.
27.03.2007 - 00:41
Baz Anderson
Written by Mindheist on 26.03.2007 at 21:28

Written by Baz Anderson on 26.03.2007 at 14:59

I will have a go with that if I have time.. I have downloaded the file ready
it looks like it could be interesting indeed, could be fun sticking it together too. haha

Yeah why not . Also,Here you can download the video Baz.

that video is cool!! I have got to make the dragon myself now.. haha
yeh, the hollow face illusions are kinda weird.. you've probably seen a mask of Charlie Chaplin rotating on the internet before as well, its quite bizarre
27.03.2007 - 09:04
No Longer Human
Sometimes I don't believe what I see. It's well-done anyway...
30.01.2008 - 06:35
speaking of illusions
can anyone do any magic tricks?
me, well i can do a few

30.01.2008 - 12:15
Valentin B
Written by Danigar on 29.06.2006 at 19:53

lol this sounds uber-weird, but after i look at the image for a time and then look at a wall and blink rapidly, i see a man who's some kind of cross between Jesus and Che Guevara... dont laugh...
30.01.2008 - 13:06
Lone wanderer
Damn, this thread is great, how could I miss it...
15.02.2008 - 00:07
Account deleted
Haha. I haven't seen that Carbon Dioxide one in a long time. It's pretty cool.
17.02.2008 - 08:06
Account deleted
Written by Valentin B on 30.01.2008 at 12:15

lol this sounds uber-weird, but after i look at the image for a time and then look at a wall and blink rapidly, i see a man who's some kind of cross between Jesus and Che Guevara... dont laugh...

Yeah, that is what you are supposed to see.
19.02.2008 - 15:09
Written by Mindheist on 26.03.2007 at 21:28

Written by Baz Anderson on 26.03.2007 at 14:59

I will have a go with that if I have time.. I have downloaded the file ready
it looks like it could be interesting indeed, could be fun sticking it together too. haha

Yeah why not . Also,Here you can download the video Baz.

Holy sh* that was amazing
14.07.2008 - 01:09
Account deleted
Written by Valentin B on 30.01.2008 at 12:15

Written by Danigar on 29.06.2006 at 19:53

lol this sounds uber-weird, but after i look at the image for a time and then look at a wall and blink rapidly, i see a man who's some kind of cross between Jesus and Che Guevara... dont laugh...

i will laugh cuz thats funny shit
when i see this illusion i see muhamed the arab prophet