Metal userbars
Original post
Posted by corrupt, 13.11.2008 - 03:01
I've been doing a few old-school web 2.0 userbars during my last exams period to kill some time when I was bored from learning. I never really meant for this to go anywhere but I had a lot of fun with it. And since I just discovered that I'd reached exactly 100 posts here on MS, I thought I might as well share them with you in my first thread here.
I've done most of the work in GIMP (since I'm a Linux guy) and used Photoshop for a few details and things I was too lazy to do in GIMP. The first one was the Nevermore bar in my sig, where I started trying to leave the classic slightly polished web 2.0 look behind to go for a look as if the bar was made of thick glass and had a real depth. I really liked the outcome so I did a few more, using mostly bands I was listening to at that time and in most cases my most favourite album by every particular band. If that cover didn't provide good results, I went looking for an album cover of that band that was more suited for this. As with Trail Of Tears.
Maybe one or two of you have use for these. I'm also open to criticism. But probably not to change what I've already posted here (except a few like Edguy, Hammerfall of Trail Of Tears that I'm not really pleased with), but to keep in mind for future work.
Update Aug. 19 2009
I proudly present: The signature 3-image generator script.
If you want more than one userbar but metalstorm only allows one image in your signature, go here and use the fancy little script I spit together to generate one image containing three userbars. (I will adapt it to also allow for only 2 soon).
Feedback highly appreciated. Especially if you find a combination of userbars that metalstorm won't accept because of it's filesize.
Update Aug. 28 2009
The script now allows for 2-userbar images by selecting "-none-" as third choice.
Update Dec. 12 2008
How to use:
Since people keep asking me how to put these images into their signatures, here's a little howto:
First download the image to your harddrive (screenshot taken using Firefox):
Then klick on 'Edit profile' in the top left corner of the Metalstorm page.
Where it says 'Signature image upload', put the url to your downloaded image into the textbox.
Then put the [image] tag somewhere into your signature. It will be replaced by the image as soon as your profile is shown to anyone.
Finally click 'submit' and check your signature in the Forum.
Request [user_id]1763[/user_id]:
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Suggestion [user_id]207[/user_id]:
Rework of a metalstorm bar I've seen on these forums:
Dedication to the MS Awards '08:
And while I was at it, one to the Awards '07:
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