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After Forever - Call It A Day

After Forever have posted the following statement:

"Dearest Fans,

After nearly 15 years and with heavy hearts, we have decided to call an end to a great and exciting time as After Forever. We are extremely proud of what we have accomplished, and especially of the road we took to get here. After Forever has never been a band that repeated itself; we always tried out new things, even though many of them were certainly done at a risk. We think that that has been one of the reasons we've always enjoyed enormous support from all our loyal fans.

The break we took in 2008 made us appreciate all the more what we'd experienced. Now more than ever, we can look back on so many fantastic moments, something we never would have expected to be part of when we started the band all those years ago.

However, that break also made us aware of the fact that we can only continue After Forever with the energy, the full 110%, that we have always put into it and we've noticed lately that there is something missing. We have always been musicians who create music with lots of passion, and during the break we built up our own lives again and have been musically active and experimenting in several genres.

Although After Forever is very special to us, we feel that we have reached the point where we need to explore the world of music in each of our own different ways. Thus, we've decided to quit while we're ahead. We are sincerely proud of every CD; each album represents a unique period, and all comes together in our last album "After Forever," which made all of our dreams possible. We hope After Forever will continue to be a source of inspiration for new bands and musicians alike so that our music can live on.

As band members, but also as friends, we've experienced so very much; highs and lows, good times and bad. We'll keep supporting each other in all of our various individual projects and continue inspiring one another in making music.

Our MySpace page will be used for updates on all of these projects and of course After Forever-related news, as well.

You can be sure that this is not an easy decision for any of us. We'd like to thank all of our fans for their support, also during the break.

We know that this will be a big disappointment to you, dear fans, and it makes it that much harder for us. You have always given us your all and it was our pledge, in turn, always to give at least as much back to you for as long as we exist. In this moment, that's unfortunately just not possible, so we'd rather leave you all the albums and gigs we achieved with maximum input. We'd also like to thank Nuclear Blast, TEG and MOJO for their patience and enthusiasm, the live crew, the fan club, the fan sites and everybody who's helped in every way possible.

We'll miss you all.

Most Sincerely,

Floor, Sander, Joost, Bas, Andre and Luuk
After Forever"

Band profile: After Forever
Posted: 05.02.2009 by Marcel Hubregtse

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06.02.2009 - 23:01
Underpaid M.D.
Written by Arian Totalis on 06.02.2009 at 18:36

Only the good die young

All the evil seem to live forever...

Very, very sad news, I'll miss them, they were an outstanding band, and Floor OMG! Well... everything has an end.
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
06.02.2009 - 23:37
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
All things in this universe are finite, and all must fade. Some merely sooner than others.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
07.02.2009 - 00:45
I wonder what Mark Jansen thinks about this...
07.02.2009 - 02:01
No way!!! terrible, just terrible news ...
they'll be missed ... i already miss them
sucky news, not the best way to start the year.
got no words to describe this ... this is just too much.
... let evil rise ...
07.02.2009 - 18:54
Floor, where will you go now???
I think Nightwish would be a good band for you.
08.02.2009 - 00:49
Written by darklos on 07.02.2009 at 18:54

Floor, where will you go now???
I think Nightwish would be a good band for you.

The biggest shit i ever heard...
the riddle wants to be...
08.02.2009 - 01:03
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk
To Mega Therion
Written by annodomini on 08.02.2009 at 00:49

Written by darklos on 07.02.2009 at 18:54

Floor, where will you go now???
I think Nightwish would be a good band for you.

The biggest shit i ever heard...

Sure it's nonsensical, but no need to be harsh

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink.
08.02.2009 - 02:23
*Holds gun to his own head*

Give me one reason why I shouldn't
But I Justify My Desire to No One
08.02.2009 - 06:29
This sucks!!! WHY??? Damn.... Well best of luck to them. I hope Floor goes on to start a better band. This one hurts.
08.02.2009 - 11:43
Written by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk on 08.02.2009 at 01:03

Written by annodomini on 08.02.2009 at 00:49

Written by darklos on 07.02.2009 at 18:54

Floor, where will you go now???
I think Nightwish would be a good band for you.

The biggest shit i ever heard...

Sure it's nonsensical, but no need to be harsh

Im still in mourning, so i am very sensible for such talks
the riddle wants to be...
08.02.2009 - 16:07
Dark Phoenix
Wow... that's bad. I'm gonna miss AF, it was a great band and I loved all their albums. I just hope Floor will continue in metal music, cause I am a huge fan of her and her singing...

Ah well....
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
08.02.2009 - 19:55
Written by annodomini on 08.02.2009 at 00:49

Written by darklos on 07.02.2009 at 18:54

Floor, where will you go now???
I think Nightwish would be a good band for you.

The biggest shit i ever heard...

What a f'ing shame:sleep:
08.02.2009 - 22:47
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by darklos on 05.02.2009 at 18:47


Hahaha that was going through my head when I read the link to this! Seriously, what the's already been said though...breaks are never a good thing because the members go off track from what they were doing and don't go happened to SOAD for example...they really were getting better...I don't think this is going to be permanent at all so I wouldn't worry lol...
08.02.2009 - 23:40
I like how peaceful the bands breakup is. normally breakups turn into ugly stuff like nightwish kicking tarja out.

but whatever, i'll sure keep up with the band members and see what they turn up next

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
09.02.2009 - 00:17
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk
To Mega Therion
Written by [user id=2084] on 08.02.2009 at 22:47

it happened to SOAD for example...they really were getting better...I don't think this is going to be permanent at all so I wouldn't worry lol...

SOAD was getting better? Hypnotize and Mesmerize were both utter crap, I don't see how's that an improvement.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink.
09.02.2009 - 01:11
Advice Troll
Call it what?
Bitch! Please
09.02.2009 - 01:42
That's too bad...
It was such a great band...
At least I had the chance to see them live once...
09.02.2009 - 03:08
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk on 09.02.2009 at 00:17

Written by [user id=2084] on 08.02.2009 at 22:47

it happened to SOAD for example...

After Forever really were getting better...I don't think this is going to be permanent at all so I wouldn't worry lol...

SOAD was getting better? Hypnotize and Mesmerize were both utter crap, I don't see how's that an improvement.

Those are two different thoughts...I should have positioned my wording like how I edited it in this post
09.02.2009 - 10:51
Account deleted
Whoa, bad bad news. AF is one ofe my favorite bands, and "After Forever" is a great album.
09.02.2009 - 19:42
12.02.2009 - 10:34
Sad indeed, but hey people change and fair enough to quit instead of trying to milk the cow

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
17.02.2009 - 14:48
Bad news ... i wait listening their individual projects
26.02.2009 - 09:52
OMG! just right when they were at the very top of the mountain, we'll miss AF.
02.03.2009 - 21:53
It wasn't really good news to hear but they do have good reasons for it. I'll really miss AF but they made a serious decision. 'After Forever' was a good album to end with. An end to a great musical period for them as a band:). And I really can't wait for their solo work/new work.
22.10.2009 - 22:18
Can't wait the solo project,

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