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Texas Brutaldeath recommendations

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05.08.2010 - 22:36
I've just started to get into Death Metal from Texas, and I love the Texas style growl. Anybody got any good TX Death Metal band recommendations?
05.08.2010 - 22:52
Whoever says Devourment or Cattle Decapitation is a nu metal, untr00 kiddie.
That is all. Anyway, try Exulcerate, Cephalotripsy and if you're REALLY, I mean REALLY desperate, try Diminished.
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06.08.2010 - 09:11
O boy. I love TXdm sooo much. Texas has some great brutal death and slam. Too many good bands to list all but i'll list a a few to get you started. WHen you say texas death do you mean only bands from texas that play brutal death and slam, or do you mean bands that play groove oriented and slamming brutal death with insane vocals? I am a DJ and know a shitload of bands so more description can help me expose you to what you are looking for precicesly. Anyway all the bands i'll share are good anyway so even if its not maybe you'll like some of them.

As mentioned by Vezzy, Devourment are awesome and helped pioneer the slamming brutal death metal, (slam death metal for short). Don't like unleash the carnivore(2000) but I would recommend molesting the decapitated and butcher the weak.

Cattle are a great band, but not texas death metal, not slam and although brutal, not necisarily "brutal death metal." My friends cattle are going on tour with them which should be an amazing tour. Funny cuz cattle just got back from euro tour today so I can't wait to hear some funny tour stories. Cephalotripsy, also from my hometown of san diego really take inhuman vocals and slamming to a new level. Angel and Forest from cephalotripsy are also in another San Diego Brutal death band called condemned. THey are more active now than cephalotripsy and should have a great new album out in a month or two.

As far as texas, off the top of my head here are some great bands:

Viral Load-Great Slamming Brutal death, written by 1 man band extraordinaire Sean WHitticker. He often plays live as a one man band with drum machine but sometimes with a full band. MOst albums were made entirely by Sean with the exception of the best of album Decades of Deepwoods debachery witch features re-recorded version of older songs with a real drummer and much improved sound quality. Sean is also the band Insidious Decrepancy. THey are insane too. Sarcolytic are another great texas band... THere are lots more but immma list some other similar bands from elsewhere.

Lots of great brutal death here in San Diego. Disgore are legendary and pioneered a unique style of technical brutal death with insane vocals and limited slamming compared to say devourment. GOrtuary, just coming out with a new album. Pathology featuring dave astor(ex locust, cattle decap) and matti way(ex disgorge).

Here are bands with some great fairly recent release you'd probably like.

Cerebral Effusion
Guttural Decay
Guttural Secrete(re-release)
Defeated Sanity
Inherit Disease
Artery Eruption
Inhuman DIssiliency
DOrmant Carnivore
Abominable Putridity
Cerebral Incubation
Human Rejection
Human Masticator
Human mincer
Short BUs Pileup
Septycal Gorge
Embryonic Depravity
vOMMIT the SOul
and the list goes on and on....

check out my blogspot for great death metal etc... my computer fried and I just got a new one so no updates in a bit but ill post new shit soon

O and I FOrgot, RUssia is a hotbed of SLamming Brutal death so check out this site and bands from russia...

HEre is my blog
09.08.2010 - 09:36
Lactation Cnslt
I think the term "brutal" is way overused in death metal. It seems like anything released nowadays that isn't old school-sounding is labeled as brutal death metal. Anyways, I'll suggest listening to Disfigured. Their new album is coming out soon, and the new songs sounded awesome live. Their previous album, Blistering of the Mouth, is good as well, blending old-school with modern day-sounding death metal. This band has a serious passion for death metal - I talk to them often and see how they support the local scene.

Their upcoming album has a different vocalist, who I think is much stronger. Check out the cover:

12.08.2010 - 00:13
I second that on Disfigured. Also try Exulcerate, Aversion to Life, Prophecy, Sect of Execration, and the early demos of Malthusia if you can find them.
12.08.2010 - 17:22
Account deleted
A 3rd for Disfigured. Don't be so close minded other bands to look up Hod, When Words Attack, Upon a Burning Body, The Sword, and the Destro are all good bands.
20.09.2010 - 15:56
Account deleted
Written by Dangerboner on 09.08.2010 at 09:36

I think the term "brutal" is way overused in death metal. It seems like anything released nowadays that isn't old school-sounding is labeled as brutal death metal. Anyways, I'll suggest listening to Disfigured. Their new album is coming out soon, and the new songs sounded awesome live. Their previous album, Blistering of the Mouth, is good as well, blending old-school with modern day-sounding death metal. This band has a serious passion for death metal - I talk to them often and see how they support the local scene.

Their upcoming album has a different vocalist, who I think is much stronger. Check out the cover:


Yeah Disfigured are awesome.
21.09.2011 - 23:46
A staff guy...
Here in Texas we have some great black metal bands too check out Absu, Aversed Sefira, Ninth Kingdom and Vesperian Sorrow. Some other good death metal that isn't necessarily brutal Acalvaria, FallacY, Consumned, Cosmic Atrophy, Venomous Supremacy, Of Raven & Ruins, Lao Tzu, Dead Trip...
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

10.03.2012 - 06:21
DJ Mythos
Acerbus might not qualify as 'brutal', but they are as spastic and extreme as a metal band can be, and deserve attention, especially the EP. Sadly, they are split up.
Vapour Bay Radio

Miasmic anti-modern metal.
12.07.2019 - 01:47
Viral Load, Infernal Dominion, Aversion to Life, and Sintury are my favorites. Viral Load is probably one of my favorite bands ever. All from Texas, all brutal as hell