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Which are the "basic" Doom albums?

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Posted by SlaytanicGonzo, 25.01.2011 - 10:01
I have listened to very little Doom, and would like to know more about it. Can you recommend me which are the best and "basic" Doom metal albums? Like Reign In Blood and Bonded By Blood are for thrash or Altars Of Madness and Legion are for death metal. Preferably with clean vocals.
I listened to Candlemass' Nightfall and Draconian's Arcane Rain Fell and love those albums. As well as Sabbath's old stuff (if that counts as Doom)
25.03.2014 - 14:42
Supreme being
For me, basic doom albums are:

Sleep - Sleeps Holy Mountain
Candlemass - Nightfall
St Vitus - Born Too Late
23.05.2014 - 17:53
Candlemass-Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Electric Wizard-Witchcult Today
08.06.2016 - 13:52
Account deleted
Bell Witch - Four Phantoms
Wolvserpent - Perigaea Antahkarana
Dark Buddha Rising - Dakhmandal

Dont start with old booring stuff, go for the avantgarde, then listen yourself backwards to find out their influences.