Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
yeh, I have heard the covers album now and I do quite like it after a few listens - there are a few great songs on there, but to be honest it is a pretty pointless album
I am looking forward to the next real full length Axel Rudi Pell album
White Winter Sun Laboratory's Rat ElitePosts: 2198  | has posted a new audio interview with Axel Rudi Pell in which he talks about his latest CD, "Diamonds Unlocked", his 20-year solo career, upcoming projects and much more. You can listen to it at this location.
Posts: 711  |
I just downloaded Mystica (though only a sample) and it sounds really awesome. I wish to get into Axel Rudy Pell. I'd ask for recommendations but i'll just try and get the albums mr Baz are good. I shall return.
Procrastinate, NOW!
White Winter Sun Laboratory's Rat ElitePosts: 2198  |
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
It's been a long, LONG time since I have listened to Axel Rudi Pell.
I've got a few seIect ballads on now, and I am wondering why I ever stopped listening to him.
Ag Fox Angel No More ElitePosts: 4774  |
Ag FoxAngel No MoreElitePosts: 4774 
After reading several reviews, I gave this band a shot and I really agree that this band plays some really quality music. We have great vocals and some really good guitar work. Now i've got 7 of their albums XD Personally, I like Mystica and Oceans Of Time the most.
loves 小巫
Stigmatized ..........
Posts: 3820  |
Just discovering this band, and "Oceans of Time" blows my mind. The music is has a simplistic (and complex) feel to it and the solos are great. The vocals are over-the-top, but in a good way.
Ag Fox Angel No More ElitePosts: 4774  |
Ag FoxAngel No MoreElitePosts: 4774 
The ballad "The Clown Is Dead" is probably one of the most effective metal ballads imo. i hear it in my mind all the time o.0
loves 小巫
Dark Blood The Avenger
Posts: 1435  |
I discovered them recently by stumbling in a Jeff's review here on MS. I got curious about his respect for the band so I bought the last album "The Crest" and I can see why he has such respect for them. I love the album, it has everything a heavy band should have: powerful and catchy vocals, and guitar riffs; awesome memorable guitar solos; nice keyboard atmosphere.
I'm surprised I didn't know them before. Maybe if I heard people talking I'd know them. Why there's so few people who know them? They deserve a better attention... I mean, a band so good with more than 20 years and only a few of us knows them?
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
Posts: 253  |
The first song I've heard from them is "The Clown Is Dead" a few years back and it definitely made me look into them a lot more. Great band and even the past members are some great musicians themselves.
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62463  |
Anybody knows what was idea about song ''Forever Angel'''??? is it true its tribute song to 81 
Lyrric says its about HAMC
Riding with the brothers
Through the wind and the rain
You're proud of your color
and can feel no pain
Forever angel
Keep on riding
And fight for your rights
Forever angel
Roaring thunder
Through endless nights
This video
all about 81
Maybe you know what idea and about what is this song
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62463  |
AXEL RUDI PELL OFFICIAL SITE is feeling excited.
30 September at 20:00 ·
Wanna know what I did the last months after our final show for 2019 in St.Petersburg in July? Vacation? NO! Heavy Partying? NO!
Good news: I wrote new songs for the next studio album!!! We will enter the studio in November and will be done with everything by the end of December. The new album will be released worldwide in late April 2020, followed by a tour, so stay tuned!!!
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing