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Devin Townsend - Acoustic Show - Sheffield, England, 16th November 2011

Written by: Baz Anderson
Published: November 17, 2011
Event: Devin Townsend: UK Tour (Website)
Location: Corporation, Sheffield, United Kingdom


Devin Townsend - Acoustic Show - Sheffield, England, 16th November 2011 by Baz Anderson (15)

Bands go on tour; they play new songs, some old songs, people leave with some cool memories. That's the general touring routine of a band and fan on tour. Once in a while however, something different, something quite special comes along and gives you a night to remember for a long, long time.

The venue was only half filled, and the stage empty aside from one microphone, a chair and guitar pedals. Admittedly wiped out from his four straight shows in London the previous days, Devin was still due to take the stage, alone, for a two hour acoustic show.

Devin walked on the stage and started talking to the audience, it soon became clear that there would be no structure to this show as he asked the audience to shout out song requests of any of his material. This was already no ordinary show, but the Sheffield audience were about to be entertained by "a night with Devin" consisting of his extremely endearing and humorous personality, and various acoustic interpretations of songs sometimes made up on the spot.

Unfortunately the venue was extremely dark and Devin was slightly ill, but the magic of the occasion ruled overall. With the setlist in the audience's hands, tonight's show contained numerous old songs, some that haven't been played in over ten years like "Funeral", and some that have never been played at all, such as the wonderful "Thing Beyond Things" also from his debut. The set included an amusing song written at twelve years old called "Roadkill" and other old relics such as "Christeen", but Devin was also willing to experiment with some newer songs.

The night had a really great atmosphere, as if we were all relaxing with a friend. Consistently very funny, Devin also gave a synopsis of most of the songs he played. "Juular", a misspelling of the word "jugular", sounded pretty bizarre acoustically, "Vampira" seemed to work reasonably, but the Strapping Young Lad song "Love?" blatantly did not work at all. Still, some songs did work extremely well such as "Deep Peace", even though the guitar solo middle-section didn't come out perfectly. Closing the diverse set "Life" also sounded just great, a set as diverse as this will probably never see the light of day again.

The set although musically a little one directional, as is inevitable with two hours of acoustic songs, was thoroughly enjoyable and a fantastic insight to the mind of this genius. Almost feeling bad that his slightly ill-state had prevented the show from being better, as soon as he finished the set he was down in and among the audience signing items and meeting people. This man is absolutely genuine in what he does, and even aside from his jokes and funny side, proved that even without a band - with only an acoustic guitar and a microphone, he can entertain an audience for two hours. Incredible.

Setlist: Let It Roll / Funeral / Ih-Ah! / Thing Beyond Things / Deadhead / Hyperdrive / Sunday Afternoon / Juular / Noisy Pink Bubbles / Vampira / Roadkill / Fall / Solar Winds / Deep Peace / Love? / Christeen / Disruptr / Kawaii / Life

An interview with Devin conducted before the show can be found here.

Thanks to Chris for the accreditation.
Written by Barry Anderson.
Photos by Barry Anderson.

Written on 17.11.2011 by Member of Staff since 2006


Comments: 11   Visited by: 154 users
17.11.2011 - 20:33
Troy Killjoy
You mean this whole thing is just Devin with a grandpa guitar?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
17.11.2011 - 20:35
Baz Anderson
Haha yeh, there was another guy doing a short acoustic set to support, but the night was all about Devin.
17.11.2011 - 21:04
Fat & Sassy!
He played Noisy Pink Bubbles? *~* I would have loved to go to this show. It sounds like I would have really enjoyed it. I can't wait until whenever he comes back around here. :3
17.11.2011 - 23:08
Baz Anderson
18.11.2011 - 04:43
"I was born not to follow..."

So true with Devin and his music. Always amazing, always inspirational. Awesome, Baz!
The force will be with you, always.
18.11.2011 - 11:17
Written by Troy Killjoy on 17.11.2011 at 20:33

You mean this whole thing is just Devin with a grandpa guitar?

Granpa guitar? This is Devin motherducking Townsend we're talking about!
18.11.2011 - 16:40
Would love to have attended this show.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
18.11.2011 - 20:17
Troy Killjoy
Written by Giza on 18.11.2011 at 11:17
Granpa guitar? This is Devin motherducking Townsend we're talking about!

Doesn't matter, it's still a grandpa guitar.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
19.11.2011 - 01:10
Fuck i wanted to be there! baah shit pooop anus
22.11.2011 - 15:10
Nice review Baz! Saw Devin during the four DTP shows and he blew my mind, the G H O S T show was simply spellbinding and it was so awesome seeing him go round meeting the crowd once the set was over.
I took a few videos from the shows i attended if anyone wants to get a glimpse of what they were like before the DVD's come out next year:

Kawaii @ Union Chapel

Heart Baby @ Union Chapel

Watch You @ Union Chapel

Numbered! @ ULU

Ih Ah! @ ULU
25.11.2011 - 11:02
Juular in acoustic... I'm genuinely intrigued of how that actually sounded like

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