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Dissonant Metal

Posts: 2   Visited by: 32 users
20.09.2013 - 15:44
Account deleted
I was meant to make this topic a few weeks ago but I forgot about it. I realized that I'm becoming increasingly in love with dissonant music and some of my favorite bands base their material on dissonance. Examples include Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega (mid era), Ulcerate, Terra Tenebrosa ,P.H.O.B.O.S and Abyssal. Up to now, the only band incorporating such dissonance in their music which I do not like is Dodecahedron.I was wondering what are some other interesting bands in this field. This topic is made to discuss dissonant metal and dissonant music in general. Does it exist beyund metal realm?
Recommendations are welcomed and encouraged
Oh, also, I really wish that there is no other topic similar to this, especially made by Joe
30.09.2013 - 01:01
Account deleted
I might delete this topic and instead of that make a list, but before that I should check more band/albums. Planning to have the list posted in 6 months