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Technical Death Metal

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Posted by Xtreme Jax, 20.05.2006 - 20:08
Well Im building up my Techinical Death Metal collection and im wondering what bands and albums should be needed in this collection, and thought that a thread needs to be made for recommendations on this. Im a fan of Psycroptic, Suffocation, and Cryptopsy.

Any list albums that should be inclued in the collection, bands and/or albums.

EDIT: Now we've got a lot of Tech DM bands added, make sure you go through and check if the band has been added or not, saves a bunch of repeats. Also lets get a little discussion about some of the bands.
23.11.2011 - 03:12
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Written by [user id=28526] on 31.10.2011 at 13:20

Written by A.Ghosheh on 31.10.2011 at 12:40

I wonder why when it comes to technical death no one mentions Nile... though I'm pretty sure they are the best technical band I've ever heard. maybe there are some bands that are more technical, but no one has that epic sound that Nile has.

Well if you read the previous posts, there are some users who mentioned Nile here before.

And yes Nile uses some crazy techniques, but they are not a %100 technical death metal band, if you ask me.

Nile are technical/BRUTAL death metal.

.......I don't know if anybody mentioned Decrepit Birth
23.11.2011 - 03:14
Anomalous - Ohmnivalent (2011)

One of the more inspired and complex albums of tech-death I've ever heard.

[URL=,aat,ts,al,o,g,v,r0.0-5.0,n100,oowun]My Music on RYM[/url]
23.11.2011 - 06:00
Troy Killjoy
Really? I wouldn't call it inspired or complex. :/
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
23.11.2011 - 10:17
Well, it's a great band i think!
23.11.2011 - 21:31
Troy Killjoy
It isn't the worst tech-death I've heard but it's definitely nowhere near the best. Kind of screamed "average" throughout the album.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
25.11.2011 - 12:42
Yes it will take a place at the middle of the 2011 best tech death album standing hahaha
25.11.2011 - 22:16
A staff guy...
Archspire still has my vote for best tech death...
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

25.11.2011 - 22:21
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Written by Misfit74 on 23.11.2011 at 03:14

Anomalous - Ohmnivalent (2011)

One of the more inspired and complex albums of tech-death I've ever heard.

Not usually a fan of tech death as most of it is self-absorbed or sterile but somehow that album is SO self-absorbed it actually works, like a pure showcase of dense technicality. I listened to it much like I would a noise record, more for texture than for instrumentation; I remembered nothing of the structuring, just blasts of sound separated by some Meshuggary clean soloing. I liked it at any rate, I think it has a lot more personality than the Obscuras and the Beyond Creations of 2011.
11.12.2011 - 19:52
Definitely check out GIGAN. They are a spacey, psychedelic, technical death metal band from the USA...very trippy shit.
11.12.2011 - 20:41
A staff guy...
Check out Demisery, they're not exactly technical death metal but they are "technically inclined" at any rate and definitely very noteworthy for it. The solos are fucking amazing. If anyone is familiar with the recent up and comer in the technical metal world Keith Merrow, this is his death metal project he's doing with a friend of his to pay homage to the death metal bands who inspired their playing styles early on.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

27.01.2012 - 12:27
Decapitated,Necrophagist & Braindrill are good to go!!
29.01.2012 - 20:32
Well we've discussed a lot (and not only in this thread) if bands like Necrophagist and Brain Drill are overdoing it a little and sacrificing every last bit of musicality for their technicality...well, it'll be pointless to start that all over again so let's just forget about it. Decapitated are epic and i would like to add Psycroptic, Spawn of Possession and Monumental Torment here too (i don't remember if they have been mentioned before, and to be honest with you guys i'm too lazy to check it right now) xD
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
31.01.2012 - 01:31
I 2nd Monumental Torment, their album 'Element Of Chaos' (2011) is excellent.

[URL=,aat,ts,al,o,g,v,r0.0-5.0,n100,oowun]My Music on RYM[/url]
31.01.2012 - 03:46
A staff guy...
I still think Archspire is the best and most underrated of all the recent tech death upstarts...
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

17.12.2018 - 19:23
Hi everyone, it's been a long time. Any recommendations ?
I discovered the following bands recently :
- Aparia
- Tethys
- Aepoch
- Noir metal -
25.01.2019 - 13:00
This looks like a fairly old thread. Anyone mentioned Allegaeon? Their double album from 2016 'Proponent For Sentience' is a great, ambitious piece of work. For me it falls somewhere in the tech-death/prog-death subgenres. They're touring Europe with Obscura (who I know have been mentioned) which is why I checked them out recently.
25.01.2019 - 13:49
i c deaf people
Written by gavdann on 25.01.2019 at 13:00

This looks like a fairly old thread. Anyone mentioned Allegaeon? Their double album from 2016 'Proponent For Sentience' is a great, ambitious piece of work. For me it falls somewhere in the tech-death/prog-death subgenres. They're touring Europe with Obscura (who I know have been mentioned) which is why I checked them out recently.

They definately do belong here.
Saw them last year supporting Ne Obliviscaris in a small club in Cologne/Germany and they outperformed the headliner in all categories.
It was refreshing to see a down-to-earth band consisting of outstanding talents NOT dedicating their skills to pointless guitar wankery and/or unnecessary gimmicks.
Their new vocalist Riley McShane surely is a win and the YT videos of their guitarists' (Greg Burgess and Michael Stancel) performance are well worth a closer listen.
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