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Tarnkappe interview (09/2014)

With: Nortfalke, Hrodulfr
Conducted by: Windrider (e-mail)
Published: 28.09.2014

Some weeks ago I reviewed Tussen Hun En De Zon, debut album of Tarnkappe. It was a blast and left me impressed. It shows a great display of old school atmospheric black metal, so when a few days later the band's label asked for an interview, how could I possibly decline? The band members that answered my question were Nortfalke (drums, guitars) and Hrodulfr (vocals).

Tarnkappe, from The Netherlands

Max: Hello guys, hope you're having a good time. Since not everyone here is likely to know you, please introduce yourselves in a few words.

Nortfalke: Hey Max. For years we are playing in black metal bands now, but we had an urge to start something really old school, what became Tarnkappe. All instruments (except bass guitar), songwriting and recordings are done by me.

Hrodulfr: Greetings, I'm responsible for the lyrics and some of the vocals together with Sat. Sat also plays the bass guitar on our debut.

Max: I reviewed your first full-length record Tussen Hun En De Zon, which contains the same songs as your demo from last year. Why did you chose to re-release them in that way?

Nortfalke: Actually, there is no demo. Sabbath's fire decided to release our debut on tape. So there is no re-release. There is some false information going around. Anyway, we only mastered our debut for the LP/CD release by Hammerheart Records.

Max: As you may have guessed from my review, I really liked the album. Please describe the songwriting process as a whole, who writes the songs and how do the band members contribute to it?

Nortfalke: All the material is written by me. Some songs I first recorded drums for, then wrote the melodies. A thing I did even more on our second full length, which is already recorded as we speak. All the lyrics are done by Hrodulfr. Sat did a great job by adding his vocals to the whole concept together with Hrodulfr.

Cover of Tussen Hun En De Zon

Max: "Huge Darkthrone vibes" was a phrase I thought would be suitable to describe your music. Apart from this obvious one, what other bands or influences do you get your inspirations from?

Nortfalke: Even Darkthrone was not a direct inspiration for me, I still can imagine your comparison, although I think it's mainly based on the first song. We try to capture the old school black metal spirit with lots of atmosphere and aggression. Bands such as Isvind, Nordvrede, (old) Helheim and other bands from the 90's. There are just a few bands out there still playing stuff from that period. Most bands are too modern or just too "obscure", both shit in my opinion.

Max: And which bands or music do you listen to in private? Can you recommend other bands from your country?

Nortfalke: We listen all kinds of music with good atmosphere, but most of all raw black metal. I personally like Kaevum and Nordvrede a lot. Also Hadanfard and other stuff from Sir N. is great. From our own area I will recommend Urfaust, Laster, Cirith Gorgor and Wederganger.

Hrodulfr: Peste Noire, Pagan Hellfire and Taake for example, I still listen to a lot of music and find hard to make a representable list. Some Dutch bands: Sammath and Cultus.

Max: On Tussen Hun En De Zon you sing in three different languages, namely Dutch, English and German. What is the reason for this?

Hrodulfr: These are the three major Germanic languages we grew with, Dutch of course is the most natural. But in these languages we can express ourselves and connect with the concept of the band.

Max: Random generic question: Do you think some languages are more suitable for black metal than others?

Nortfalke: It's always a matter of taste. I think languages are a huge part of the atmosphere in black metal. If you hear the cold northern languages, they are very suitable for black metal, because of the raw sound and Germanic background.

Hrodulfr: It also depends on the whole feeling the band tries to get across.

Max: Since many fans don't speak all three languages, what are the lyrics about in general?

Hrodulfr: The whole concept is set from an abstract pagan Germanic point of view to this hostile world we live in. It deals with the frustration of how unnatural this modern world is compared to ways of our ancestors and how it conflicts with nature itself. Which is something we hate and should be fighting against.

Max: As a German native speaker I know that your band name "Tarnkappe" means a cloak of invisibility. How did you chose it and what does it mean for you?

Hrodulfr: Again a name to fit the concept. And a name with a harsh ring to it yet it sparks the imagination.

Nortfalke: Lots of bands are trying to be in the picture all the time, being popular and stuff like that. We don't feel that way. That's why the meaning of this band name fits us perfectly.

Max: Do you also play your music live and if so, are there some gigs in the near future planned?

Nortfalke: We have plans to do some gigs in the near future, but we need some session first and we are working on that.

Max: Ok we're almost finished here. What are your plans for the next years?

Nortfalke: Releasing another Tarnkappe album called Winterwaker which is already recorded.

Max: My last question: What are you favourite albums of 2014 so far?

Nortfalke: I think it will be the next Mysticum album Planet Satan. Waiting for this for a whole lot of years now and previews are great! Furthermore I'm waiting for new stuff of Kaevum and Nordvrede, again.

Hrodulfr: The new Enthroned album...

Max: Thanks a lot for this interview. And now, please have your famous final words.

Nortfalke: Said a lot already, nothing more to add!

Indeed, now we're off waiting for Winterwaker!


Comments: 4   Visited by: 88 users
28.09.2014 - 19:08
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Good int but why on main page are 4 interviews?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.09.2014 - 19:17
Written by Bad English on 28.09.2014 at 19:08

Good int but why on main page are 4 interviews?

Thanks, don't ask me, page didn't load after I submitted and suddenly there were 4xTarnkappe. Deleted the others then...
28.09.2014 - 19:42
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Windrider on 28.09.2014 at 19:17

Written by Bad English on 28.09.2014 at 19:08

Good int but why on main page are 4 interviews?

Thanks, don't ask me, page didn't load after I submitted and suddenly there were 4xTarnkappe. Deleted the others then...

I see
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.09.2014 - 18:16
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Good interview.

About Cultus band, I heard their debut A Seat in Valhalla and I remember that song.....*goes to Google and search it*.....yeah song name De Dodenstoet - it was such a fantastic track. Well, this record must be saved on my laptop somewhere. Terrific pagan black metal record.

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