Black metal bands that never became well-known
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Posted by Unknown user, 22.05.2006 - 01:52
ForeverDarkWoods |
05.05.2009 - 20:17
When people think about first wave black metal, they often think about Hellhammer, Bathory and Venom. Quite often though, they forget about Root, which is one of the best metal bands in the world. They've got a bit of a following nowadays, but I don't find people who know about them on any kind of a regular basis. They took a more refined approach to first wave bm, relying more on heavy metal and less on thrash and thus creating a less primitive kind of music. It's actually really good, even if I wouldn't call their later material black metal.
---- Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction! - George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
Smurfophagist |
05.05.2009 - 20:32
Try Kvist. they made only one album and then they got disbanded. If you ask me they are one of the best nineties Norwegian BM bands.
---- Having a signature is an absolute must.
TheOwl |
05.05.2009 - 20:41
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
05.05.2009 - 21:36 Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 05.05.2009 at 20:17 I wouldn't really lump Root in with the first wave since they only started around 1988 or so and relased their debut in 1990. I would call them more transitional really, just like Master's Hammer (who also never became really well-known, though their first two are superiro to anything Root have ever done)
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
rageing atheist Account deleted |
05.05.2009 - 22:02 rageing atheist
Account deleted
If any of the Czech bands could be classified as first wave, it would have to be Törr, being formed in as early as 1977 (iirc), and generally being regarded as the founders of Czech metal scene. Although they took about ten years to release their first demo, and released their first album also in 1990, they still formed before Venom, Hellhammer and Bathory, so I think they could be considered first wave, although I'm not sure how serious they were in the beginning, when it took them so long to get to the first demo. Also I agree with Marcel that Master's Hammer were better than Root, I like both bands though.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
05.05.2009 - 22:08 Written by [user id=23267] on 05.05.2009 at 22:02 Problem with bands forming 10 years prior to their first demo is that it is hard to check what sort of music they played before the recording of the demo. Usually they played totally different music than what is recorded later on (case in point being Overkill)
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Galar Wicked Mung |
05.05.2009 - 22:21
Strid. These guys were pioneers for depressive black metal, years ahead of their time. To bad they are no longer togther.
rageing atheist Account deleted |
05.05.2009 - 22:26 rageing atheist
Account deleted Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 05.05.2009 at 22:08 Yes, that was also what I was thinking, that's why I wrote in a more or less hesitant style, with all the "could be's" etc. Just wanted to say, that if any of the Czech bands could be considered first wave, it would maybe be Törr. Funnily enough, I just checked their official site: "Torr appeared on the metal scene in 1986 as the East European answer to West European black metal music, and has been the only band in former Czechoslovakia who brought uncompromising raw music style to the communistic society. Torr showed and paved the way for bands like Master's Hammer, Root and a few more, released 10 full length albums, 2 singles and numerous demos in the time period of 1990-2005." Given that M-A lists 1977 as their forming date, maybe they didn't play metal when they started out (assuming that the forming date at M-A is correct).
ForeverDarkWoods |
05.05.2009 - 23:06 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 05.05.2009 at 22:08 There is a way to check what Törr used to be though. There was a pre-Törr band called 666 which released a demo in 83. It's been re-released in a Törr boxed set. Basically it's heavily Venom-inspired stuff. And yes, maybe first wave bm was a bit of a misnomer for Root, but the early stuff had a lot of the first wave sound, although in a more refined way. Perhaps pre-second wave would be a better description.
---- Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction! - George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
06.05.2009 - 07:42 Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I guess Windir was never well known...and that band succumb to a tragic ending...
VaronoZz Vampbaron |
09.06.2009 - 22:28
Its a sacrilege that leader and historic bands like Necromantia and Varathron have not active profiles
---- give praise for the blood it bled, grant a rose for the dead...
Vurtne Account deleted |
15.06.2009 - 23:25 Vurtne
Account deleted
Check Raise Hell (Sweden).Their first album "Holy Target" is totally awesome.You listen to it and then you tell yourself:Yes!this is black metal and this is how black metal was supposed to be played.
Ellrohir Heaven Knight |
04.08.2009 - 10:28
Mirkwood - atmospheric black from USA Astaarth - folk black from France Fear Of Eternity - atmospheric black from Italy great bands, but i guess only a few people ever heard about...
---- My rest seems now calm and deep Finally I got my dead man sleep
TheBigRossowski |
04.08.2009 - 17:02
Of course this Dude was searching bands from the early 90s that didn't get known, but what about the bands that are beyond the standards without recognition? This is all about your sick black metal thing! Going to it's're living in the fucking Past!
---- That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
HarmonyCorruptio Posts: 81 |
04.08.2009 - 23:32
Von. Criminally overshadowed by Beherit, Blasphemy and Sarcofago.
Ur-Drago Posts: 69 |
14.08.2009 - 03:17
Demonic. Norwegian Black Metal band that only released one full length album(Empire of Agony). Highly recommended(especially if you are into TNBM).
Janne Hugin |
14.08.2009 - 04:02
Golden Dawn. The best BM band I know but probably you have never heard of them!
Koen Smits |
14.08.2009 - 13:19 Written by VaronoZz on 09.06.2009 at 22:28 That is so true... Thanks for mentionning ![]()
---- RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009) Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05 but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
Diabolos Space For Rent! |
14.08.2009 - 14:19 Written by Janne on 14.08.2009 at 04:02 Golden Dawn are not really BM imo, it's Gothic Metal, but yeah, they are pretty cool ![]() ![]()
Janne Hugin |
14.08.2009 - 15:43 Written by Diabolos on 14.08.2009 at 14:19 gothic black or extreme gothic, maybe experimental.. i don't really care. ![]() do you have any news about them?? they have disappeared some years ago ![]()
Abattoir Staff |
14.08.2009 - 15:58 Written by Diabolos on 14.08.2009 at 14:19 I think that there is more black metal sound in their songs than gothic...however, I check some of their stuff on MySpace site and there some quite good songs...
Janne Hugin |
14.08.2009 - 18:52 Written by Abattoir on 14.08.2009 at 15:58 i don't know why but it seemed they put up their worst songs on myspace
Diabolos Space For Rent! |
15.08.2009 - 00:49 Written by Janne on 14.08.2009 at 15:43 Yeah, I also don't really care ![]()
Janne Hugin |
15.08.2009 - 05:51 Written by Diabolos on 15.08.2009 at 00:49 that would be sad. ![]()
demonseed |
29.11.2009 - 15:58
Dawn - Slaughtersun - For all Dissection fans out there. In my Humble opinion their even better.
---- A Servant in Heaven A King in Hell
Ellrohir Heaven Knight |
29.11.2009 - 19:34
Now who of you, guys, knows Sombres Forets?
---- My rest seems now calm and deep Finally I got my dead man sleep
DJ Mythos |
09.03.2012 - 23:43 Written by Janne on 14.08.2009 at 04:02 I fucking LOVE Dalriada! Cheers! ... and Golden Dawn is cool, too.
Janne Hugin |
13.03.2012 - 00:09
pisymbol |
13.03.2012 - 05:25 Written by Ellrohir on 04.08.2009 at 10:28 Wow Mirkwood is outstanding. What are these guys doing? Its been several years since their demo tapes were released.
Daniell _爱情_ Elite |
13.03.2012 - 16:13
Oh how cool it is to find a band that almost no one else heard about and claim that they were so great. Almost all of you guys fall into the same trap. You seem to think that some well known bands got their fame undeservedly while there were so many other bands that vanished into oblivion without due recognition. Well guess what, this is the case with every aspect of human activity throughout history everywhere in the world. Black metal is no exception.