The definite essence of the blackest poison is being manifested. TOTALITARIAN presents Black Metal the way no one has dared to really touch yet.
The 56-minute opus, both massive and elusive, entitled "De Arte Tragoediae Divinae", will unleash the purity of its will onto those who are eager for a more penetrating enlightenment.
The album is dedicated to Mons. Alois Hudal (1885 - 1963)
"De Arte Tragoediae Divinae" is out physically and digitally on April 30, 2017, by courtesy of [URL="http://www.barrenvoid.com"]Barren Void Records[/URL]. The official CD distribution being handled by [URL="http://store.lavadome.org"]Lavadome Productions[/URL] and digital copy of the album might be obtained through [URL="http://totalitarian666.bandcamp.com"]Bandcamp[/URL].
Barren Void Records