Humanity Defiled - mankind is the disease - NEW EP!
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IweinDenayer Posts: 6 |
IweinDenayer Posts: 6 |
16.11.2019 - 17:30
Hello there, people of the metal. Humanity Defiled is back with new noise. 4 years after The Demise Of The Sane, these 5 new songs (4 actually) are for you; the devourers of death metal. This EP, again, combines the grittiness and full-on assault that is the genre, with no-holds- barred lyricism about personal themes and struggles (Wim), topped off with not all too positive views on humanity (Iwein). Rest assured, by spewing these negative thoughts, i can soldier on quite positive. Music-wise, there's something for everybody. Blistering fast, sludgy downtempo and everything in between. This time around, i didn't perform vocals myself. I was really excited to get a few friends in the studio to do the grunts and screams. As usual, all music can be downloaded for free or Name Your Price. A dime is sincerely appreciated, but more so your words and commentary. Be sure to drop a line if you feel like it. Visit for the new EP and the previous 2 albums, singles, demo's,... Thanks for listening! Iwein
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