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The Shade | Last Friday | |
Miguelurdaneta18 | Last Friday | |
Tuxedo Knux | Last Friday | |
tansolo | 22.11.2024 | |
Hena | 08.11.2024 | |
Blackcrowe | 06.11.2024 | |
DenOr | 03.11.2024 | |
HiddenDictator | 01.11.2024 | |
Senor Andy | 30.10.2024 | |
Dekus | 29.10.2024 | |
Neegwa | 27.10.2024 | |
AndyMetalFreak | 20.10.2024 | |
ickoriss | 18.10.2024 | |
Bolgar | 08.10.2024 | |
DoomedTapir | 03.10.2024 | |
Syd | 24.09.2024 | |
Crys1s | 12.09.2024 | |
Tur1smo64 | 11.09.2024 | |
Coconut Racecar | 11.09.2024 | |
Maldone | 26.08.2024 | |
ChrisWinther94 | 25.08.2024 | |
Jgmanso16 | 21.08.2024 | |
Crawltipede | 11.07.2024 | |
Oldy86 | 26.06.2024 | |
Sir Yupp | 21.06.2024 | |
Agonious | 03.06.2024 | |
Metal Addiction | 01.06.2024 | |
Kattalyst | 15.05.2024 | |
Caio | 11.05.2024 | |
hgonzales | 04.05.2024 | |
Ruisedeer | 15.04.2024 | |
Nightzerg | 12.04.2024 | |
dammage11 | 05.04.2024 | |
nonZero | 04.04.2024 | |
Boxcar Willy | 03.04.2024 | |
BigNaughtyV | 16.03.2024 | |
Unknown user | 14.03.2024 | |
Raenwald | 13.03.2024 | |
javiermon | 26.02.2024 | |
Miohn | 28.01.2024 | |
Gmaniac | 27.01.2024 | |
Coldhands | 17.01.2024 | |
RoyBoy432 | 14.01.2024 | |
abbath1991 | 10.01.2024 | |
noborotici3 | 03.01.2024 | |
arto adnan | 02.01.2024 | |
24emd | 24.12.2023 | |
Unknown user | 19.12.2023 | |
Joe Brit | 05.12.2023 | |
musclassia | 19.11.2023 | |
Mrtvozornik | 16.11.2023 | |
annodomini | 12.11.2023 | |
BennyMetGer | 11.11.2023 | |
Vityaba | 09.10.2023 | |
Ivy Patterns | 05.10.2023 | |
Vellichor | 04.10.2023 | |
Arkhasium | 01.10.2023 | |
em6568 | 23.09.2023 | |
nokits | 19.09.2023 | |
LuckyStrikes | 16.09.2023 | |
Roman Doez | 03.09.2023 | |
cerny_vi | 01.09.2023 | |
Skuudo | 31.08.2023 | |
metal_man_13 | 31.08.2023 | |
VileVick-Bryant | 30.08.2023 | |
BallsagnaFace | 22.08.2023 | |
M0rkeleb | 21.08.2023 | |
bloodwrage | 08.08.2023 | |
Pomp | 04.08.2023 | |
Sepulchre | 03.08.2023 | |
Vaflezjui | 31.07.2023 | |
Enki | 28.07.2023 | |
Benjamin_Breeg | 14.07.2023 | |
pandrstudios | 11.07.2023 | |
ASoIaF | 21.06.2023 | |
Mr.Self.Destruct | 13.06.2023 | |
Nejde | 09.06.2023 | |
Plattner | 03.06.2023 | |
Sappster | 03.06.2023 | |
cynicoren | 24.05.2023 | |
Pavel_K | 23.05.2023 | |
el_Lillo | 11.05.2023 | |
s(AINT) | 09.05.2023 | |
zeromus44 | 09.05.2023 | |
Chobo_jokeR | 07.05.2023 | |
LeKiwi | 01.05.2023 | |
foxpolaris | 28.04.2023 | |
GhostOfPerdition | 22.04.2023 | |
JHK | 22.04.2023 | |
F3ynman | 21.04.2023 | |
al3xjpt | 20.04.2023 | |
Lvad | 17.04.2023 | |
SomeGuy | 13.04.2023 | |
aeon21 | 01.04.2023 | |
SV01 | 28.03.2023 | |
Immortus | 25.03.2023 | |
hoster21 | 25.03.2023 | |
Silstafór | 23.03.2023 | |
Irreg | 22.03.2023 | |
Space Pangolin | 19.03.2023 | |
Raddz | 14.03.2023 | |
andreosokin | 10.03.2023 | |
Captain Laika | 09.03.2023 | |
Aleister Kinski | 08.03.2023 | |
NightMaster | 08.03.2023 | |
Khold Baroness | 08.03.2023 | |
DanMetal | 02.03.2023 | |
K✞ulu | 02.03.2023 | |
cuty11 | 25.02.2023 | |
TheBigRossowski | 19.02.2023 | |
AJ The Great | 12.02.2023 | |
Mad Mike | 10.02.2023 | |
VOIVOD473 | 08.02.2023 | |
TheJahrhead | 04.02.2023 | |
MR11MAIDEN | 29.01.2023 | |
Systemcrush | 29.01.2023 | |
MeloDeathViking | 23.01.2023 | |
Ashdim22 | 12.01.2023 | |
Hrodebert | 11.01.2023 | |
gabrielrsilva | 08.01.2023 | |
Zariel | 28.12.2022 | |
minata | 18.12.2022 | |
Troy Killjoy | 13.12.2022 | |
Nicko's Nose | 08.12.2022 | |
jimkouk | 27.11.2022 | |
Dr.Ozd | 23.11.2022 | |
Slayer1986 | 20.11.2022 | |
Lans1ot | 16.11.2022 | |
beau | 13.11.2022 | |
Dbh 20 | 01.11.2022 | |
MrHeron | 27.10.2022 | |
Dark Forever | 25.10.2022 | |
Yukkuverzi | 14.10.2022 | |
Kidravordo | 14.10.2022 | |
Firkozakke | 14.10.2022 | |
Bospofarke | 14.10.2022 | |
Unknown user | 05.10.2022 | |
RockwiththeDoc | 30.09.2022 | |
ScarFury | 29.09.2022 | |
Stormm | 28.09.2022 | |
FKinTheCoffee | 26.09.2022 | |
dillontc7 | 20.09.2022 | |
Miguelavila18 | 19.09.2022 | |
JurdoTapp | 12.09.2022 | |
Betra | 12.09.2022 | |
Dupsivigno | 12.09.2022 | |
JemLoberdi | 12.09.2022 | |
Zephyrox | 09.09.2022 | |
Trolololl | 07.09.2022 | |
Azarath | 01.09.2022 | |
karlhare | 31.08.2022 | |
Killian | 21.08.2022 | |
schlakt | 16.08.2022 | |
RaduP | 08.08.2022 | |
A Real Mönkey | 08.08.2022 | |
Metal Diogenes | 08.08.2022 | |
Oracles | 08.08.2022 | |
ZachoBuns | 04.08.2022 | |
Moose | 28.07.2022 | |
Zac_124 | 26.07.2022 | |
deadboy23 | 26.07.2022 | |
Unknown user | 26.07.2022 | |
Sand Robin | 16.07.2022 | |
Morse_Code | 11.07.2022 | |
lost_fiction | 11.07.2022 | |
recover9720 | 08.07.2022 | |
m.milos | 06.07.2022 | |
SergioBv | 29.06.2022 | |
nightbreed | 06.06.2022 | |
ChairmanDrew | 01.06.2022 | |
flygon | 29.05.2022 | |
ChapuLviz | 11.05.2022 | |
AVIKONET | 09.05.2022 | |
Scornful Curse | 09.05.2022 | |
Maniacbrignac | 07.05.2022 | |
Steelehart | 05.05.2022 | |
MIXHELL | 04.05.2022 | |
Bad English | 17.04.2022 | |
CaptainBekolata | 13.04.2022 | |
Ebaneze | 13.04.2022 | |
Luisap02 | 10.04.2022 | |
Rinbel | 08.04.2022 | |
kriss2012nihili | 07.04.2022 | |
TheCrazyGoat | 26.03.2022 | |
dissociativefug | 13.03.2022 | |
Assassiyoun | 08.03.2022 | |
Katatronik | 07.03.2022 | |
Maxder | 06.03.2022 | |
Blackened_Lux | 02.03.2022 | |
Spartacus | 02.03.2022 | |
Helbrann | 01.03.2022 | |
NastyHero | 28.02.2022 | |
Cyroth | 28.02.2022 | |
cobrapel | 26.02.2022 | |
Daddy Pig | 25.02.2022 | |
Necro1777 | 25.02.2022 | |
larva | 25.02.2022 | |
Misha_76 | 23.02.2022 | |
bitethepain | 22.02.2022 | |
Gangstarrr | 21.02.2022 | |
Ryfalgoth | 19.02.2022 | |
LifelikeAdvisor | 18.02.2022 | |
mz | 17.02.2022 | |
tintinb | 17.02.2022 | |
Samot | 16.02.2022 | |
Unknown user | 16.02.2022 | |
opeth518 | 16.02.2022 | |
Claudric | 15.02.2022 | |
Ryanm123 | 15.02.2022 | |
afiloo | 14.02.2022 | |
Capt. Fluntas | 12.02.2022 | |
Leeyum | 12.02.2022 | |
GhostCake | 10.02.2022 | |
In Bone Factory | 09.02.2022 | |
Mariusz | 09.02.2022 | |
PitoWilson | 08.02.2022 | |
Boris_Pembroke | 08.02.2022 | |
O'bann | 07.02.2022 | |
audriussar | 06.02.2022 | |
carltonh | 06.02.2022 | |
viking64 | 06.02.2022 | |
Aries Rising | 06.02.2022 | |
HammerKissedFace | 05.02.2022 | |
Lulucifer | 05.02.2022 | |
The Crowing | 05.02.2022 | |
Borisych | 04.02.2022 | |
NP0025 | 03.02.2022 | |
ObsoBE45T | 03.02.2022 | |
fry555 | 03.02.2022 | |
AnarChrist | 03.02.2022 | |
Archie 666 | 02.02.2022 | |
CoolMetalBot | 02.02.2022 | |
h3ll51gn | 02.02.2022 | |
JavierPaper | 02.02.2022 | |
BerserkerM | 01.02.2022 | |
metalbrat | 01.02.2022 | |
triple_fault | 01.02.2022 | |
Handala | 01.02.2022 | |
Gaelv | 01.02.2022 | |
Starvynth | 30.01.2022 | |
ScreamingSteelUS | 30.01.2022 | |
Master_Key | 29.01.2022 | |
Alex F | 26.01.2022 | |
Jack_Torrance | 26.01.2022 | |
DreamOpeth | 25.01.2022 | |
corrupt | 25.01.2022 | |
Babbage | 24.01.2022 | |
Unknown user | 21.01.2022 | |
sakre99 | 20.01.2022 | |
Chaleko | 19.01.2022 | |
ThenLividity96 | 16.01.2022 | |
brunildevillafra | 15.01.2022 | |
Urdaneta18 | 15.01.2022 | |
The Witchfinder | 12.01.2022 | |
KingPest0X | 11.01.2022 | |
emilo91 | 10.01.2022 | |
Artorix Carlsson | 10.01.2022 | |
epic-serj | 06.01.2022 | |
AdamL | 06.01.2022 | |
Esimunth | 03.01.2022 | |
Bardamu | 03.01.2022 | |
Marjan Kovač | 01.01.2022 | |
Neachy | 01.01.2022 | |
Cuda2000 | 28.12.2021 | |
☆John☆ | 26.12.2021 | |
kethnaab | 26.12.2021 | |
Unknown user | 25.12.2021 | |
Sakuraba | 25.12.2021 | |
Harmaajoki | 23.12.2021 | |
christslave | 22.12.2021 | |
MetalGuy83 | 20.12.2021 | |
jfAkerfeldt | 20.12.2021 | |
Sehroth | 19.12.2021 | |
theulasdd | 19.12.2021 | |
Odin's Eye | 19.12.2021 | |
3x33 | 18.12.2021 | |
Khaotica | 18.12.2021 | |
Gabrieldvkx | 16.12.2021 | |
hismit | 16.12.2021 | |
Skyclad78 | 16.12.2021 | |
Metren | 15.12.2021 | |
Ulver84 | 14.12.2021 | |
Slence | 11.12.2021 | |
Jmaster01 | 09.12.2021 | |
Crito2000 | 08.12.2021 | |
moXmo | 04.12.2021 | |
Omid87b | 02.12.2021 | |
LordFezzington | 28.11.2021 | |
illusivecamel🐪 | 27.11.2021 | |
andrewsharp1994 | 27.11.2021 | |
Darkside Momo | 26.11.2021 | |
AngryF | 24.11.2021 | |
Gungniru | 24.11.2021 | |
Depth land | 23.11.2021 | |
poetry | 20.11.2021 | |
Eric Cartman | 19.11.2021 | |
FB_10 | 19.11.2021 | |
qnick90 | 17.11.2021 | |
unknown-soldier | 17.11.2021 | |
k_u_t_s | 17.11.2021 | |
wind89 | 17.11.2021 | |
giodebabal | 16.11.2021 | |
Donnie Darko | 16.11.2021 | |
Kermo_instabil | 15.11.2021 | |
frosh | 15.11.2021 | |
Tits4Tots | 15.11.2021 | |
Steiner | 15.11.2021 | |
Petran1 | 14.11.2021 | |
NeverAgain | 14.11.2021 | |
Guberskiy | 14.11.2021 | |
Korah | 13.11.2021 | |
DieH@rd | 12.11.2021 | |
Alen Da Rold | 11.11.2021 | |
Hank80AF | 11.11.2021 | |
FELIX42 | 10.11.2021 | |
MaxMartin | 10.11.2021 | |
Carragen | 09.11.2021 | |
Hazelnut Nero | 08.11.2021 | |
drsmetin | 08.11.2021 | |
Tel3tubby | 08.11.2021 | |
aungnainghtwe86 | 05.11.2021 | |
ProgVet | 05.11.2021 | |
WishMaster | 05.11.2021 | |
R3SP4UN | 03.11.2021 | |
Tomas | 29.10.2021 | |
tea[m]ster | 29.10.2021 | |
Alessteel | 28.10.2021 | |
eschaton1000 | 27.10.2021 | |
Zap | 26.10.2021 | |
nikarg | 26.10.2021 | |
elapie | 26.10.2021 | |
rollingsoans | 25.10.2021 | |
OverkillBomber | 25.10.2021 | |
Brutality667 | 24.10.2021 | |
Cotetaito | 23.10.2021 | |
quieted_darkness | 23.10.2021 | |
tirim4 | 22.10.2021 | |
leffebrune | 22.10.2021 | |
PiotruśDzban | 22.10.2021 | |
Duck Dodgers | 22.10.2021 | |
Dismay | 21.10.2021 | |
Jealousman | 21.10.2021 | |
Góral | 20.10.2021 | |
Fastus | 20.10.2021 | |
Red_Travis | 20.10.2021 | |
Rob S | 19.10.2021 | |
Steppenwolf | 18.10.2021 | |
Hellcult | 16.10.2021 | |
Redel | 12.10.2021 | |
Megamonization | 10.10.2021 | |
Gerrisson | 10.10.2021 | |
Opethian | 10.10.2021 | |
Danodo | 09.10.2021 | |
Joey Filth | 09.10.2021 | |
beyondtehdarksun | 08.10.2021 | |
The Sentient | 07.10.2021 | |
belcolt | 05.10.2021 | |
cwadley | 05.10.2021 | |
lust | 04.10.2021 | |
Burcin | 03.10.2021 | |
Progpostman | 02.10.2021 | |
ObjetoInanimado | 01.10.2021 | |
gchirinoegui | 01.10.2021 | |
Vereor Nox | 01.10.2021 | |
ascom | 29.09.2021 | |
RyanKolp | 28.09.2021 | |
prnzokoshiroltra | 28.09.2021 | |
zwyk | 28.09.2021 | |
usiman | 27.09.2021 | |
SP99 | 25.09.2021 | |
Ałchemist | 23.09.2021 | |
Mjuzikos | 23.09.2021 | |
AbysmalRites | 22.09.2021 | |
TemplarLS | 21.09.2021 | |
Skl3ros | 21.09.2021 | |
EtherealInfidel | 21.09.2021 | |
Yashar | 21.09.2021 | |
addiction | 19.09.2021 | |
bosserman | 17.09.2021 | |
JayMo4 | 17.09.2021 | |
Roland de Gilead | 17.09.2021 | |
EL_SILVA | 17.09.2021 | |
TomKoc | 17.09.2021 | |
hyper | 17.09.2021 | |
to_stir_the_sea | 16.09.2021 | |
deck | 16.09.2021 | |
Unknown user | 15.09.2021 | |
Camaron77 | 15.09.2021 | |
chrism | 14.09.2021 | |
ulvvvvvv | 14.09.2021 | |
EdenEcho | 13.09.2021 | |
VukadinMUTD | 13.09.2021 | |
Nightmare^ | 12.09.2021 | |
Lord Slothrop | 12.09.2021 | |
shsi | 11.09.2021 | |
Sereshqa | 11.09.2021 | |
BLACKURGAN | 11.09.2021 | |
diromanoff | 11.09.2021 | |
Xenomorph1001 | 10.09.2021 | |
Infiniti | 10.09.2021 | |
LeChron James | 10.09.2021 | |
DrM | 10.09.2021 | |
justnothing | 10.09.2021 | |
Lawre | 09.09.2021 | |
yeah1980 | 09.09.2021 | |
Karlabos | 09.09.2021 | |
Risto | 09.09.2021 | |
Zyk | 09.09.2021 | |
hamG | 09.09.2021 | |
HardlyNight666 | 08.09.2021 | |
Gary Miller | 08.09.2021 | |
Morteza K. | 08.09.2021 | |
ODMR12 | 08.09.2021 | |
Rage10000 | 07.09.2021 | |
DemonRises | 07.09.2021 | |
antvre | 07.09.2021 | |
Itoc | 07.09.2021 | |
Karpo | 07.09.2021 | |
sgtrobo | 07.09.2021 | |
berzah | 07.09.2021 | |
aldamirgwh | 07.09.2021 | |
djraj | 07.09.2021 | |
Spacerunner | 07.09.2021 | |
Actarus | 07.09.2021 | |
Poirot | 06.09.2021 | |
Nick Carter | 06.09.2021 | |
Dalleo | 06.09.2021 | |
Resi | 06.09.2021 | |
Kadwan | 06.09.2021 | |
Mountain King | 06.09.2021 | |
VitalyShulov | 06.09.2021 | |
Empty Skies | 06.09.2021 | |
Infernal-yan | 06.09.2021 | |
SteefJan1970 | 05.09.2021 | |
stedanko | 05.09.2021 | |
voiceofthesoul | 05.09.2021 | |
Unknown user | 05.09.2021 | |
Mc_Twist | 05.09.2021 | |
warcat | 05.09.2021 | |
noamalon80 | 05.09.2021 | |
Berzahs | 04.09.2021 | |
Malaclypse | 04.09.2021 | |
sx_link | 04.09.2021 | |
Hurin | 04.09.2021 | |
StRicardo6 | 04.09.2021 | |
IcePickLodger | 04.09.2021 | |
Paradoxical | 04.09.2021 | |
Wabbit_Season | 03.09.2021 | |
Wnikefendi | 03.09.2021 | |
Alakazam | 03.09.2021 | |
iMorphball | 03.09.2021 | |
Ball Fondlers | 03.09.2021 | |
slaytan | 03.09.2021 | |
amirhf | 02.09.2021 | |
indexqwest | 02.09.2021 | |
Desha | 02.09.2021 | |
mammal sauce | 02.09.2021 | |
Gammont | 02.09.2021 | |
Karamunin | 02.09.2021 | |
Unknown user | 02.09.2021 | |
Payvand | 01.09.2021 | |
Yurrik | 01.09.2021 | |
Cake9001 | 01.09.2021 | |
JFvB | 01.09.2021 | |
Ardynaika | 01.09.2021 | |
M0nt4gue | 01.09.2021 | |
ElLurkerino | 01.09.2021 | |
X-FrEaK | 01.09.2021 | |
Natasja | 01.09.2021 | |
Unknown user | 01.09.2021 | |
Silent Creeper | 01.09.2021 | |
perstcommando999 | 01.09.2021 | |
Archetype | 01.09.2021 | |
Hellthunder | 31.08.2021 | |
SchrödingersDog | 31.08.2021 | |
Crème fraiche | 31.08.2021 | |
knightlightning | 31.08.2021 | |
ben.surprenant@gmail | 31.08.2021 | |
Dinruth | 31.08.2021 | |
Primus | 31.08.2021 | |
ericthecactus | 31.08.2021 | |
Gloriaxxx | 31.08.2021 | |
lxxxviii | 31.08.2021 | |
CerambyX | 31.08.2021 | |
btbamfan20 | 30.08.2021 | |
DeadHuman | 30.08.2021 | |
darkocean | 30.08.2021 | |
skeksis25 | 30.08.2021 | |
xatzima | 30.08.2021 | |
Who are me | 30.08.2021 | |
AndreMarcos | 30.08.2021 | |
jacob_strauss | 30.08.2021 | |
THIS_IS_MY_ID | 30.08.2021 | |
Greatyr | 30.08.2021 | |
MENDES | 29.08.2021 | |
LucaBrosi | 29.08.2021 | |
matihost | 29.08.2021 | |
advate | 29.08.2021 | |
?apleee | 29.08.2021 | |
Radical Stoic | 28.08.2021 | |
Claypool | 28.08.2021 | |
Mall | 28.08.2021 | |
sharkruisher | 28.08.2021 | |
Nimlot | 28.08.2021 | |
Knight of Dusk | 28.08.2021 | |
Dream Taster | 28.08.2021 | |
ThrashingSpeed | 28.08.2021 | |
joserock10 | 28.08.2021 | |
cfleming1 | 27.08.2021 | |
NSixtyScore | 27.08.2021 | |
stevo747 | 27.08.2021 | |
Melutox | 27.08.2021 | |
EliteJerk | 27.08.2021 | |
Muzmuz | 27.08.2021 | |
maged918 | 27.08.2021 | |
gengi | 27.08.2021 | |
chris_blackwater | 26.08.2021 | |
HasturX | 26.08.2021 | |
Darkmember | 26.08.2021 | |
Nihil Aeternum | 26.08.2021 | |
satthia | 26.08.2021 | |
patrik | 26.08.2021 | |
Kuroboshi | 26.08.2021 | |
Metal Dane | 26.08.2021 | |
Pyroth | 26.08.2021 | |
Anghellic67 | 25.08.2021 | |
Uxküll | 25.08.2021 | |
silenius | 25.08.2021 | |
KaninStryparn | 25.08.2021 | |
daemonic7 | 25.08.2021 | |
Nintaro | 25.08.2021 | |
EJoYLiBeRtY | 25.08.2021 | |
thetower | 25.08.2021 | |
Jared Archon | 25.08.2021 | |
Yugosaki | 24.08.2021 | |
77metallover | 24.08.2021 | |
robpal | 24.08.2021 | |
ZeulOrb | 24.08.2021 | |
Unknown user | 24.08.2021 | |
The Melting Snow | 24.08.2021 | |
ziltoid101 | 24.08.2021 | |
CoFVe | 24.08.2021 | |
Autumn_colors | 24.08.2021 | |
Fallen Ghost | 24.08.2021 | |
Stunning Cactus | 24.08.2021 | |
Sorrow | 24.08.2021 | |
Castiel666 | 24.08.2021 | |
chella1788 | 24.08.2021 | |
Jose26 | 24.08.2021 | |
ialus | 24.08.2021 | |
silverfox | 24.08.2021 | |
MyNameJeff | 23.08.2021 | |
chomskeet | 23.08.2021 | |
GetsuSenshi | 23.08.2021 | |
Kristein75 | 23.08.2021 | |
egoza | 23.08.2021 | |
FluffyToaster | 23.08.2021 | |
Hellomaiden | 23.08.2021 | |
qlacs | 23.08.2021 | |
Paranoid Metal | 23.08.2021 | |
vermin scourge | 23.08.2021 | |
diamondblack | 23.08.2021 | |
creekmma | 23.08.2021 | |
metaalerik | 23.08.2021 | |
rasto72 | 23.08.2021 | |
Blindhate | 23.08.2021 | |
Einar170 | 23.08.2021 | |
EccePrimordium | 23.08.2021 | |
atrox | 23.08.2021 | |
schraedder | 23.08.2021 | |
wes93 | 23.08.2021 | |
tludmetal | 23.08.2021 | |
suijius | 23.08.2021 | |
Salad_Master | 22.08.2021 | |
koob | 22.08.2021 | |
GioMasteR | 22.08.2021 | |
RBMossX1 | 22.08.2021 | |
gonzchalo | 22.08.2021 | |
dragula1541 | 22.08.2021 | |
M.o.R.T. | 22.08.2021 | |
X-Ray Rod | 22.08.2021 | |
sancheller | 22.08.2021 | |
666tipex666 | 22.08.2021 | |
Nargeus | 22.08.2021 | |
Symfonius | 22.08.2021 | |
Gothicangel | 22.08.2021 | |
Litvin | 22.08.2021 | |
Alce | 22.08.2021 | |
rps | 22.08.2021 | |
OpethFlames | 22.08.2021 | |
Kreatore666 | 21.08.2021 | |
macaira | 21.08.2021 | |
blaiseantoine | 21.08.2021 | |
Bulletpr00fMonk | 21.08.2021 | |
rasto | 21.08.2021 | |
Shadlley | 21.08.2021 | |
ShehabSameh | 21.08.2021 | |
norda | 21.08.2021 | |
stendroid | 21.08.2021 | |
Pedro Pereira | 21.08.2021 | |
Irinel | 21.08.2021 | |
Lastempire | 21.08.2021 | |
Mehrad | 21.08.2021 | |
JF ooo | 21.08.2021 | |
ninjastro | 21.08.2021 | |
imabigpotato | 21.08.2021 | |
calenail | 20.08.2021 | |
PēterisP | 20.08.2021 | |
woodsmoke666 | 20.08.2021 | |
Elisyon | 20.08.2021 | |
Icedburden | 20.08.2021 | |
trapese | 20.08.2021 | |
Erudon | 20.08.2021 | |
Byners | 20.08.2021 | |
byte_my_bit | 20.08.2021 | |
garlic_eater | 20.08.2021 | |
Mighty Machine | 20.08.2021 | |
zer01 | 20.08.2021 | |
SlaughterPegasus | 20.08.2021 | |
HyperDrifter | 20.08.2021 | |
Manolosazio | 20.08.2021 | |
Yaniv | 20.08.2021 | |
Atrus | 20.08.2021 | |
havitetty | 20.08.2021 | |
K. Siachalos | 20.08.2021 | |
Trystan1297 | 20.08.2021 | |
kam1kaze | 20.08.2021 | |
Maglor | 20.08.2021 | |
Gothic Metalhead | 20.08.2021 | |
EternumBleed | 20.08.2021 | |
Christophzki | 20.08.2021 | |
huud872 | 20.08.2021 | |
Lord Vycrum | 19.08.2021 | |
Awesomesaurus | 19.08.2021 | |
Fixxxer | 19.08.2021 | |
Memento Mori | 18.08.2021 | |
Unknown user | 18.08.2021 | |
CervonaSpeka | 16.08.2021 | |
Defunctus | 14.08.2021 | |
Archmoon | 14.08.2021 | |
DeathSlyzer | 12.08.2021 | |
Arrancar6 | 11.08.2021 | |
Abyss1106 | 10.08.2021 | |
gaud2029 | 09.08.2021 | |
goregrinder | 06.08.2021 | |
kEaten | 04.08.2021 | |
Grouch Douglas | 04.08.2021 | |
o.n.d.r.a. | 04.08.2021 | |
thousandfold | 29.07.2021 | |
fdaners | 27.07.2021 | |
deswesher | 25.07.2021 | |
matt4815162342 | 23.07.2021 | |
Umideath | 22.07.2021 | |
sam230178 | 20.07.2021 | |
DonMoenning | 20.07.2021 | |
CranberrySawUs | 18.07.2021 | |
Deadsoulman | 12.07.2021 | |
TSRodriguez | 09.07.2021 | |
hzmetal1986 | 08.07.2021 | |
EDGORE21 | 08.07.2021 | |
yronnen | 07.07.2021 | |
mute30rp | 04.07.2021 | |
metallan | 02.07.2021 | |
Mr.Wilson | 01.07.2021 | |
Abattoir | 30.06.2021 | |
Necrodamus | 30.06.2021 | |
s2k | 30.06.2021 | |
Metallized | 30.06.2021 | |
bloodymert | 29.06.2021 | |
Czerny Reiter | 26.06.2021 |