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Blind Guardian - A Twist In The Myth review


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Band: Blind Guardian
Album: A Twist In The Myth
Style: Power metal
Release date: September 05, 2006
A review by: Dream Taster

01. This Will Never End
02. Otherland
03. Turn The Page
04. Fly
05. Carry The Blessed Home
06. Another Stranger Me
07. Straight Through The Mirror
08. Lionheart
09. Skalds And Shadows
10. The Edge
11. The New Order
12. All The King's Horses [Japanese bonus]
13. Dead Sound Of Misery [Japanese bonus]

After a couple of surprising moves - signing to label Nuclear Blast and quasi-unexplained firing of long time drummer Thomen Stauch - Blind Guardian is back with a new album entitled 'A Twist In The Myth'. Despite claims that this is a totally different direction for the band, the overall impression is very close to their previous opus, 'A Night At The Opera'. It is however more progressive and even a little more easy of access at times. The band also developped a brought up-to-date sound , which is obvious on songs like 'The Edge', 'Otherland' and 'Fly'.

This time, the lyric passages have been brought forth and it is obvious straight from the opener 'This Will Never End'. Listening to this track, it appears that the amazing vocal work that Hansi showcased with Demons & Wizards has now been transposed to Blind Guardian. But the first real thrill from this album is undeniably 'Otherland'. This one is halfway between their sound of 'Imaginations From The Other Side' era and their newest sound. It is sure to become one of their classics as it almost immediately reminded me of 'Born In A Mourning Hall'. With 'Turn The Page', we are back into the troubadour spirit that made Blind Guardian famous. However, it is also a testimony of a will to carry on their values and transpose them to a more current approach of their music as the song includes some unusual passages.

The single 'Fly', was already exposed to the critic and it got mostly positive reviews. It is a one of the kind composition for Blind Guardian. That's ironically why they actually have two songs made out of this: 'Fly' and a darker version named 'Dead Sound Of Misery' featuring a different set of lyrics. Which all things considered, is actually a smart way of closing this album. The mandatory ballad is called 'Carry The Blessed Home' and it has an unusual atmosphere for a band like Blind Guardian. It almost sounds like it could be a Dream Theater ballad. Overall, it is a fresh breeze for this album and it is a more complex song that it first appears.

The heart of 'A Twist In The Myth' is filled with splendid songs. 'Another Stranger Me' is the equivalent of what 'The Soulforged' was for their previous album, while 'Lionheart' and 'The Edge' are the most interesting tracks on the whole album in my opinion. 'The New Order' confirms once more that Hansi vocal abilities have soared in the past years. This is another strong hook of the album.

At the end of the day, Blind Guardian came up with a very interesting album, definitely worth your money. I have a very hard time picking out one song as my favorite track, which is usually a good sign. Just check it out, there is at least a little something for everybody.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 8
Production: 9

Written on 04.11.2006 by Bringing you reviews of quality music and interesting questions such as:

"A picture is worth a thousand words. How many words is a song worth?"

I have only got so much patience and skills, you do the math.

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Comments: 60   Visited by: 259 users
03.03.2007 - 15:15
Account deleted
Well, after several listenings I realize that this is definetly not their best album. Fly is a magical song and THE song of this record (a great adaptation from the Finding Neverland movie), This will never end and The Edge are great songs, Otherland, Straight..., Another Stranger Me, The New order, Carry the blessed home are good ones, Skalds is avarege (doesn't match their previous ballads). Lionheart and Turn the Page are the worst songs I heard from them, cmon these songs make Tommyknockers a classic BG song.
24.03.2007 - 03:09
FrOsTmOuRnE 0_o
Account deleted
Blind Guardian - A Twist In The Myth

01. This Will Never End
02. Otherland
03. Turn The Page
04. Fly
05. Carry The Blessed Home
06. Another Stranger Me
07. Straight Through The Mirror
08. Lionheart
09. Skalds And Shadows
10. The Edge
11. The New Order
12. Dead Sound Of
13. All Kings Horses
= Teh awsome ness Cd
30.04.2007 - 21:57
Account deleted
i love this album, the bagpipes are really a nice touch.
28.05.2007 - 21:49
Rating: 7
its just a good album nothing really special-there s something missing goddamnit-i hope the future will be better for blind guardian...i still cannot understand why thomen left the band-i wish him good luck
Don't turn away just take my hand and when you make your final stand i ll be right there i ll never leave all i ask of you is believe...
29.06.2007 - 21:23
Account deleted
Awesome work,

Can this band do no wrong ?
29.06.2007 - 21:28
Account deleted
Written by Unholy_Emperor on 05.11.2006 at 13:16

Good album, still lacks a little bit of the feeling of previous releases: it's not as epic as I would like it to be (epic in the Blind Guardian's way of course).

Anyway is a good album, specially for those who like progressive stuff.

Yes, great album, songs like "This Will Never End" and "Straight Through The Mirror" are the killing tracks. It's a work with many Progressive 'passages'.
09.07.2007 - 14:03
king of fools
Account deleted
The new blind guardian album is brilliant.
My favourite song is turn the page
But imaginations from the other side and nightfall in middle earth
were awesome releases.
26.10.2007 - 19:08
Account deleted
I finally got a copy of this! I saw them last year when they toured the U.S. and I really wanted to get the album then but I was hard on cash. I found this album in the used section at the record store! Can you believe it, someone sold this back?! What a shame, atleast its in good hands now.
07.02.2008 - 23:10
Account deleted
I was very disappointed with the "new" Blind Guardian song... In my opinion, Nightfall in middle earth is the best album ever created, and I was really looking forward into another epic journey.

Blind Guardian was my favourite band for years, but I have to admit that this is the worst album they have ever made, and by far.

When you look at what they have done in the past, you just can't say this is better, at least for me, it is not at all.
01.04.2008 - 04:41
Rating: 8
8.1/10, its no Nightfall or Imaginations, but its still Guardian and its still worth listening to. I love Another Stranger Me, Skalds and Otherland. Lionheart isn't bad either.
23.06.2008 - 21:28
Rating: 9
Nicko's Nose
I really don't get why some people consider it to be just ok or weak or bad... Its a GREAT album, maybe even awesome.
26.07.2008 - 19:49
Rating: 10
Written by Nicko's Nose on 23.06.2008 at 21:28

I really don't get why some people consider it to be just ok or weak or bad... Its a GREAT album, maybe even awesome.

I agree, this was actually the first blind guardian album I ever heard and it motivated me to get all the others! I even have turn the page as my ring tone
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
21.10.2008 - 02:30
Account deleted
Definetly the worst Blind Guardian album imo, but it's still not bad. I'd give it a solid 7 because it's good but it doesn't entertain me like Tales from the Twilight World or Imaginations do.
20.12.2008 - 23:15
Rating: 9
This album is great. It's not the best of BG but close one. Less complicated than ANATO (witch is my favorite BG Album), it's easier to listen to this one. Still all the songs are very well design and executed.

This Will Never End, Otherland and Turn The Page are my favorites songs.

A solid 9
Nothing is real
16.04.2009 - 15:13
Liver Failure
What's with the tribal drums in ''Fly'', ''Another Stranger Me'' and ''Dead Sound Of Misery''??!! Just exellent, new elements into BG albums.

Best work from Blind Guardian by far

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/
16.04.2009 - 16:37
I don't like this album at all. Not enough Power and too much Prog.
Also, production sounds too modern for my tastes.

And Hansi Kursch is barely recognizable at times.

Very boring album. Anyway, I don't really like anything Blind Guardian have done after "Imaginations From The Other Side", so there's no surprise.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
30.08.2009 - 22:41
Heaven Knight
There are some great songs too - Otherland, Fly and especially wonderful Skalds and Shadows...definitely not letdown
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

17.10.2009 - 18:31
Rating: 10
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
My best BG album along with nightfall in middle-earth
18.10.2009 - 15:19
Written by Hermann Langke on 17.10.2009 at 18:31

My best BG album along with nightfall in middle-earth

Their two worst albums, imo.
NIME is the most overrated PM album in history and ATITM just sucks.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
18.10.2009 - 15:21
Rating: 10
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
And which is your best????
18.10.2009 - 15:22
Rating: 10
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
Written by Götter on 05.11.2006 at 03:24

Definitely their worst. Okay, "Skalds and Shadows" is a good song, but that's it - their second worst, "Battalions of Fear" also has a good song, "Majesty".

This album is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to ANATO. Well, unless you're a proghead or something like that. Which I'm not, only an old (ex-)Blind Guardian fan.

"And Then There Was Silence", hello?

no i do not agree with you.
18.10.2009 - 15:25
Written by Hermann Langke on 18.10.2009 at 15:21

And which is your best????

When it comes to BG, I like only their old speed metal albums (from BOF to IFTOS incl). I don't really like anything this band has done since NIME.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
18.10.2009 - 15:28
Rating: 10
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
I agree their earlier stuffs were great.
18.10.2009 - 15:41
Baz Anderson
Yeh, this is their worst album by far.
Not saying it's a bad album, it is just their worst.
18.10.2009 - 15:51
Written by Baz Anderson on 18.10.2009 at 15:41

Yeh, this is their worst album by far.

I believe the next one will be even worse.
The song "Sacred" is probably the worst BG song I ever heard and I read somewhere that Kursch said this song is representative of how the next album will sound. And it does not bode well at all, from my point of view.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
18.10.2009 - 16:04
Baz Anderson
Well, if that is true - then I have to agree.

The Blind Guardian interview I did at Bloodstock this year - Andre said something interesting about the next album, I can't remember what though - but it made me interested in hearing it anyway.
18.10.2009 - 16:14
We'll see in due time then. I have no idea when they plan to release the album.

I don't follow BG. I was only talking for talking this morning.
Not bashing the band but saying that I think their best is far behind them and I expect nothing exceptional from this band.
Like so many old PM bands, I think BG are on their decline and could well start to move away from PM, taking a more hard rock-ish or whatever direction.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
18.10.2009 - 21:41
Rating: 6
Meh... A classic representative of today PM. Cheesy and comercial.
Not that I ever like Blind Guardian, or Power Metal at all, but the early stuff was worthy of respect. This? Nope.
30.10.2009 - 16:20
Rating: 10
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
Written by Baz Anderson on 18.10.2009 at 15:41

Yeh, this is their worst album by far.
Not saying it's a bad album, it is just their worst.

Why do you think so?
26.05.2010 - 21:04
Rating: 8
Its not their best, but its a good album anyway. More mid-tempo, more progressive comparing to other albums in my opinion. Songs such as "This Will Never End", "Otherland", "Another Stranger Me", "Lionheart" and "the Edge" are definitly the highlights of ATITM. Stay Metal!

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