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My Humble 2019 Abode Of Weirdness

I am probably gonna stick to the weirdest albums and things not popular on the site.
Also some non-metal

After all, the popular things you probably already heard anyway...

Created by: Karlabos | 03.01.2019

1. J▲M▲T▲R - Midoritsuki
(chiptune/electronica) ok... the whole idea of doing electronica using chiptune has been there forever but it's often too focused on the instruments they forget to write the song per se, so you very seldom see it properly applied like this. i wholeheartedly suggest you listen to that first song to get a grisp of what i mean with good chiptronica here
2. A_jiki - Manner Instructor Remixes
(experimental pop?) judging by the title these must be remixes of songs which can be found elsewhere? never heard any. either way this has the same A_jiki flavor you can find on Milk Machines here: short weirdlish poppy songs iften with a lot of electronica influence with a cute setup, lo-fi execution and ridiculously catchy melodies. good stuff
3. Child Abuse - Imaginary Enemy
(avantgarde metal/noise/experimental grindcore) been a while since i saw some original stuff among the whole cookie monster growling music scene. and hell i forgot how i love it
4. Purple Pilgrims - Perfumed Earth
(dreampop) psychedelic trippy pop.
5. Kero Kero Bonito - Civilisation I
(breakcore) it seems KKB went back to their original breakcore roots this time. however this ep has a much more serious tone to it than their work before the last ep
6. Salqiu - Invisible Music For The Unseen
(avantgarde black) i know i'm not being the most prolific music listener this year but at least some albums deserve to be adressed here. the new Salqiu, as always, is something which deserves attention among avantgarde metal fans. i'd say this album is the most straightforward album of his so far yet don't expect Memoria Vetusta or anything like that. it sounds more like... those moments when Pan. Thy. Monium is sounding less weird than usual. speaking of which i feel the last track could as well be written by Pan. Thy. Monium itself. the album also carries an intense psychedelic black vibe which makes the whole listen even more rewarding
7. Nagaarum - Templom
(psychedelic black) damn that is some bassy stuff.
8. Wishfield - St
(hipster black?) some gaze-ish black, reminding the early Alcest style, except that there is a lot more of stuff going on: clean vocals, some country vibes, ethereal pop, doom metal, etc... it's all very well mixed out tho; not just some cuts of one genre then cuts of the other like in other albums they try to make the same stuff.
9. Nekrock - Our Summer SPLASH
(Nekrock) well, summer is fianlly here! and with the best of it: Nekrock's brand new release. i'd say the previous ones were aimed at some kind of pop-ish electronic black metal, but this one is so weird i can't even define the genre here. i'm just gonna point out there is a lot of breakcore and free jazz (??) the songs all sound very lo-fi, like they were recorded under the water or something, which makes it all even more interesting. a fan of avantgarde black and especially fusion should definitely check this out
10. Rubens Da Selva - Existe um Cachorro Faminto na Minha Barriga Latindo Para Você
(progressive jazzy mpb?) it's always good when the Brazilian music scene destagnates even if just a little. this is among the few original records i've heard the later years coming from here
11. Devil Worshipper - Godforsaken
(almost metal thing but more like dissonant ambient) not exactly the most underground entry in this list since Matron Thorn is involved and all... but interesting nonetheless. it's basically if dissonant extreme metal didn't have the metal
12. No Point In Living - Last Era
(progressive depressive black metal) sounds like if Kekal went dsbm? industrial-ish progressive almost dissonant passages over a riffy Forgotten Tomb-ish dsbm setup
13. Droid Legion - Earthless
(??) I am not sure whether this is an ost for a game or what. i think it sounds even more fantastic if i never know. if you ever wanted some accurate alien abduction soundtrack this is the thing for you
14. Infernus Presence - Natural Unconcern
(black metal) this sounds like a better produced version of Cultes des Ghoules. except the vocals aren't very weird, but it's still really good overall
15. Gallows' Forest - Cerulean
(huh...) browsing 'ambient black' on bandcamp and ending up on a record with this cover isn't the most exciting thing ever. needless to say i never expected it to be like.. ''this''. it's hard to tell which genre this isn't: it has black metal, ambient, some electronics, folk, drum and bass, a microtonal guitar, xylophones, some jazz and even a didgeridoo. i could write every influence i hear here but that would sum up a whole review
16. Onkos - st
(acoustic death metal) i was never the one to get too excited about acoustic extreme metal since most of the time it's either not extreme at all or it's crap. ironically enough it doesn't seem to be the case here. this is not another cancerous Impaled Northern Moonforest clone, rather a pretty serious and well done acoustic progdeath thing.
17. Necronomidol - Scions of the Blasted Heath
(??) not every ep but rather every song by this band is a different genre. in this short ep you find blastbeast, heavy metal and darkwave, all blended together with the japanese idol rock setup
18. Charming Timur - Between Worlds
(extreme indie rock?) this is that sort of album where there's nothing too weird or astoundingly innovative or gimmick-ish but somehow nobody ever though of it. kinda sounds like if Kekal did an indie rock album
19. GosT - Textorcist OST
(retrowave/ost) i always liked the retrowave scene because it was overall about high tempo and somehow "heavy" music but mostly because some of it sounded kinda... boss-ish. like in "video-game" bossy. almost like a video game ost. well this time it really is a game ost. and by one of the most known names out there in the genre
20. 8BitHero - Hope
(chiptune/electronic) the feels... i cannot place this in any genre. it kinda evokes the same ethereal feeling as Bitplane (from Japan). a really good and varied album
21. Teen - Good Fruit
(funk/r&b/indie rock/synthpop) Oh snap, more Teen.
22. Suiyoubi no Campanella & Oourutaichi - Yakushima Treasure
(japanese folk/world/instrumental) it's basically a Suiyoubi no Campanella record except without the vocals, which is a shame since the vocals are one of the best things about them. still good nonetheless
23. Outworlder - Terraformation
(techno/ ambient black metal) woah. it turns out this guy is also prolific. instant fav. i haven't listened to all his stuff from this year yet but this one follows the same line of Droid Spiritual. maybe more technoish than ambient, but still awesome
24. Minimal Criminal - Zeuhllander
(zeuhl/psytrance) when you think those crossovers can't get any weirder...
25. Luzi - Luzi lp
(deathrock/lofi blackened neofolk) now that is some legit acoustic black metal riffing you got there
26. Emamouse - Eye Cavity
(emamouse/weird) sounds like typical Emamouse
27. Asterismal - 11Paranoias
(stoner post punk) some weird groovy stoner metal with some mild post punk vibes, mostly provenient from vocals
28. Reptilian Child - st
(blackened drone metal/industrial/psychedelic) instant love! very lo-fi experimental music thing compilating genres like drone, industrial and psychedelic metal. most songs have the basis repeating over and over again from the beginning to the end, which builds some sort of hypnotic atmosphere. also it doesn't get tiring because the songs are all pretty short
29. Hold Me Down - St
(industrial metal) yay. actual industrial music. it's kinda rare on a society who thinks industrial and electronic are synonims. very harsh industrial thing which may contain some extreme metal elements here and there
30. Battle Lolis - Radar & The Quiet Winter
(blackened chiptune/nesbm) another great release by the queen of 8-bit black metal. now that abra's yt channel is gone it's been a bit hard to follow his stuff, but we still find a way :p
31. Arvi Teikari - Baba is You OST
(OST) i'm not fond of spamming osts on my lists (oh if i put all the ones i like it would be indeed a spam) but this one deserves a special place. you can say it's some kind of minimal electronic music which is very bassy and catchy
32. Doug The Eagle - Illiath the Barbarian
(progressive rock) the good of being a fan of overly prolific bands is that you can always count on a new release
33. Vessel Of Iniquity - Void Of Infinite Horror
(cavernous death metal) something like a deathened Gnaw Their Tongues
34. Fyrce Muons - True Confession
(krautrock/spychedelic rock/post punk) another overly long trippy space punk electronic rock thing full length by this band. it follows the same direction of the previous ones. perhaps a bit less punky and more to the krautrock side this time. if you don't follow Fyrce Muons yet and you call yourself an experimental music connosseur you are wasting time
35. Szarfaszú Vizelet - The Túróstészta 1000dmg Critical Attack
(cybergrind) i decided not to add singles or short eps here but i can do a small exception for this one since it's so original: this is cybergrind with voice synthesizer as vocals. i hope they stick to the formula on the next full
36. PhonoPaths - Sandwich, Ducks And Dishwasher: The Chronicles Of Supertaste
(extreme avantgarde metal) one of those over-the-top weird french extreme avantgarde metal albums like Pryapisme or BVDK. gotta love these, right?
37. Licht- Und Schattensaiten - Weißbunter Rabe
(semiacoustic atmo/folkblack?) sounds like an acoustic Kroda. which is pretty interesting
38. Fyrce Muons - Chutes
(post/punk/experimental electronic/ progressive rock) this is quickly becoming my favorite non-japanese overly prolific band. it's amazing how they manage to write consistently good huge albums in intervals of every month or so
39. ODDEEO - Bearer of The Heart
(which genre is this?) choirs of vocaloids? sign me in
40. Necro Cannibal Machinery - Serenity
(avantgarde metal) this is a 1-track album of about 25min. if you follow this band you know what to expect: basically they sound like if Damned Spirit's Dance ever continued making music
41. Outworlder - Droid Spiritual
(ambient black metal with synthwave influences) it's like cute ambient spacey black metal a la Nychts, except with some good sick beats. coincidentally i was playing enviromental station alpha these days and the cover art looks so much like that game...
42. Vapor Hiemis - Чараўніца Смерці
(black metal and other genres) the setup is somewhat like an agressive Kroda song, especially because the language sounds similar. but then they start throwing in other genres than the obvious folk, such as industrial metal... or plain techno?
43. Griefloss - St
(black metal) some intense and groovy somewhat posty black metal thing. but not "post" in the sense of gaze, more like almost sludgey "post", if that makes any sense. the vocals are also pretty good
44. Indus Bonze - 19
(experimental eletronic/tribal/breakcore/gorge) one of the most intense Induz Bonze mini-albums so far. if you like tribal electronic music with lots of drumming, this (and Indus Bonze overall) is a must
45. Florid Ekstasis - AN: Effloresce as Arid Dots
(avant garde death metal) if you like those progressive death weird things with tracks of over 7 minutes, this is your new thing

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 8   Visited by: 74 users
06.01.2019 - 15:19
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
18.02.2019 - 14:58
Account deleted
Not expecting to find too much here as tastes differ but for your individual taste and untamedness.

How ZÖNs and Candelabrums awesome releases last year didnt make your last years list is a mystery Last years Candelabrum is very good if youre still looking for raw melodic bm.
25.02.2019 - 02:02
Written by [user id=173045] on 18.02.2019 at 14:58

Not expecting to find too much here as tastes differ but for your individual taste and untamedness.

How ZÖNs and Candelabrums awesome releases last year didnt make your last years list is a mystery Last years Candelabrum is very good if youre still looking for raw melodic bm.


Yeah I haven't listened to those yet what with travelling a lot/changing jobs with a shotty laptop and all, it makes the music hunting quite unproductive.

I plan to get back on the hobby sometime tho
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
19.03.2019 - 03:41
Baba Is You is amazing. Its music is a bit weird for me though -- some parts are kinda distracting when you try to focus on the puzzle . But I can understand him since he just used some sound effects online and combined into an OST which is decent at least, not to mention this is the first time he does OST for a game.
19.03.2019 - 04:12
Written by SS on 19.03.2019 at 03:41

Baba Is You is amazing. Its music is a bit weird for me though -- some parts are kinda distracting when you try to focus on the puzzle . But I can understand him since he just used some sound effects online and combined into an OST which is decent at least, not to mention this is the first time he does OST for a game.

Really? Didn't he compose Environmental Station Alpha as well? Or was it other composer?
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
19.03.2019 - 11:04
Written by Karlabos on 19.03.2019 at 04:12

Written by SS on 19.03.2019 at 03:41

Baba Is You is amazing. Its music is a bit weird for me though -- some parts are kinda distracting when you try to focus on the puzzle . But I can understand him since he just used some sound effects online and combined into an OST which is decent at least, not to mention this is the first time he does OST for a game.

Really? Didn't he compose Environmental Station Alpha as well? Or was it other composer?

Just looked it up, ESA's OST is made by someone else (here is the link).
19.03.2019 - 13:46
Written by SS on 19.03.2019 at 11:04

Written by Karlabos on 19.03.2019 at 04:12

Written by SS on 19.03.2019 at 03:41

Baba Is You is amazing. Its music is a bit weird for me though -- some parts are kinda distracting when you try to focus on the puzzle . But I can understand him since he just used some sound effects online and combined into an OST which is decent at least, not to mention this is the first time he does OST for a game.

Really? Didn't he compose Environmental Station Alpha as well? Or was it other composer?

Just looked it up, ESA's OST is made by someone else (here is the link).

Wow, I could swear he did that game all by himself.

Either way I liked the OST. I noticed it had some sort of "clumsy" feeling to it, which suits the game btw, and now that you mention he used sound effects he found online it makes perfect sense.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
30.03.2019 - 08:48
Account deleted
I thought Hold Me Down wasnt as good as american but nice here. I get a bit worried when members of a great band starts doing things on the side. Have you listened to 2017 album below, great imo


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