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GREAT SONGS COVERED BY METAL BANDS ^^Rules 2 songs per band but not for the same record^^
The real merit of covering a song is that it has to sound so good that everyone thinks it’s your own creation. Some people say that some covers…
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Created by Blackcrowe
on 09.10.2024
Favorite Metal Albums Of All Time These are my favorite metal albums of all time! To enter this list, the album must be out for at least a year, as I feel it gives me the time to really digest the record and fully comprehend its meaning.
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Created by gabrielrsilva
on 01.07.2021
Best Album From Different Genres My favorite albums from various genres…
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Created by Anghellic67
on 02.02.2018
Metalcore's Finest
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Created by MOIST
on 01.11.2017
Top Ten Riffs Of Each Decade While the order in each decade is purely personal preference, there are several rules for a song qualifying for the list. First off, the band has to be notable. I'm not going to define what that means,…
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Created by Ganondox
on 04.08.2017
Best Metal Albums Ever (IMO) Metal albums that blow me away every time I hear them. Loosely ordered... list gets less organized as it goes on. My favorite song from each album is included.
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Created by matthewdurham
on 09.05.2017
Current Top 100, 5 Years On Back when I joined the site in 2011, I did a customary top 100 album list. Every year since then, when I've looked back at it it's become increasingly unrecognisable from my own tastes. Seeing…
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Created by musclassia
on 23.03.2016
Essential Albums That Built My Metal Taste (not finished) Metal and not so metal albums that had huge impact on my taste as metalhead and love for "heavy" music, ordered approximately by time I first listened to them…
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Created by Drogich
on 12.09.2014
Best Album I Think These my all time favorite albums.
Not in a particular rank…
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Created by KillerArt666
on 29.08.2011
tea[m]sters Favorite 25 Metal Albums Of All Time My first list! Celebrating 25+ years of listening to metal I present my 25 favorite metal albums. Mostly prog and thrash in my early years and exploring other metal avenues today, I hope my fellow metalheads…
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Created by tea[m]ster
on 02.05.2010