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20 Albums For 2022

1.Ritual Dictates - No Great Loss
2.Messa - Close
3.Sonja - Loud Arriver
4.Ashenspire - Hostile Architecture
5.Ultha - All That Has Never Been True

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Created by Iron Men on 07.02.2023

Thumbs up: +7
My Top 50 Metal Albums Of 2022 + Honorable Mentions

Hey, I'm back since late September. I'm probably only going to go to 50 albums this time around but that may change depending on how many metal (in some shape or form) albums I get to. So far…

1.Licho - Ciuciubabka
2.Heltekvad - Morgenrødens Helvedesherre
3.Grave Pilgrim - Molten Hands Reach West
4.Crown of Ascension - Transmission Errors
5.Devil Master - Ecstasies Of Never Ending Night

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Created by quieted_darkness on 10.10.2022

Thumbs up: +10

I've been meaning to start a 2022 list for quite a while, so here is the start of it. These are the albums that impressed me. I will update the list, obviously a work in progress.

1.Pure Reason Revolution - Above Cirrus
2.Spitfire - Denial To Fall
3.Birth - Born
4.Fer De Lance - The Hyperborean
5.Dawn Of Solace - Flames Of Perdition

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Created by John_Doe on 30.05.2022

Thumbs up: +5
Best Of April 2022

Snow starts to smelt, ice starts to crumble, its vårvinter time.

1.Dreamtale - Everlasting Flame
2.Månegarm - Ynglingaättens Öde
3.Axel Rudi Pell - Lost XXIII
4.SheWolf - SheWolf
5.Midas - Midas

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Created by Bad English on 02.05.2022

Journey Through 2022

This is my list of newly released Albums that I listened/will listen to in 2022.
The records are presented in order of release date and I will rate them when I´m certain that I formed an opinion on them,…

1.Apocryphal - Tales Of Galilea
2.Wilderun - Epigone
3.Power Paladin - With The Magic Of Windfyre Steel
4.Kalmankantaja - Metsäuhri
5.Wiegedood - There's Always Blood At The End Of The Road

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Created by pandrstudios on 06.03.2022

Thumbs up: +2

1.Messa - Close
2.Sumerlands - Dreamkiller
3.Sonja - Loud Arriver
4.The Otolith - Folium Limina
5.Phantom Spell - Immortal's Requiem

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Created by Tornado Of Souls on 02.03.2022

Thumbs up: +26
Andy's top 2022

All my top 2022 albums ranked in order that I have listened to completely. No EP's included only full length albums.


1.An Abstract Illusion - Woe
2.Panzerfaust - The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter III: The Astral Drain
3.Psychonaut - Violate Consensus Reality
4.Djevel - Naa Skrider Natten Sort
5.Humanotone - A Flourishing Fall In A Grain Of Sand

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Created by AndyMetalFreak on 06.02.2022

Thumbs up: +3
2022: Albums Worth A Re-Listen

A list of albums released in 2022 that I've listened to and thought "Hmmm, hey, ya, I'll probably listen to that again." I try to keep it in order of personal ranking.

1.Show Me The Body - Trouble The Water
2.Meshuggah - Immutable
3.Soreption - Jord
4.Smoke - Groupthink
5.Messa - Close

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Created by Daddy Pig on 22.01.2022

Thumbs up: +17
2022: Jan-Jun

Honestly curious to see if I get anywhere near 2021's ludicrous album count (~900) this year; should hopefully be some very high-scoring albums in the first couple of months, but otherwise let's…

1.Persefone - Metanoia
2.Hath - All That Was Promised
3.Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory
4.Playgrounded - The Death Of Death
5.Kardashev - Liminal Rite

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Created by musclassia on 05.01.2022

Thumbs up: +15
2022 Album Ranking

1.Grima - Frostbitten
2.Vermilia - Ruska
3.Marrasmieli - Martaiden Mailta
4.Slipknot - The End, So Far
5.Amorphis - Halo

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Created by Anghellic67 on 01.01.2022