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Thumbs up: +2
Favorite Speed/Power/Thrash Metal Albums

My Favorite Speed/Power/Thrash Metal albums by year of release…

1.Metallica - Kill 'Em All
2.Anthrax - Fistful Of Metal
3.Metal Church - Metal Church
4.Metallica - Ride The Lightning
5.Overkill - Overkill

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Created by toastb on 26.12.2023

Thumbs up: +10
Metal Rasputin's Absolute Favorite Albums Of All Time

Updated 14.4.2024

My rather personal and improvised take on the subject matter. The list is pretty wage, I'll be updating it a lot and the order might vary a little depending on some things, but…

1.Marillion - Marbles
2.Anathema - Weather Systems
3.Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
4.Moonsorrow - Voimasta Ja Kunniasta
5.Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja

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Created by Metal Diogenes on 15.02.2020

Thumbs up: +3
Thrash Til Death!

Just a list of classic thrash albums I really enjoy, since thrash has had such a good year this year. They are in no particular order.

1.Annihilator - Alice In Hell
2.Anthrax - Among The Living
3.Anthrax - Spreading The Disease
4.Artillery - By Inheritance
5.Assassin - The Upcoming Terror

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Created by mute30rp on 26.10.2016

Thumbs up: +14
Hidden Gems - 25 Albums You Might Have Missed

What follows are 25 very good albums that seem to have flown under the radar of MS users, as not a one has even 50 ratings. Pulled pretty much from tastes, so largely some death, doom, sludge, stoner,…

1....And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery Of Thoughts
2.(EchO) - Devoid Of Illusions
3.5ive - Hesperus
4.Abske Fides - Abske Fides
5.Altar Of Betelgeuze - Darkness Sustains The Silence

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Created by BitterCOld on 12.05.2015

Thumbs up: +1
Favorite Thrash Metal Albums

Full Lengths Only…

1.Metallica - Ride The Lightning
2.Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
3.Vio-lence - Eternal Nightmare
4.Slayer - Reign In Blood
5.Exodus - Bonded By Blood

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Created by FatesOpeth on 02.03.2015

Thumbs up: +18
Best of US THRASH [ without The Big Four ]


1. Originality

2. Songwriting

3. Vigorous performance…

1.Anacrusis - Screams And Whispers
2.Overkill - Feel The Fire
3.Nuclear Assault - Game Over
4.Wrathchild America - 3-D
5.Toxik - World Circus

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Created by Vasil de Shumen on 29.07.2012

Thumbs up: +43
Top 200 Metal Masterpieces of All Time


- Originality [ 35% of the rating ]
- Songwriting [ 35% of the rating ]
- Performance [ 30% of the rating ]

Neither popularity among fans nor commercial success (or unsuccess)…

1.Metallica - Ride The Lightning
2.Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
3.Metallica - Master Of Puppets
4.Black Sabbath - Master Of Reality
5.Iron Maiden - Piece Of Mind

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Created by Vasil de Shumen on 10.03.2012

Thumbs up: +63
MOST OVERLOOKED Albums of All Time

1.Anacrusis - Screams And Whispers
2.Heavy Load - Full Speed At High Level
3.Fatal Opera - The Eleventh Hour
4.Fatal Opera - Fatal Opera
5.Sacred Blade - Of The Sun + Moon

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Created by Vasil de Shumen on 01.01.2012

Thumbs up: +13
My Staff Picks

weeeee. all my past staff picks now compiled into one swell list.

1.High On Fire - Snakes For The Divine
2.Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough
3.Greymachine - Disconnected
4.Kylesa - Static Tensions
5.Profetus - Coronation Of The Black Sun

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Created by BitterCOld on 22.09.2011

Thumbs up: +156
The Metal Art Of Thrashing (Ordered By Years)

**WARNING: Mega-list ahead**

So you're seeking some good ol' (or new) Thrash Metal and you don't know where to look? Recommendations are running low and you're tired of wandering…

1.Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
2.Metallica - Kill 'Em All
3.Suicidal Tendencies - Suicidal Tendencies
4.Slayer - Show No Mercy
5.Dr. Know - Plug-In Jesus

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Created by Guib on 24.05.2011

Thumbs up: +9
Top 25 Albums Of 1987

Updated 10/23/18…

1.Toxik - World Circus
2.Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
3.King Diamond - Abigail
4.Manilla Road - Mystification
5.Sacred Reich - Ignorance

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Created by Dangerboner on 02.03.2010