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My All-Time Favorite Albums
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Created by FilipeHCCSantos
on 09.11.2023
Song Puzzles: One Song In Several Parts On Different Albums Some stories, themes or concepts are presented not just in one single song but are split in separate tracks that (often) share the same title but are distinguished by a number of the corresponding part…
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Created by Plattner
on 28.05.2023
Albums With Multiple Title Tracks Albums that share their name with a song usually have only one title track. However, there are also examples of albums where several songs contribute to the album name.
Please feel free to suggest more…
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Created by Plattner
on 20.05.2023
InstruMEnTAL Metal Songs This is an alphabetical list of interesting instrumental songs that have been included by vocal groups as original contribution to an album. Therefore, this list does not include instrumental-based groups…
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Created by Plattner
on 28.01.2023
Non-Metal Music That Everyone’s Loves Obviously This list born after reading the comments in my previous list, Non metal bands that everyone Loves and inspired .
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Created by Blackcrowe
on 29.01.2022
Metal Rasputin's Absolute Favorite Albums Of All Time Updated 14.4.2024
My rather personal and improvised take on the subject matter. The list is pretty wage, I'll be updating it a lot and the order might vary a little depending on some things, but…
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Created by Metal Diogenes
on 15.02.2020
A Progressive Journey: My Selections / Favourites Progressive rock / metal - what I love the most in my collection. Would love suggestions to add to it.
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Created by Progfiggit
on 22.02.2014
Evolution: Sailing The Seas Of Prog Recently, instead of scouring too much the albums of the year I'm in, I decided to take a deeper journey and appreciate progressive music (prog metal/rock). While I'm still in the early beginnings…
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Created by Iron Nostarion
on 22.09.2013
Blue Lullaby (DVD Audio / Blu-ray Audio) It Is Only Sound That Remains... (Forough Farrokhzad The Legendary Poet)…
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Created by Pimeässä
on 29.07.2013
Epic Album Closers Some albums are really good. Many of these are good all the way around. And, in many cases, there is a single song that stands out, sometimes it's the last song on the album. This is a list of those…
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Created by BigNaughtyV
on 02.07.2013
First examples of songs in different genres This is a list about what I think could be the first examples of songs in different genres. If you disagree with something or have any opinion of first example of any other genre, just write a comment.
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Created by Aristarchos
on 19.09.2012