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Thumbs up: +41
2012: Towards The Megalist

I'm (sorta) back. *The Finishing Touches* OKAY, so obviously not as much stuff from the last half of the year as the first. Sorry guys, but that first six months nearly killed me. Some stuff as…

1.Bound By Entrails - The Stars Bode You Farewell
2.Royal Thunder - CVI
3.Akphaezya - Anthology IV: The Tragedy Of Nerak
4.Dissona - Dissona
5.Anhedonist - Netherwards

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Created by strade on 23.01.2012

Thumbs up: +27
2012 Musical Perusals

My list of favourites and interests for this year ordered roughly in descending order. My new years resolution is to branch out a bit and listen to new and unfamiliar genres, metal and non-metal.


1.Enslaved - RIITIIR
2.Pharaoh - Bury The Light
3.Anglagard - Viljans Öga
4.Overkill - The Electric Age
5.The Foreshadowing - Second World

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Created by R'Vannith on 12.01.2012

Thumbs up: +19
This Is Not A 2012 List

Too many 2012 lists around, you complain? You don't have to complain about this, though, it is NOT a 2012 list!

Previously, this list contained long-ass reviews, and distorted orders. But then this…

1.Rush - Clockwork Angels
2.Cytotoxin - Radiophobia
3.Overkill - The Electric Age
4.Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
5.Testament - Dark Roots Of Earth

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Created by Iron Nostarion on 01.04.2012

Thumbs up: +5
Rank Has Nothing To Do With Luck 2012

Welcome to Lkoturnindrin's obligatory rating system of 2012. There will be only one voice of reason, mine. And since I have loads of albums to review, that will be all.

Re-edits in process…

1.Christian Mistress - Possession
2.Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pandora's Piñata
3.High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis
4.Pharaoh - Bury The Light
5.Ram-Zet - Freaks In Wonderland

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Created by Lkoturnindrin on 25.02.2012

Thumbs up: +5
2012: Favourite To Least

One of likely hundreds of these, more for self-enjoyment (or something) above anything, but if it helps someone find a good album/albums they wouldn't've otherwise heard I'll be happy.

1.Sylosis - Monolith
2.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
3.In The Silence - A Fair Dream Gone Mad
4.Abigail Williams - Becoming
5.Enslaved - RIITIIR

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Created by musclassia on 11.01.2012

Thumbs up: +3
Favorite Albums Of 2012

My favorite albums of 2012.

*Now separated into a 'metal' and 'non-metal' section. (non-metal is at the bottom of the list).

Soon to be added: Clocks, Kiko Loureiro, Deathmole, Leonard…

1.Between The Buried And Me - The Parallax II: Future Sequence
2.Hypno5e - Acid Mist Tomorrow
3.The Faceless - Autotheism
4.Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
5.Save Us From the Archon - How Terrible, The Undergrowth's Jaws That Tangle

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Created by Moose on 16.02.2012

Thumbs up: +3
2012: A Culling

Every album I list here I recommend. Feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. Well enjoy.

1.Dodecahedron - Dodecahedron
2.Alcest - Les Voyages De L'âme
3.Verwüstung - I First Saw You On That Snowy Night And Couldn't Shake An Overwhelming Feeling Of Sadness
4.Horrendous - The Chills
5.Wilds Forlorn - We, The Damned

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Created by Mikyz on 10.01.2012

Thumbs up: +2
2012: Favourite To Least (Continued)

Because I reached the word limit on the previous list, and don't want to lose my quite excellent in-depth descriptions. Those without descriptions are from my other list.

1.Sylosis - Monolith
2.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
3.In The Silence - A Fair Dream Gone Mad
4.Abigail Williams - Becoming
5.Rodrigo Y Gabriela - Area 52

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Created by musclassia on 29.10.2012

Thumbs up: +2
The Album I Listened To Thus Far In 2012

Due to the overwhelming "popularity" of my last list, I have decided to do the same thing in 2012…

1.Hail Spirit Noir - Pneuma
2.Baroness - Yellow & Green
3.Devin Townsend - Epicloud
4.Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Lost In The New Real
5.Royal Thunder - CVI

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Created by Fade To Black on 18.03.2012

Thumbs up: +2
2012: An Eclectic Examination of All Things Metal

This is currently undergoing a year end overhaul. All albums added, but not ordered or commented. Expect completion whenever I get round to it!…

1.Lamb Of God - Resolution
2.Wilds Forlorn - We, The Damned
3.Dodecahedron - Dodecahedron
4.Monolithe - Interlude Second
5.Liberteer - Better To Die On Your Feet Than Live On Your Knees

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Created by LordFezzington on 28.01.2012

Thumbs up: +2
Skin Crawling Process In A Doom-Laden Kindred Assembly : Best Of Death Metal In 2012

All released albums will be sorted.Unreleased are unsorted.

PS: As a honorable mention,the Title of the list is taken from the song titles of the best Death metal record from the previous year.

1.Aborted - Global Flatline
2.Asphyx - Deathhammer
3.Desecravity - Implicit Obedience
4.Spawn Of Possession - Incurso
5.Psycroptic - The Inherited Repression

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Created by 3rdWorld on 28.01.2012

Thumbs up: +1
Top 20 Albums Of 2012

These are my top 20 albums of 2012, updated evertime an amazing release is heard by me lol.

1.Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
2.Cannibal Corpse - Torture
3.Job For A Cowboy - Demonocracy
4.Spawn Of Possession - Incurso
5.Psycroptic - The Inherited Repression

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Created by btbamfan20 on 11.04.2012

Thumbs up: +1
Albums Of 2012 - Personal Rankings

This is my work-in-progress rankings of the albums I've listened to in 2012. The order is likely to change throughout the year.

10 - Godly Album. Will likely listen to at least once a week for a…

1.Cannibal Corpse - Torture
2.Psycroptic - The Inherited Repression
3.Spawn Of Possession - Incurso
4.Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
5.Bloodshot Dawn - Bloodshot Dawn

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Created by MiranTrescu on 01.03.2012

Best of 2012 / A portal of vanity and dead end kings

1.Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pandora's Piñata
2.Periphery - Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
3.Woods Of Ypres - Woods 5: Grey Skies & Electric Light
4.Ne Obliviscaris - Portal Of I
5.Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind

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Created by Hazelnut Nero on 05.04.2015

Best Albums Of 2012

1.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
2.Wodensthrone - Curse
3.Circus Maximus - Nine
4.Enslaved - RIITIIR
5.Threshold - March Of Progress

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Created by Klauwier on 07.02.2013