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Thumbs up: +20
My Favorite Albums: 2000s

I updated the list, so there are now 100 entries, and I consider 100 to be to little. These are albums I listen to regularly, and some I listened to frantically for a while.

1.Rapture - Songs For The Withering
2.System Of A Down - Toxicity
3.Warning - Watching From A Distance
4.Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II
5.Converge - Jane Doe

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Created by Mikyz on 11.04.2010

Thumbs up: +256
Beginner's Guide To Building A Prog Collection (Standards, And A Few Unorthodox Choices)

Limited to only those albums featured on Metal Storm.

[In suggested order of immersion and exposure]…

1.Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
2.Rush - Moving Pictures
3.King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King
4.Pain Of Salvation - Remedy Lane
5.Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime

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Created by Introspekrieg on 03.03.2010

Thumbs up: +4
Favorite Albums of 2005

Loose order. Not complete

"Extreme" metal albums only

Updated 2/11/23…

1.Disgorge - Parallels Of Infinite Torture
2.Odious Mortem - Devouring The Prophecy
3.Beheaded - Ominous Bloodline
4.Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
5.Devourment - Butcher The Weak

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Created by Dangerboner on 02.03.2010