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Thumbs up: +6
The New Machine Of Classic Death Metal (best Albums 2010 - 2020)

1.Abyssus - Into The Abyss
2.Acephalix - Decreation
3.Ascended Dead - Abhorrent Manifestation
4.Auroch - From Forgotten Worlds
5.Auroch - Taman Shud

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Created by Alexbridger on 07.04.2021

Thumbs up: +2
2015: I Like My Metal As I Like My Pussy - Cheap and Available in Different Formats

Updated 10/4/18…

1.Ad Nauseam - Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Est
2.Putridity - Ignominious Atonement
3.Iniquitous Savagery - Subversions Of The Psyche
4.VI - De Praestgiis Angelorum
5.Heaving Earth - Denouncing The Holy Throne

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Created by Dangerboner on 05.02.2016

Thumbs up: +1
Dietrich's Top 10 From 2015

1.Desolate Shrine - The Heart Of The Netherworld
2.Marduk - Frontschwein
3.Gruesome - Savage Land
4.Mgła - Exercises In Futility
5.Sulphur Aeon - Gateway To The Antisphere

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Created by Dietrich on 23.12.2016

Thumbs up: +1
Yet Another Generic 2015 List That Has No Purpose Whatsoever!

Honestly if you expect something different in this list from the other 2015 lists,you will be very disappointed... Honestly,the only reason I'm doing this is because I want to keep record of my favorites…

1.Leviathan - Scar Sighted
2.Myrkur - M
3.Lamb Of God - VII: Sturm Und Drang
4.Dekadent - Veritas
5.Ghost Bath - Moonlover

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Created by me<3mertl on 08.09.2015

Metal Top 140 (myFavorites 2015)

1.Tribulation - The Children Of The Night
2.Slayer - Repentless
3.Leprous - The Congregation
4.Unleashed - Dawn Of The Nine
5.Kauan - Sorni Nai

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Created by Alexbridger on 06.01.2016

Grivata's Top 50 Metal Albums Of 2015

In order(from best to worst)…

1.Moonspell - Extinct
2.Amorphis - Under The Red Cloud
3.Paradise Lost - The Plague Within
4.Raise Hell - Written In Blood
5.Ensiferum - One Man Army

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Created by Grivata on 01.01.2016

2015 Albums

I will update soon.

1.Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase.
2.Subterranean Masquerade - The Great Bazaar
3.Deafheaven - New Bermuda
4.Leprous - The Congregation
5.Native Construct - Quiet World

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Created by MrEdu3 on 13.10.2015

Dr. Wvrm's 2015 Super Spins

Words are for dummies. So are arbitrary lists. This is the crap I played a lot and liked a lot. My tastes are shit.

1.Amorphis - Under The Red Cloud
2.Nylithia - Hyperthrash
3.Beaten To Death - Unplugged
4.Cain's Offering - Stormcrow
5.Glaciation - Sur Les Falaises De Marbre

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Created by Dr. Wvrm on 04.10.2015

2015 Albums To Check Out

Just a list of the albums I have picked up so far this year. I will update the list throughout the year as I pick up more. Some may be pre-orders.

1.Napalm Death - Apex Predator - Easy Meat
2.Marduk - Frontschwein
3.Ensiferum - One Man Army
4.Marilyn Manson - The Pale Emperor
5.Enslaved - In Times

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Created by mute30rp on 29.05.2015