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My Favorite Albums 2016

Same as before, just adding as I revisit my collection…

1.Cult Of Luna - Mariner [Collaboration]
2.David Bowie - Blackstar
3.Katatonia - The Fall Of Hearts
4.Insomnium - Winter's Gate
5.An Abstract Illusion - Illuminate The Path

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Created by Vellichor on 21.06.2024

M0rkeleb's Overall Favorites - 8s

I feel like my overall favorites list is getting too long. I'm splitting it up by rating.

1.Thy Catafalque - Meta
2.Sepulcros - Vazio
3.Kassad - Faces Turn Away
4.Nibiru - Anamorphosis
5.Dream Theater - Black Clouds & Silver Linings

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Created by M0rkeleb on 04.12.2022

Thumbs up: +1
My Top 50 Albums Of 2016

1.Insomnium - Winter's Gate
2.Moonsorrow - Jumalten Aika
3.Witherscape - The Northern Sanctuary
4.Ihsahn - Arktis.
5.Alcest - Kodama

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Created by JHK on 26.02.2022

Best Of 2016 Death Metal

Yet another list of mine, this time going back since the first one in 2017. My favorite death metal-adjacent records of 2016. I will be adding more as I find other great records, feel free to recommend…

1.Abnormality - Mechanisms Of Omniscience
2.Aborted - Retrogore
3.Amon Amarth - Jomsviking
4.Anciients - Voice Of The Void
5.Be'lakor - Vessels

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Created by Jaro on 22.11.2020

Thumbs up: +8
The Best Metal Albums* From A to # (A)

This list is meant to be an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, collection of the greatest (modern) metal albums and eps. Running the gamut from avant-garde to trve norweigan black metal. *As someone…

1.Aara - En Ergô Einai
2.Aarni - Bathos
3.Aaskereia - Dort, Wo Das Alte Böse Ruht
4.Aastraal - Tuba mirum spargens sonum per sepulcra regionum, coget omnes ante thronum
5.AATHMA - Avesta

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Created by Uxküll on 06.10.2020

Top 10 Albums Of 2016

1.Vektor - Terminal Redux
2.Exumer - The Raging Tides
3.Allegaeon - Proponent For Sentience
4.Sabaton - The Last Stand
5.Witherscape - The Northern Sanctuary

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Created by Daddy Pig on 20.01.2018

Dr. Wvrm's 2016 Big Board

Better never than late, right? Order is not particular.

1.Vektor - Terminal Redux
2.Dark Tranquillity - Atoma
3.Insomnium - Winter's Gate
4.Uada - Devoid Of Light
5.Be'lakor - Vessels

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Created by Dr. Wvrm on 25.03.2017

Thumbs up: +1
Top Albums 2016

Well, here I put my personal top with which to me have been the best albums of 2016. They are not all they are, but if they all are.

1.Altarage - NIHL
2.Mistur - In Memoriam
3.Fallujah - Dreamless
4.Anciients - Voice Of The Void
5.Black Crown Initiate - Selves We Cannot Forgive

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Created by kam1kaze on 01.03.2017

My Favorite Albums Of 2016 - Ongoing

1.Fleshgod Apocalypse - King
2.Obscura - Akróasis
3.Vredehammer - Violator
4.Flotsam And Jetsam - Flotsam And Jetsam
5.Moonsorrow - jumalten alka

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Created by DJ Cosimoto on 31.12.2016

Thumbs up: +1
My Personal: "Top 20 Albums Of 2016"

Some excellent records this year, it was sometimes really difficult to choose in what order I wanted to rank them.

I based this list on the scores I would give each album. When it's a tie between…

1.Iron Mask - Diabolica
2.Heavenwood - The Tarot Of The Bohemians: Part 1
3.Fractal Cypher - The Human Paradox
4.Stone Magnum - Holy Blessings To None
5.In The Woods... - Pure

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Created by tominator on 25.12.2016

Best Albums Of 2016

1.Cult Of Luna - Mariner [Collaboration]
2.Oranssi Pazuzu - Värähtelijä
3.Mistur - In Memoriam
4.Thy Catafalque - Meta
5.In The Woods... - Pure

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Created by Klauwier on 19.12.2016

Thumbs up: +2
Sloefke's 2016 albums ranking

Scoring copied from Sword_Chant:

✮✮✮✮✮ - Incredible, possibly Album Of The Year
✮✮✮✮½ - Awesome
✮✮✮✮ - Solid release
✮✮✮½ - Good release
✮✮✮ - Not bad
✮✮ - Disappointing
✮ - Bad / very bad…

1.Be'lakor - Vessels
2.Moonsorrow - Jumalten Aika
3.Borknagar - Winter Thrice
4.Ihsahn - Arktis.
5.Fleshgod Apocalypse - King

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Created by Sloefke on 15.11.2016


1.Enemy Of Reality - Arakhne
2.Alter Bridge - The Last Hero
3.Testament - Brotherhood Of The Snake
4.Anciients - Voice Of The Void
5.Crowbar - The Serpent Only Lies

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Created by rivendel on 09.11.2016

Favorites Of 2016

1.Fleshgod Apocalypse - King
2.Aborted - Retrogore
3.Cult Of Luna - Mariner [Collaboration]
4.Anciients - Voice Of The Void
5.Allegaeon - Proponent For Sentience

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Created by b0000mst1ck on 07.11.2016

Wanted 2016

Most wanted albums to get right here and now. Ranked from Most to More liked +++.

1.Thy Catafalque - Meta
2.Cult Of Luna - Mariner [Collaboration]
3.Moonsorrow - Jumalten Aika
4.Oranssi Pazuzu - Värähtelijä
5.Crippled Black Phoenix - Bronze

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Created by Aker on 01.11.2016