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Thumbs up: +3
Favorite Metal Albums Of All Time

1 album per band per subgenre
work in progress, updating as I go through the song-by-song ratings on
I will typically update my black metal faves -

1.Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime
2.King Diamond - Abigail
3.Voivod - Dimension Hatröss
4.Mastodon - Crack The Skye
5.Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris

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Created by sgtrobo on 14.07.2022

Thumbs up: +8
A Chronology Of Masterpieces

What seems the most important albums for me in chronological order.
I wish I could carry the list year after year to see how my tastes changed and new findings.
I can help but notice that old albums immediately…

1.Frank Zappa - Freak Out
2.The Who - Tommy
3.Frank Zappa - Uncle Meat
4.Frank Zappa - Hot Rats
5.King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King

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Created by Ansercanagicus on 16.02.2022

Thumbs up: +2
Fave BM (and BM-adjacent) Albums

* Updating this as I get around to doing song-by-song on RYM.
* 1 album per band
* limiting this to actual black metal releases, as opposed to releases by bands that were, at one time, black metal.

1.Weakling - Dead As Dreams
2.Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
3.Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
4.Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle
5.Oranssi Pazuzu - Mestarin Kynsi

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Created by sgtrobo on 26.11.2021

Thumbs up: +16
Low Tones In Kvlt: The Best Of Bass Black Metal

Bassy black metal. Easy enough to understand: black metal with a distinctly pronounced role for the bass and in which the bass is noticeably audible.

Alphabetical order by band, one album per band.

1.Abigor - Time Is The Sulphur In The Veins Of The Saint: An Excursion On Satan's Fragmenting Principle
2.Aeon Patronist - Mortal Prosternation
3.Aluk Todolo - Voix
4.Angst Skvadron - Sweet Poison
5.Annthennath - States Of Liberating Departure

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Created by Auntie Sahar on 13.07.2019

Thumbs up: +2

Heavy, Doom, Black, Death, Thrash, Prog, Power...these are my favorite 100 albums of 2018... STAY METAL!!!

25 Honorable Mentions:

Mortuous - Through Wilderness
Arkheth - 12 Winter Moons Comes the Witches…

1.Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury
2.Shylmagoghnar - Transience
3.Altars Of Grief - Iris
4.Horrendous - Idol
5.Sepulcher - Panoptic Horror

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Created by CLITORIUX on 04.01.2019

Thumbs up: +2
Top 20 of 2018.

1.Wayfarer - World's Blood
2.Basalte - Vertige
3.Weedpecker - III
4.Vilkacis - Beyond The Mortal Gate
5.Convulsing - Grievous

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Created by ShapeshiftingD on 25.12.2018

Thumbs up: +5
Sakurabas' Top Of 2018

1.Akhenaten - Golden Serpent God
2.Akitsa - Credo
3.All My Sins - Pra Sila - Vukov Totem
4.Amorphis - Queen Of Time
5.Antlers - Beneath.Below.Behold.

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Created by Sakuraba on 23.12.2018

Best Of 2018

1.Yob - Our Raw Heart
2.Obscura - Diluvium
3.Horrendous - Idol
4.Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury
5.Behemoth - I Loved You At Your Darkest

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Created by vermin scourge on 11.12.2018

Thumbs up: +3
2018 Under My Scope

I'm trying to find as many albums as I can this year, and I'm building the list day after day. It should end as a top list, but now it's under construction and I'm just tracking a couple…

1.Night Verses - From The Gallery Of Sleep
2.Cauldron - New Gods
3.Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury
4.Messa - Feast For Water
5.OddZoo - Future Flesh

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Created by Ansercanagicus on 26.08.2018

Thumbs up: +6
२०१८ - Non Habeo Aures. Et Ego Oportet Audire

Limted to mostly unknown, unsigned and obscure Extreme metal releases.

For more recs, check out the 2018 releases from the labels in this list.


Listen queue: Haeiresis,…

1.Cult Of Occult - Anti Life
2.Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury
3.Esoctrilihum - Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas To Awaken The Blind Sovereigns Of Nothingness)
4.Esoctrilihum - Inhüma
5.Entropia (POL) - Vacuum

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Created by 3rdWorld on 26.08.2018

Thumbs up: +2
Best Of 2018 Death Metal

In alphabetical order, by band name with subgenres for easier browsing
Updated when I hear new good shit

1.1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind
2.Abhorrence - Megalohydrothalassophobic
3.Aborted - TerrorVision
4.Abysmal Torment - The Misanthrope
5.Æpoch - Awakening Inception

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Created by Jaro on 04.07.2018

Thumbs up: +2

1.Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
2.Thou - Magus
3.The Body - I Have Fought Against It, But I Can't Any Longer
4.Panopticon - The Scars Of Man On The Once Nameless Wilderness
5.Zeal & Ardor - Stranger Fruit

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Created by Marc-Antoine on 15.04.2018

Thumbs up: +13

1.Hwwauoch - Hwwauoch
2.Evoken - Hypnagogia
3.Ars Magna Umbrae - Lunar Ascension
4.Dirge - Lost Empyrean
5.1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind

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Created by Neachy on 14.03.2018

Thumbs up: +13
Karlabos' 2018 Finds

Everything I find worthy found of (but not necessarily in) 2018.
I'm not an eclectic person. I listen to extreme metal, underground pop, electronic music and weird stuff. Even better if it's…

1.Lemmings Suicide Myth - St
2.Death Fortress - Reign Of The Unending
3.Zebulon Kosted & Stormhammer - The Murderous Kleptocrat Francisco Macias Nguema
4.Urbangarde - Ai To Gensou No Urbangarde
5.Tentenko - All You Need Is cat

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Created by Karlabos on 01.01.2018

Thumbs up: +14
The 2010s: Apothecary's Favorites

Self explanatory. Favorite metal albums from this current decade. It's probably going to be mostly black, doom, and drone related type albums, as that's mostly what I listen to, but not entirely.

2.Ihsahn - After
3.The Body - All The Waters Of The Earth Turn To Blood
4.Enslaved - Axioma Ethica Odini
5.Triptykon - Eparistera Daimones

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Created by Auntie Sahar on 16.09.2017