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Karlabos' 2018 Finds

Everything I find worthy found of (but not necessarily in) 2018.
I'm not an eclectic person. I listen to extreme metal, underground pop, electronic music and weird stuff. Even better if it's lo-fi weird stuff. Don't expect to find much out of that line here.

List in constant progress
Enjoy... Or not

Update: Now it's arranged in order of finding date instead of alphabetical, so the closer to the top, the later I found about the release. It keeps far easier to follow my new finds (if there are any followers, that is)

-------------- Anticipating ----------

Rättö Ja Lehtisalo - Kovaa Kamaa (released)
Nicrotek - Dream Fantasy (released)

Florid Ekstasis - AN: Effloresce as Arid Dots (01/01)
Big Red Panda - Voyage (xx/01)
Rotting Christ - The Heretics (16/02)

Created by: Karlabos | 01.01.2018

1. Lemmings Suicide Myth - St
(i don't know... progressive something?) this is a piano and drums duo. and it rules. it is actual music, not just proggy enthusiastic improvised mambo jambo as someone would expect. they actually wrote compositions with melody and all
2. Death Fortress - Reign Of The Unending
(deathedend black metal?) one of those atmospheric deep-tuned massive deathened black metal albums with good riffs all over
3. Zebulon Kosted & Stormhammer - The Murderous Kleptocrat Francisco Macias Nguema
(drone black/atmospheric black) wow. i always wanted a new Zebulon Kosted record. and now i have it. if you think the previous songs were long this is an over 50-minute single track. that's what drone atmospheric black is about.
4. Urbangarde - Ai To Gensou No Urbangarde
(genres) i think this is more like a compilation of songs and not a new album per se. well, still there's a lot of stuff i haven't heard here. musically speaking it's the same mess as always: sometimes it sounds like regular pop, sometimes it sounds almost zeuhl-ish.
5. Tentenko - All You Need Is cat
(jpop) slightly more poppy and less experimental record by the goddess. still, it's great stuff as always
6. NekRock - Emerald Eyes
(experimental atmospheric black metal) another black metal release by the only band successfully merging pop and black metal... And this time more. There's piano. There's dubstep. There is a beautiful saxy track resembling a genre i'm not very versed on (is it blackened jazz? lounge black?) there is an amalgam of instruments making the most confused lighthearted harmony in lo-fi atmospheric black with 5 tracks summing up 60 minutes.
7. Corvid Canine - Arigatou
(synthy/cybergrind/grindgaze/breakcore/christmas songs/orchestral/brass metal) what is going on? EDIT: ok, what the hell... this is perfect
8. The end Ov Anubis - ST
(industrial folk metal) well, sounds like egyptian folk meets industrial metal? this combination has a really eerie albeit clean sound similar to Kartikeya or Akhenaten
9. NekRock - Hotaru
(industrial/electronic) picture this as one fo those long blackened industrial NekRock songs like Anya or Mershark and take the vocals out. it shows that the vocals are not crucial for the essence of the sound
10. Elow - I Disappear
(huh... electronic?) this is a nice cute ep of a band of vocallective records. which is not surprising since most stuff in this label is pretty ace. sort of a midi/chiptune rock thing with synthesizer as voices
11. Primafae - Human
(electronic/electrofunk?) sounds somewhat like Chet Brocker if they mixed it all with electronic music
12. Softscape - You, me the World
(trance) today is vocallective records catch-up day. this is just a short ep but it is so much like Bernis. i had to add it here
13. Laibach - The Sound Of Music
("industrial") in quotes because it's the genre they all say Laibach is. there's nothing industrial here. i thing it's a compilation of covers of classic songs or something but i don't know any about the classics so all i can judge is what i hear: i say it's far better than all i have ever heard of Laibach. it's probably due the production, since their genre fits far better with good production than 80s equipments.
14. Anti Horsethief Association - Anti Horsethief Association II
(black) interesting atmoblackish thing which isn't based on blast beats and background synth and 8 minute songs of the same riff repeating over and over. in fact apart from the vocals there's little bm here. sounds of some kind of western-ish folk metal themed thing or something like that
15. The Meads Of Asphodel - The Voiceless Dust Of Ages
(experimental black) it follows the line of the previosu works, mixing some sort of psychedelic rock with black metalish passages, with metatron's deathish and almost whimsical voice contrasting with everything. i just think the mix is a bit weird. it all sounds too low and when you turn the volume up it stays low, if that makes any sense
16. Cuckoo's Nest - Tales Of Human Being
(avantgarde black?) tags read "gaze" well... this is really weird to be called that. i hear trumpets and accordion and... Ukrainian folk? the base music is post black metal a la Firtan or something, but it all gets weird really quick
17. Hwwauoch - ST
(black metal) some kind of massive, almost dronish black metal. one of those you cannot detect exact how many songs you are listening to at the same time. similar to Botulistum or some of the most abrasive Gnaw Their Tongues' songs.
18. Sewerslvt - Starving Slvts Always Get Their Fix
(dark ambient/grind/breakcore/noise/weird music) well this is... interesting
19. Marxthrone - A Blaze In The Western Sky
(black metal) i am not really fond of the whole 'checking a band only because of the lyrical theme' thing, but can't say this one wasn't an exception. you can clearly see it's a Darkthrone parody with leftist propaganda (probably in a humorous manner) but after you get past the imagery, the sound is actually decentd. the riffs are good and the songwriting is varied. also the production contributes a lot to distinguish it from the hudreds non-completely-serious black metal parodies out there
20. Fyrce Muons - Apparatchik
(post punk/psychedelic rock) holy moly are these guys prolific. i turned my head for a couple months and there are already three new albums i haven't heard yet. this is the first one i picked and it is really good. in the same vein of the one below in this list
21. Salqiu - The Blackness Within
(experimental black metal) it's hard to describe Salqiu. it's some sort of progressive avantgardish deathened black metal with a tense atmosphere. overly long songs passing in an eyeflash, as well as short songs seeming overly long, all of which seeming like they are approaching the climax when the climax in the end is the tension itself. it's something only those who heard will understand.
22. Voidsphere - To Await / To Expect
(ambient black) good claustrophobic space black metal similar to Carcharoth v ^, old Darkspace and stuff like that. i know it's pretty rare to find (good) bands on this genre, so you wouldn't want to leave this unchecked
23. Sigh - Heir To Despair
(avantgarde black) reviewers weren't kidding when they said this album was gonna be weird. i'm in the middle of the listen and so far got vedic world music, folk metal, throat singing, and even some bits of swing! now for that second song...
24. Abstract Void - Back To Reality
(synthwave/blackgaze) finally got around to listening to Abstract Void's sophomore. it still has the same premisse: blending blackgaze and synthwave, similar to what Germ used to do. they execute it as properly as they did in the 1st album
25. Levereve - Ea Me Aspexit
(melodic trancecore) wow this is good stuff. i'd say even better than Utsu-P or similar well-established acts on the genre.
26. IER - 怪談
(black/death metal) original black/death with lots of good riffs and creative passages. great songwriting. i can see myself listening to this one times and times on the upcoming years.
27. Striborg - Introverted Transparency
(experimental lofi black metal) Striborg is proceeding with his wave fusion lofi black thing. this time there are actually drums and guitars. if you know me you know i can't handle original experimental lofi black bands, so having this one on the list is mandatory
28. Twilight Fauna - Where Birds Sing My Name
(ambient black) Twilight Fauna is one of those really eerie and depressing ambient black metal bands good to listen after a really bad day. they don't really change the quality of their sound from one release to other and this one isn't different. well, except for the really cheerful banjo intro, of course
29. My Purest Heart For You - A Heart Worth Violence
(drone black) more of this prolific and wonderful project. even more abrasive than the latest releases. i feel far less gaze influence here, in the sense it's essentially drone black this time, which is somewhat refreshing
30. Servants Of The Apocalyptic Goat Rave - Queen Of Darkness
(industrial grindcore)
31. Kero Kero Bonito - Time 'n' Place
(rock) it follows the same direction as totep, which is to be expected. there is still a lot of variety going on tho which makes it a pleasant listen
32. Potmos Hetoimos - Vox Medusae
(some kind of extreme metal) hard to pinpoint everything that is going on here. if you like a good extreme salad, go for it
33. Chthonic - Battlefields Of Asura
(symphomelodeath) i miss it when symphonic extreme metal and melodeath had musicians who put passion on the songwriting behind it.
34. House Of Atreus - From The Madness Of Ixion
(death metal) people tend to compare this to Arghoslent. i can't tell because i never listened too much of the latter, but this is pretty sweet death and roll stuff.
35. Ezov - Cerca Trova
(black metal) if Cultes Des Ghoules was a bit more chaotic and deep tuned you'd have this
36. Cremife - Yello World
(rock) Cremife was always a regular rock band with cheesy melodies. this record isn't different. anyway, even the most obvious of the genres is still good when the songwriting is on point.
37. Taenia - Valse à Satan
(industrial nu wave/synthpunk?) i must confess i never listened to anything remotely similar to this soundwise. the vocal style reminds of female fronted punk, but there is nothing punk on the instrumentals. it's actually some kind of sinthy-based industrial/power electronics subgenre i don't understand.
38. Stump Tail Dolly - Black Country
(country black metal) zomg! this album is glorious! now that's the lofi country black metal you need. if Tjolgtjar, Lugubrum and Blood Cult don't satisfy you (and let's be honest: one can never have enough of the silliness of country black) then this is the album for you
39. Necronomidol - VOIDHYMN
(huh...) the 4th album by this band. the premise is an idol group doing "dark" music. while most songs have been on previous singles this is still an overall pleasant listen. as expected each song differs a lot from each other. sometimes they are playing metal, sometimes electronic music, sometimes ethereal pop... to put it short it's similar to the other releases.
40. Anaal Nathrakh - A New Kind Of Horror
(industrial black) some pretty standard industrial black stuff, but still pretty fun to listen to
41. Kikagaku Moyo - Masana Temples
(psychedelic rock) what's with this particular friday and all my long anticipated releases being out at the same time? this is an actual psychedelic rock (not stoner) album which is quite rare these days. not only that, also the songwriting is superb
42. Corvid Canine - 自害したい
(grindbient) the idea is really interesting. grind done with an eerie dark ambient soundscape backing the chaos up. too bad the ep is too short, unfortunately
43. Maquerelle - Betty
(industrial black metal) wow... this is just so beautiful. i just realized i never listened to industrial black metal up until now
44. Entropia (POL) - Vacuum
(psychedelic stoner metal) yeah it turns out this band isn't post black anymore by the looks of it. this is pretty good though, sort of reminds me of instrumental psychedelic bands like Dark Buddha Rising or such
45. A Forest Of Stars - Grave Mounds And Grave Mistakes
(c'mon it's afos) the new album is finally out. i got goosebumps in several parts. as expected.
46. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Japamyu
(jpop) it seems Kyary is closer to the sweetish and bubbly sound of the first mini album here, resembling a Bomber Man soundtrack at times. of course, no complaints on this side
47. Cultes Des Ghoules - Sinister, Or Treading The Darker Paths
(black metal) this is trippy black metal a la Cultes Des Ghoul... oh wait
48. Witches Moon - Written In Blood
(folk black metal) this along with Antiquus Scriptum are about the only folk black bands which can bring a smile to my face these days. what have the north and east europe done with such a genre full of potential?
49. Madder Mortem - Marrow
(some kind of metal) to be honest this is far better than what i remembered this band sounded like. the songs are actually kind of catchy and the voice is also pretty good. it reminds of Atrox in a weird way, but it sounds completely different... if that makes any sense
50. Jyujyu - St
(electropop/kawaii metal) it's about time we got a Jyujyu album. apparently it's a mini album and still not a full length tho...
51. Orqestria - The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
(lofi dungeon synth) have you ever heard of hekaloth records? a greek label which had about five bands all playing the same genre, a genre which doesn't have a name and isn't played by anyone else? the bands of hekaloth records are praised by many and made fun of by many as well, but one thing is certain: they did leave an impression on all who listened. anyway... this is a tribute for those bands which vanished, never to be heard of.
52. Poppet/Orqestria - The Epic of Gilgamesh​/​6 Yogas of Naropa
(lofi dungeon synth) Orqestria's side sounds a lot like Xynfonica (obviously) however still no kickass retro style random guitar solos. Poppet is sounding like his previous stuff, when he used to sing on the tracks. overall it's a really enjoyable split. i would say these guys are the experimental the dungeon synth scene needs nowadays.
53. Munya - North Hatley
(dreampop) okay i'm gonna have to put this just so i don't forget about this band. this is a really promising soothing dreampop band in the vein of Computer Magic. honestly the only thing missing here in order to be perfect is more songs as this is only a very short ep.
54. Black Magick SS - Spectral Ecstasy
(blackened psychedelic rock) apparently this is a thing that has been going for years already and somehow i wasn't aware of it. it sounds like the feeling of listening to Hail Spirit Noir's pneuma for the first time.
55. Jumble Hole Clough - Bats Tidied Up Heliport
(nonsense) this is probably one of those bands which are weird just for the sake of being weird. still... there are some good ideas here. it could be some sort of Idiot Flesh or Sleepytime Gorilla Museum level rock thing if they put more effort into making sense of it.
56. メガネ - 宇宙
(experimental hip hop) golly heavens, this label has been delivering lately. first Perikan and now a new Megane. i'd risk saying hip-hop-wise this is my aoty so far... the quality of the songs is even better than the 2016 album. too bad it's a bit short but it's ok. we replay after the end anyway
57. Emamouse - Pigeon's Point
(chiptune/weird/emamouse) i was always more of a fan of Emamouse's songs with vocals but this ep seems to have very little of them. still... it's enjoyable if you are in the mood for some headache inducing overall weirdness
58. 渚乃奏 feat k-Tamayan - 新世紀の胎動
(poemcore) wow a new poemcore record on bandcamp, it's been a while since i last saw these. and of k-Tamayan of all people (well actually he's just a guest but still...) this is good quality poemcore which is not too minimal or repetitive instrumental-wise. also the voice is pretty cute
59. My Purest Heart For You - YellowSkies Before the Storm
(atmoblack) apparently this is a remastered version of an unreleased 25 minute long track. it's not on par with the recent work, of course, but it's still solid.
60. Conan - Existential Void Guardian
(doom) well what can i say? it's Conan. the overall setup is sludge/stoner doom with those unique weirdish vocals. they pretty much sound as expected, if you've listened to their other albums.
61. An Autumn - The Light Of September
(blackgaze) this band does not disappoint
62. Nirzaki - I See You In Another Depression
(nirzaki) this is one of those experimental lofi bands with everything out of tune. i think the main theme would be grunge though not really sure about the genre. i'm starting to get fond of this band overall. i just think he could use more varity on the songwriting
63. Slippers - Mars Vol​.​2 "sammas"
(progressive hip hop) yes. progressive. in the prog metal sense of the word. except that not metal. hip hop.
64. VAK - Budo
(zeuhl) after 4 years... the new VAK album. this band is, among the existing nowadays, the closest you can have to Eskaton's masterpiece "4 visions", ie: psychedelic female fronted zeuhl with sick basslines and a misterous aura around it.
65. Owl - Nights In Distortion
(doom metal) sounds somewhat like Valborg
66. Karas - St
(progressive post hardcore) i don't recall other prog post hc being as effective as this. real good stuff
67. ペリカン - Nagatsuta
(dub/breakbeats/gorge/bubblegum bass/futurefunk) so i guess ペリカン is my new fav band from terminal explosion now
68. Tentenko - Melting Time
(psychedelic electronic stuff) dafuq did i just listen to?
69. Mamaleek - Out Of Time
(trip hop with harsh vocals and growls with bits of hipster lofi indie rock?) not sure what to make of the genre here. clearly it's not black metal anymore. however the growling over the chilly setup makes it maybe even more interesting than what they were doing on the previous releases?
70. Sleeping Peonies - Glitterghast
(ambient atmoscreamo) it's a brand new Sleeping Peonies! i missed these
71. Bloodbark - Bonebranches
(atmoblack) i miss it when atmoblack wasn't a derivative art and the atmosphere evoken was capable of brightening your day like that
72. Dol Ammad - Cosmic Gods: Episode II - Astroatlas
(symphonic metal) now this is what i'm talking about. if only the whole sympho metal scene would learn a thing or two from those guys
73. Ævangelist - Heralds Of Nightmare Descending
(death metal) sure. it's not up to their previous stuff but it's still enjoyable
74. Norowareta Night - Instrumental Collection
(electronic/touhou arrange) very obvious touhou melody arrange thing, but sometimes they are just good, i guess?
75. Odaxelagnia - sour
(breakcore/instrumental electronic/ambient/vaporwave) and another good instrumental one
76. Odaxelagnia - mallware
(breakcore/instrumental electronic/ambient/vaporwave) i often dislike instrumental music where nothing happens very much, but i can't point out why but i just like this. i guess it has a video game soundtrack vibe to it?
77. Cloak Of Altering - Zero Devil
(black) that's pretty good.
78. Respire - Dénouement
(atmoblackgaze) the followup to the soothing masterpiece 'gravity and grace'. Too bad it doesn't have as much sax spam, but still it's one of the most solid records on the genre to have come this year
79. Paara - Riitti
(black metal) some cool somewhat atmoblack (but still not quite atmo) which can resemble Moonsorrow at times
80. Indus Bonze - Detarame
(dark ambient/tribal/electronic/gorge) it's an actual full length by Induz Bonze. it sounds a bit like Sephiroth (the band) except that even better
81. Odaxelagnia - Spice
(lofi jpop/dark cabaret/chiptune/experimental breakcore) it turns out one of those bands i thought were obscure and released only a demo in the meads of 1996 is actually prolific and has a bandcamp page (??) i always liked their content and now am on a binge. you probably are going to find a lot of Odaxelagnia stuff here on the next days
82. Cunninlynguists - Couple's Skate
(hip hop) the new Cunninlynguists' album. it sounds like their previous stuff, so basically it's ace.
83. Perfume - Future Pop
(jpop/electropop) what am i supposed to even say? it's Perfume. you either have a terrible taste or you already checked it
84. Alstroemeria - Pop Culture 9
(jpop/jtrance) surprisingly in this circle we have some more Ayame if the one below (literally below) wasn't enough. also some other artists on the same style.
85. Ayame - Black Lotus
(dubstep/jtrance) this is basically three or so new songs and the rest is remixes of older ones, but it's a new Ayame anyway. it's something
86. Meme In Wonderland - ST
(jpop/trance metal) apparently this is a new touhou arrange doujin circle. i like that they are delving a bit into trance metal instead of sticking to the obvious jpop/jrock thing
87. Aminoácido - Sem Açúcar
(prog rock) some weird proggy thing from brazil (what? brazil knows how to music?) kinda reminds of zeuhl sometimes.
88. Rokugen Alice - Blood Of Sorrow
(symphonic metal) i know, i know, female fronted symphonic metal is a genre which yells "bland" just by reading it. i always liked this band for some reason though... probably because it's upbeat and there are little to none annoying ballads and non-metal interludes. instead Rokugen Alice is straight to the point: there are guitars, there are drums and there is a symphonic setup. and that's it.
89. Skyforest - Harmony
(epic) all the black and gaze influences are gone and now this seem to be a neoclassical/epic project. still it's worthy though, since it's a very interesting listen unlike other neoclassical [s]crap[/s] stuff you listen around the webz
90. Arandu Arakuaa - Mrã Waze
(folk metal) new release by the only brazilian folk metal band. they always sounded a bit to the lighter metal side and this one is not different. still it's pretty good.
91. Minnanokodomochan - Kabeno Nai Sekai
(jpop/jrock) i'm surprised i didn't check Minnanokodomochan when the hype was out. it sounds similar to Necronomidol except a bit lighter
92. Haru Nemuri - Haru To Shura
(jpost hardcore) this is female fronted japanese post hardcore which is every bit as epic as 2& (if you've heard of them)
93. Denkare - Prima Dynamis
(jrock/trance power metal) i know i fundamentally dislike adding singles and short eps on my lists, but it's Denkare, so you can't blame me
94. Nagaarum - Apples
(experimental blackened doom metal with some ambient) it's a new Nagaarum therefore it's good by definition. this time it seems he is doing it more doomy than blacky, but still maintaining the quality. the ambient interludes also sound beautiful
95. Ekpyrosis - Deathtrips
(black) nice. sounds basically like what you'd expect from Ekpyrosis. i just wish it had either the earlier spoken or the angry screamed vocals tho...
96. Koenjihyakkei - DHORIMVISKHA
(zeuhl) yes! after thirteen years. behold: the new Koenji album!
97. Deconstructing Sequence - Cosmic Progression: An Agonizing Journey Through Oddities Of Space
(sinthy death metal) death metal with some kind of tongue-in-cheek futuristic vibe
98. Ophe - Litteras Ad Tristia Maestrum Solitude
(avantgarde black) hard to define blackish industrial thing somewhat like Diapsiquir or BVDK
99. The Lion's Daughter - Future Cult
(sludge metal) pretty nice and varied sludge metal (and 'varied' is surprisingly kinda rare among the current sludge scene) so it's pretty good. i mean... it's not a Cult of Luna but it's good
100. Los Crveles - Veneno Tropical
(blackened surf rock) new release by the only blackened surf band
101. Gallows' Forest - ST
(avantgarde extreme metal) some sort of death blackened lofi thing with a really weird overall vibe. sounds a bit microtonal sometimes... also there was a jew harp... and a didgeridoo... or was it a dildo?
102. Kosmillinen Purppura - Ratkaisevaa On Biisin Hyvyy
(something between crossover thrash and grindcore) this is basically Szarfaszú Vizelet without the samples and the overall weirdness. kinda reminds of !T.O.O.H.!
103. Zgond - Zwoild
(progressive rock) there's mindless guitar wankery and then there's good instrumental progressive rock, like Zgond. the instruments play together in order to make harmony and not just to back the solo guitarist as it's typical of the genre, resulting in an enjoyable instrumental rock experience
104. Lunar Haze - Among These Trees
(neoclassical metal) i'm not very much into instrumental stuff unless it actually catches my attention throughout the whole thing like this one here does. much unlike those boring instrumental gaze/classical records where there are four interludes of 10 minutes of nothing going on in a 40 minute record, here either the metal parts or the upbeat front piano makes it all exciting the whole time
105. The Armed - Only Love
(hardcore) hysterically screamed hardcore with some weird background stuff going on
106. Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury
(avantgarde black/progressive black) the more time passes the less actual music these guys are... also the better they sound
107. Blurr Thrower - Les Avatars Du Vide
(black metal) apparently this band has some big names or something, so i went to check. it turns out it's pretty solid
108. Oomori Seiko - Kusokawa Party
(j genres) not only Seiko's vocals here are the usual weird but in this release she has gone full weird and went outside jpop boundaries. this will include everything from jrock, jpop, hip hop and electronica on a natural manner, without sounding like she's just mashing everything up
109. Gaerea - Unsettling Whispers
(black metal) to be honest it sounds like an evil and folkless version of the latest Firtan
110. Striborg - Blackwave
(huh... blackwave?) of all the lofi bands the one i didn't expect to actually release something original was Striborg. this sounds like something Tabernaculum (Mourir et Revenir/Puritas Virginum) would write: namely lofi electronic retrowave inspired music with harsh vocals
111. Firtan - Okeanos
(atmoblack with folk influences) it's the new Firtan album. it's a bit less intense than the debut, but on the other hand it's better mixed. if you liked the previous one you're probably going to like it
112. Mass Of The Fermenting Dregs - No New World
(jrock) it's more rock-ish than the shoegazey stuff they used to play, but it's still pretty addicting nonetheless.
113. Inner Suffering - Violent Emotions
(lofi/gaze) instrumental gaze thing with a very unique guitar sound, i believe it's called harmonics or something
114. My Purest Heart For You - Both Paralyzed
(blackgaze) a step away from what this guy had been doing before. there isn't much drone here anymore, more like a solid reverbered and chaotic blackgaze. even so, it's pretty good
115. Alstroemeria - Pop Culture 8
(jpop/jtrance) actually the name of the album has a vertical bar on it but that would mess the list codes... anyway, Alstroemeria have been around for god knows how many years, releasing circa 2 albums per year and they all sound pretty much the same so you should know what to expect. but who can get enough of those?
116. Anne-Eris - I Am A Shining Ribbon, A Moon's Breath Parting Oceans
(music) lofi vocaloid driven piece of music which varies from everything from post black to spaghetti western
117. Mahr - Antelux
(dissonant black) evil sounding cosmic black metal a la Darkspace
118. Death Grips - Year Of The Snitch
(is this even hip hop anymore?/experimental) basically every genre possible with MC Ride's hip hoppy vocals thrown in somewhere out there. i'd say it's a must listen for fans of weird stuff. if you like it weird but never checked Death Grips because of the fandom you are missing out
119. Kyomdarak - 月の光と幻想
(black) i just like this... not sure why
120. Book Of Sand - Postmodern Witchcraft
(rock) another non-black metal Book Of Sand album. this one is good though, mainly because it's not too neutral like the last one. this resembles some sort of mix among surf and psychedelic rock with an interesting mistery aura around it. on one passage or other there may be mild black metal influences
121. DOUG The Eagle - Dr. Gwendolini's Amazing Medicine Show
(progressive rock) Doug's albums don't really differ from each other, but i don't care since the formula works so well. this is more epic keyboardfest prog rock
122. Forelunar - Wine And The Limerent
(blackgaze/atmoblack) it's been a while since i found something worthy on this genre. this release has perfectly suitable vocals for the choice of production: a bit whispered, mixing some sort of soothness and anger. also the drums make everything more headbangeable, even though it's some kind of gaze
123. Sear Bliss - Letters From The Edge
(black) i gotta admit the beginning is a bit weak. but if you start and consider dropping it, before doing so you should listen to The Main Devide. if you do so you probably are going to change your mind
124. Meadow Vole - Extermpore
(ambient black/blackgaze) cute rain music where a lot of it is made on computer rather than actual instruments, giving a nice midi vibe to it. overall it's a murky ambient blackgaze with very hidden shrieks below the mix
125. Trautonist - Ember
(post metal/blackgaze) very murky and cute post thing by the guy of Lantlos. especially nice to listen on a rainy sunday like i did.
126. Progenie Terrestre Pura - starCross
(black) while this is still a good album because of the songwriting i still was expecting something more spacey, on the line of the very first release. well... perhaps on the next one?
127. Zeal & Ardor - Stranger Fruit
(avantgarde black metal) i gotta say... this album hasn't met my anticipation standards. but it's still a good album overall (after all it's some kind of fusion black, which is always an awesome idea). i still feel like they can do better fusion than that though.
128. Elagabalus - Dark Money
(??) this is something between avantgarde progressive metal and synth indie rock
129. Battle Lolis - Eleven & Warbound
(chiptune) among all the bands which try to mime what black metal would sound like if it was done with chiptune instruments (if you can call them instruments), the only one who does it genuinely right is Battle Lolis. if you like this kind of stuff go not only for this but also for its vast discography
130. Nirzaki - Loyal
(huh...) this is some sort of grunge/metal/guitar oriented music (?) with a super heavily distorted string-like lead instrument. is it a guitar? is it a bass? is it really just a synth? then there are some voice synthesizers as vocals thrown here and there, totally offset when compared to the instrumental. and there are some ambient bits... i think i even heard a cello somewhere... i am also not completely sure if the songs are all the same or if they are different... anyway... this is pretty interesting
131. ODDEEO - Parallels I: Remix Compilation
(vaporwave/retrowave) seems like it's an album made of remixes of songs by other authors in ODDEEO style. i don't know any of these songs so for me it's a new album by them, which of course is good news
132. Ojaco - Output
(breakcore) one more hidden Ojaco release. this time a short ep. still following the same direction of the previous ones, but honestly... how can you go wrong with that?
133. Akhenaten - Golden Serpent God
(folk death metal) the world needs more good mesopotamian folk metal
134. Scott Grijalva - Grasping High
(stoner doom surf rock improvisational and instrumental thing with hammond organs) did i just describe the sound trying to formulate a tag?
135. Emamouse - PSBB2
(chiptune/weird/braindance/emamouse) Emamouse back with another full! and this time it seems she is aiming for a more chiptuney direction which is definitely interesting
136. Pudding Kingdom - Defloration
(symphonic metal) vocaloid and symphonic metal. how'd you like your music today? with lots and lots of cheese.
137. 夢遊病者 - 一期一会
(psychedelic black) a mix of black and psychedelic rock. it's a bit less huh... "dark" than the debut but still pretty good even if it didn't sound as i expected
138. Dunnock - Little Stories Told By Ghosts
(ambient black) i think these guys might have hit on the spot here. if you like actual good, non-generic ambient black in veins of Qulielfi, Velvet Cacoon, etc you should check this one out
139. Witches Moon - Ouroboros Will Stray By The Light Of The Milky Way
(black metal) this is one of the few medieval black metals still worthy following. albeit founded on 2nd wavish roots, the overall composition is still interesting. mainly because it manages to incorporate actual medieval melodies on a straightforward way, without going for the boring interlude route
140. Tanpopo Crisis - Millennium Flower
(post black) wow. this guy gets better within each album. this is already better (and better producted) than most records on the genre already. if you like the genre you shouldn't miss this
141. Bighead - World Is Wide
(uplifting electronic/dubstep) this is one of those prolific bands i always forget to check and suddenly... new discography. this release follows the same line of the other ones. but how can you get tired of more of that?
142. Kekal - Deeper Underground
(experimental extreme progressive) passing this one to the top because now all the songs are available. it's still really good.
143. Salqiu - Lost
(avantgarde black) i don't always put short eps on these kinds of lists but it's not just an ep, it's a Salqiu ep! if you know him you can expect it even weirder this time. and if you don't know then you should get started (provided you like actual avantgarde black that is)
144. Peosphoros - Pink Metal
(experimental black) some kind of bassy proto industrial black thing similar to Fullmoon Bongzai with some weird vocals and a bit of a lofi post punk vibe
145. Twilight - Trident Death Rattle
(black metal) i don't know what is that thing that does the background melody. is it a keyboard? is it a synth? either way, i freaking love it.
146. BVDK - Deligare
(avantgarde black) remember back in 2005-2006 when bands labeled avantgarde black were actually avantgarde and didn't all sound like Deathspell Omega? those which had so much weird stuff going on you were like "wtf?" you know... Diapsiquir, Damned Spirits' Dance, etc..? well, this kind of brings that time back for a little
147. Reverorum Ib Malacht - Im Ra Distare Summum Soveris Seris Vas Innoble
(avantgarde black) RiM sounding more abrasive than Gnaw Their Tongues lately? you bet it is!
148. Ghost Data - Crystal Cathedral
(ambient/electronic/chillwave) golly heavens, it's a new Ghost Data album! listen to that chilliness! feel that trippiness! listen to that very first song! look at that cover! how does this guy gets even better when he's already that good?
149. Stoicism - Behind The Sun
(hipster black metal) something in between post black, blackgaze and blackened post hardcore. it all has pretty varied songwriting and is overall interesting.
150. Urfaust - The Constellatory Practice
(lofi black) i missed this guy with his weird clean chanting. i'll take it as a preparation for the new Reverorum Ib Malacht album.
151. Ihsahn - Àmr
(progressive black metal) sounds pretty good. kinda like Enslaved though not as good. but still good.
152. Thy Catafalque - Geometria
(avantgarde post metal) well it's the new Thy Catafalque. i'm still on the process of digesting it but it's definitely good. still can't tell if better or worse than the couple last ones, though
153. New Haunts - Worlds Left Behind
(darkwave/dreampop) this is just beautiful
154. Hornwood Fell - Inferus
(dissonant black/lofi black/dsbm) i'm not very fond of short eps but this was really good. it's one of those you can't pause or stop after you started it because one part of the song just asks for the next and so on
155. Bitplane - Alice, Through The Looking​-​Glass, And What She Found There : A Tribute To "Queen II"
(fantasy/instrumental electronic) i won't dare to try to describe how this sounds. that's something only those who have listened to it can understand
156. A_jiki - Album 4
(lo-fi jpop/juke) if you follow a_jiki's stuff you know what to expect. if you don't i recommend you starting from Milk Machines
157. Pryapisme - Epic Loon OST
(ost/some kind of metal/pryapisme) i didn't google a gameplay of this to see how it looks but no matter how much i think about i really can't picture a game with this as a soundtrack. if you have listened to Pryapisme before you know what to expect
158. Dark Buddha Rising - II
(psychedelic doom) i'm not sure if these guys have some Oranssi Pazuzu members or something, so it's expected to be good. i could swear they were instrumental. though... maybe they added the vocals on this release only? what do i know? either way, this is quality psychedoom. edit: they don't have Oranssi Pazuzu members and weren't exactly instrumental either (see comments)
159. Szarfaszú Vizelet - Mágikussizmus
(experimental grindcore) this band keeps delivering
160. Sol Invictus - Necropolis
(neofolk) c'mon everybody knows Sol Invictus by now. this is the new album. with shorter songs and more varied songwriting i feel like it's better than some of their previous work, at least better than the ones i checked.
161. L'Homme Absurde - Sleepless
(depressive post black metal) this is a fine quality post black album with some sweet riffs. hints on what Forgotten Tomb would sound if they were a bit more post-ish.
162. Forest Of Grey - Crypsis
(psychedelic atmoblack) two track cascadian black ep. but instead of your typical wittr clone you get some clear psychedelic rock influences. the guitar sound almost bluesy which gives it all a 420 vibe.
163. Vantana Row - Vagina
(experimental cybergrind) i have the impression i was already aware of this band but forgot about it. anyway... this album is better listened to as one big thing rather than a compilation of 30 songs shorter than 40 seconds. i feel like most songs feel like a middle part of an epic cybergrind song done well, but of course there is never a beginning or a proper ending to each one. despite how everything makes you feel like it's a joke band, soundwise it's pretty good stuff. sounds like how Bubblegum Octopus would sound if it was more grindish
164. Ghost (USA) - Thanks to You Song That I Don't Understand How People Like It I'm Forced to Listen to This S​*​*​t Everyday Cause My F​*​*​*​ing Sister Plays This Every Time Without Getting Bored of Listening to It Thanks Ghost for This Piece of S​*​*​t You Introduced Into My Life
(dark cabaret/chiptune) interesting and catchy vocaloid cabaret (vocabaret?) in the vein of Machigerita-P or similar.
165. Fox Medicine - Greetings From Mars
(grunge/punk) i missed this band. if you like screamy female fronted lofi music in vein of old Yeah Yeah Yeahs you should go for this
166. Underøath - Erase Me
(emo) i don't always listen to grunge/emo/screamo/nu metal/alternative rock or related stuff mainly because often the vocals suck and the instrumentals almost don't vary from one record to another. Underoath is a nice exception though. The vocals here sound kinda punkish rather than alternativish, so with the addition of autotune they actually fit the style. plus the songwriting is good.
167. Tentenko - Like Speaking
(dungeon synth/chiptune) one more female fronted dungeon synth album by Tentenko. most songs are mainly instrumental, but it's still good. i feel like this one is very little repetitive compared to her other dungeon synth albums
168. Urbangarde - Shoujo Fiction
(jpop/dark cabaret/rock/electronic/fuckgenres/weird) wow i surely wasn't expecting a new Urbangarde album out of nowhere. gotta love these kinds of surprises
169. Kroda - Selbstwelt
(black metal) this sounds a lot more like early Kroda, slightly folky melodic black metal with inspired melodies and long songs.
170. Panopticon - The Scars Of Man On The Once Nameless Wilderness
(atmoblack) the mix is a bit iffy and it seems to have less bluegrass than i anticipated. but it's still a good listen overall
171. Suncastle - Original Son
(braindance/trance) this is one of those psychedelic albums you should put as background music when you are doing something.
172. Borgne - [∞]
(industrial dissonant black) was Borgne always so badass and i forgot how good they sounded? or maybe it is just this album... either way, i love this. it sounds a bit like Darkspace except you can understand what is going on
173. World's End Girlfriend - Meguri
(instrumental/post rock/ambient) just a short ep but it is WEG, so... it belongs here
174. Primordial - Exile Amongst The Ruins
(folk metal) i never cared much about this band, mostly because i listened to an album once and quite didn't like it... that was so long ago though, my change tasted so much ever since... so i should probably revisit their stuff. it should be pretty good if they sounded like this album.
175. Moe Shop - Moe Moe
(electrofunk) while we don't have the new Chet Brocker we can satisfy our hunger for cute electrofunk with Moe Shop! and woah, the beats are sick.
176. Ledas - My Spirit Around Me Night And Day
(ambient black) i can't hear a single thing... i love it.
177. The Molds - Black Mold
(lofi punk) this is one of those albums which are so lofi you can barely understand what is going on. i hear some loud and sweet deep tuned guitar above all the mix and all the rest including the vocals is blending perfectly in a blur below the main instrument. if lofi is your thing definitely go for it
178. Hardcore Anal Hydrogen - HyperCut
(experimental grindcore) omg, i forgot how good this band was. albeit experimental and weird and goofy and grindcore this album is coherent and sometimes even moody. those were some four years worthy waiting
179. Esoctrilihum - Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas To Awaken The Blind Sovereigns Of Nothingness)
(avantgarde death) it's been a while since i've sat to listen through an entire cavernous death metal album, it's been getting pretty boring lately. but this record here has enough interesting elements to be enjoyable all the way through. sounds like something between Aevangelist and Anthropomorphic Soul
180. Owl - Orion Fenix
(atmospheric death) this is started a bit iffy, but the end surely compensates it
181. GosT - Possessor
(dark electro/retrowave) i always thought Gost is a bit to the smooth side. but this album has really harsh and rhytmical beats most of the time. also there is a couple of metal guitars thrown here and there, which makes it very enjoyable to listen to
182. Black Astrology - Abyss Of Chaos
(black metal with electronic influences) reminds me of Astarte. the vocals mostly. except that there are some electronic bits. the premise is very good, but after listening to the whole thing it feels it lacks a bit on the electronic side.
183. Puke Slave Dominated - Now Press X To Finish Everything
(chiptune/midi grindcore) because an album doesn't need to be good to be enjoyable, right...?
184. Qntal - VIII - Nachtblume
(electrofolk/darkwave) following the same line of the previous albums, but this one has a bit more of electronic and less ethereal folk music, which is quite good, i'd say. it sort of reminds me of the only actual good Mortiis album "the smell of rain"
185. Cascadian Lightfall - Fires Of Summer
(atmoblack) atmoblack isn't about putting something interesting on the song or making the most innovative album ever. sometimes you just need to come up with a riff and repeat it for over 10 minutes under a murky synth and play some piano notes and that's it. it turns out it's all about how you mix the things up
186. Dirty Shirt - Folkcore Detour
(avantgarde folk metal) sounds like Diablo Swing Orchestra if the swing was replaced with romanian folk.
187. Drudkh - Їм Часто Сниться Капіж (They Often See Dreams About The Spring)
(atmoblack) like Drudkh needed any description
188. ともビッチ - らん・らん・らんし
(hip hop) i'm a sucker for all kinds of hip hop which doesn't have your typical gangsta wannabe deep unoriginal voice so this is not an exception. quality hip hop/rap with nice background synths and soft female vocals
189. Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology
(extreme metal) typical Slugdge release. some death metal. some black metal. some extreme prog. some sludge... basically some metal.
190. おきしじん - かればなに
(shoegaze) jazzy and moody shoegaze done well. soothing and gazy yet somehow not neutral.
191. Computer Magic - Danz
(retropop) this is one of those albums where it seems you are listening to the same song during the entire thing not because the songs sound the same (which they don't) but because everything is placed so perfectly together. it's also hard to drop it on the middle of the listen because it engages you in such manner. well, i wouldn't expect less of Danz
192. The Will Of Tiamat - The Hatred
(dissonant black) very different from what this band has been doing lately. sounds like a dissonant post/experimental black thing in the vein of other bands on the genre. still quite enjoyable
193. Untamed Land - Between The Winds
(spaghetti western epic black) i would like to point this album for everyone who thinks doing epic black is copying Summoning
194. Arkona - Khram
(black) it turns out this is actually good. probably because there's little to no folk here.
195. Wintaar - St
(atmoblack) nowadays i find it hard to sit through a whole atmoblack album without getting bored by the crappy songwriting it often has. doesn't happen on this record. it actually reminds me of those good russian records on the same genre like Drudkh, Ygg, etc (mainly etc) back when actually trying when doing atmoblack still was a thing. recommended for fans of the good part of the genre
196. Kero Kero Bonito - Totep
(experimental pop) so it turns out my favorite bubblegum bass band is now experimental pop. not sure how i feel about that. the ep is obviously enjoyable (since it's on the list) but i can't help but to keep thinking they could do more bubblegum bass instead
197. Yokan System - Whispering
(retropop) sounds like what japanese pop used to sound on the 80s back with the new wave influence, except that done with nowadays synths.
198. Poppel - Enter​.​.​. The Numinous Realm
(chiptune/blackened dungeon synth) while i can not take this seriously it still intrigues me throughout the listen. it's not everyday you can listen to blackened dungeon synth made with chiptune noises
199. Thieves By The Code - Ava's Revenge
(progressive rock/punk rock) this is a genuine mashup of progressive rock and punk rock, the new-wavish, almost deathrockinsh kind. i've listened to some so called progpunks before but the genre was never as clear as this
200. Master's Hammer - Fascinator
(black metal) not as experimental as the almighty Mantras but it's still better than Formulae, because that one was too... Formulaeic! get it? formulaic!
201. Akatsuki Isuzu - Muddy Past Times
(folk) unlike most instrumental folk here the songs are upbeat and rather quick, also they are different from each other and there is a lot of stuff going on on each one. now i know these characteristics should be pretty standard but trust me, when the subject is instrumental folk it often isn't... anyway, i think this record sounds somewhat like Hiroki Kikuta or Sei Mutsuki, and the more music like those two the better
202. Q'uq'umatz - Kukulkan
(avantgarde progressive folk metal) i often despise instrumental music because it almost always lacks some kick which draws my attention to it. it definitely is not what happens here. there is so much weirdness going on that you won't really need the attention spam. for those already familiar with Q'uq'umatz it follows the same line as his other albums, except that instrumental
203. White Hilss & Der Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand - Desire
(krautrock) female fronted bassy krautrock. what kind of more info do you need?
204. Yasutaka Nakata - Digital Native
(jpop) if you are into Perfume, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Colthemonika, etc (mainly etc) you might already know what these guys all have in common: that's right, their producer is all the one and only Yasutaka Nakata, and this is his solo album. it follows more of a western line of pop with hints of trance and dubstep, though still not losing his overall trademark sound
205. Kinoco Hotel - Kainarasarenai Onna Tachi
(jpop) to describe, i think it's similar to the weird side of the jpop scene, like Oomori Seiko, Urbangarde, et all, it kinda seems there are some rock'n roll influences thrown here and there which is pretty cool. plus hammond organ fest always gets me no matter the genre =p
206. Mariusz Jan Gosiński (Msyribmoz) - Great G
(blackened grindcore/chiptune) there are a lot of bands which wish they'd merge chiptune and black metal. most consist on only lame instrumental covers which i can do (and better) by merely using one of those 8-bit song transformers you find online or something. this thing here is different. it's not all 8-bit, but a lot of industrial stuff going on, the metal and 8bit parts are very well merged. to tell how it sounds, i'd say it's like Fullmoon Bongzai if it didn't have vocals and had chiptune elements.
207. Hatsune Kaidan - Noisy Killer
(jpop/power electronics) one more for my fellow underground genre fusion collectors
208. Nêuvegramme - St
(hardcore) if black metal invita armata wrote a hardcore album.
209. A Pregnant Light - Lucky All My Life
(post hardcore) lofi production is on point, riffs more nostalgic than ever, that's good post hardcore for you.
210. Howling Sycamore - Howling Sycamore
(experimental progressive) this is sort of a supergroup with guys of Obscura and Ephel Duath as well as some guest musicians of Yakuza, Gorguts, etc. i often associate these vocals with the unnecessarily stale genre that power metal is, but man, i love it when avantgarde bands use them. it just serves to show power metal vocalists should be experimenting more
211. 鈴木O - 素描
(classical/ambient) i hate classical music. i hate it because there is little to no heartpumping passages and when there are any you have to sit through an hour of building up just for that single moment. it is exactly the opposite of what happens on this record, which is more like an ambient (or dark ambient?) album made with classical instruments. here the ecstasy is everywhere to be found and all on shorter than three minute songs. now if classical music was more like that, that would be ace
212. A_jiki - Milk Machines
(lofi jpop/denpa/juke) ever since this was released i wake up with either song of the album in my head. i don't know if this is the aoty or what but it's definitely the most remarkable album so far
213. Portal - ION
(techdeath) oh i missed these guys. the same echoing vocals, the same tremolo guitars, the same song structure mess, it hasn't changed at all. and for those complaining about the production on this one, well... your mom has bad production
214. Hanako - Hanako & Liście
(screamo/drone/blackened hardcore) one of those crushing albums mixing all the crushing genres. it's a plus when it comes with sick riffs like that
215. Jute Gyte/Spectral Lore - Helian
(experimental black metal) zomg i love Jute Gyte's microtonal guitar. his side is as chaotic as always. and even Spectral Lore's track is not bland. it's actually a slow song with a trippy solo guitar as main instrument plus some nice vocals
216. Fyrce Muons - Fractures Of Light: A Suicide
(post punk/krautrock) gotta love random genre mashups
217. Tribulation - Down Below
(gothic rock) cheesy goth rock with some harsh vocals.
218. Excusemei'mlost - Respiratory Opression
(avantgarde black) lofi black with some clean nasal vocals and very poor production which is so weird you are going to question yourself whether it's actually black metal. so basically it's Burzukh?
219. Delaying The Inevitable - St
(shoegaze/dsbm) i wish shoegaze and dsbm weren't such a turn-off like it is just because 95% of the bands on the genre turned it to shit. if only more bands wrote stuff like that perhaps it wouldn't be the case
220. Ojaco - CHANNEL Vol I
(juke/experimental electronic) i don't frequently list short albums or singles, but that first song tho...
221. The Will Of Tiamat - Семя Дьявола
(black metal) very few black metal and black metal only acts have been catching my attention lately, but Will Of Tiamat is one of them. what a fine songwriting these guys have
222. Vox Celeste - Don't Listen The Radio
(proggaze) yes. you read that tag correctly
223. Kikuo - Kikuo Miku 5
(electronic) for some reason Kikuo is one of those bands which i disregarded for being too famous on the genre (which almost always means it is an average band) and this is my first time actually listening to it. turns out it really is good, yep
224. Ophiuchi - Bifurcaria Bifurcata
(experimental black) interesting experimental raw bm which reminds me of Q'uq'umatz
225. Sawneek - 甘い話だけど?ややこしい!
(pop/metalcore) it begins as a sweet mix of pop and metalcore and ends inclining more to the pop side. if you are into Miku and weeb stuff it should make you smile
226. Sinistro - Sangue Cássia
(doom) female fronted doom (or is it post?) metal with actual songwriting
227. Harakiri For The Sky - Arson
(post black) it's the new HftS album. it sounds like HftS, except maybe a bit more refined
228. Hyperdimension! - OhDrearyWearyRedEyes
(post rock) instrumental post with melody all over the place (legend says it has touhou music on it but i couldn't catch any except for one bit here or there) if instrumental post was more like that i could see it becoming of my fav genres
229. Arkheth - 12 Winter Moons Comes The Witches Brew
(avantgarde black) there are some really good moments on this one. it sounds like Kitties Of Death sometimes and like Transcending Bizarre? someothertimes

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 17   Visited by: 162 users
21.01.2018 - 20:15
China was a neat
The first and last ones, 鈴木O and Kekal might interest me will check it out. And Fyrce Muons too cuz I dig krautrock.
21.01.2018 - 21:05
Account deleted
"and for those complaining about the production on this one, well... your mom has bad production"

17.05.2018 - 14:57
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Thumbed up and following, ya weirdo. Re: Dark Buddha Rising... no Oranssi Pazuzu members, they've just come to be affiliated with the band a lot because of Atomikyla (featuring members from each) and since both bands are a part of that "Wastement" collective based in Tampere, Finland. The band's used vocals before, but more sparingly and for chant-like effect than anything else. The new vocalist who joined the band a few years ago, this M. Neuman guy, has definitely stepped up in bringing the vocals more to the forefront.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

17.05.2018 - 16:17
Written by Auntie Sahar on 17.05.2018 at 14:57

Thumbed up and following, ya weirdo. Re: Dark Buddha Rising... no Oranssi Pazuzu members, they've just come to be affiliated with the band a lot because of Atomikyla (featuring members from each) and since both bands are a part of that "Wastement" collective based in Tampere, Finland. The band's used vocals before, but more sparingly and for chant-like effect than anything else. The new vocalist who joined the band a few years ago, this M. Neuman guy, has definitely stepped up in bringing the vocals more to the forefront.

Thanks and thanks!

I added that to the album's semi description on this list
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
27.05.2018 - 00:21
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Got some free time this weekend, exploring this one a little more. Good to know I can always count on you for some solid, off the wall recs. Checking out that Borgne album right now, this thing is great. Might even review it
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

28.05.2018 - 03:40
Written by Auntie Sahar on 27.05.2018 at 00:21

Got some free time this weekend, exploring this one a little more. Good to know I can always count on you for some solid, off the wall recs. Checking out that Borgne album right now, this thing is great. Might even review it


Yes, do review it!
write everything I wanted to say but didn't know how to...
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
29.05.2018 - 03:08
Account deleted
DBR does not have Oranssi Pazuzu members, they just did a special show with them at Roadburn under the name Waste Of Space Orchestra

EDIT: O shit Che beat me to that, but you still haven't changed it lol
EDIT2: O shit you did edit it
29.05.2018 - 03:41
Written by [user id=159927] on 29.05.2018 at 03:08

DBR does not have Oranssi Pazuzu members, they just did a special show with them at Roadburn under the name Waste Of Space Orchestra

EDIT: O shit Che beat me to that, but you still haven't changed it lol

I actually did change that... Might wanna edit your comment again

EDIT: Oh you already saw it
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
13.09.2018 - 19:10
I want to personally thank you for your continuous support and mentions to my musical project.
I would honestly like to know how did you found about Salqiu. But my main objective here is to thank you :-)

btw, new full length album in October (probably by the 20th)

13.09.2018 - 19:50
Written by Salqiu on 13.09.2018 at 19:10

I want to personally thank you for your continuous support and mentions to my musical project.
I would honestly like to know how did you found about Salqiu. But my main objective here is to thank you :-)

btw, new full length album in October (probably by the 20th)



And nice news!

I met Anthropomorphic Soul at random when I was browsing the tag "avantgarde death metal" one day on bandcamp and kept following ever since. Then I learned about this other project of yours.

And keep up the great work.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
14.09.2018 - 11:08
Written by Karlabos on 13.09.2018 at 19:50


And nice news!

I met Anthropomorphic Soul at random when I was browsing the tag "avantgarde death metal" one day on bandcamp and kept following ever since. Then I learned about this other project of yours.

And keep up the great work.

Well, still awed with your support :-)
Not used to have people actually digging my music, ahahahah

Thanks again
15.09.2018 - 18:11
Au Pays Natal
Digging #81 a lot..
16.09.2018 - 00:57
Written by tea[m]ster on 15.09.2018 at 18:11

Digging #81 a lot..

Oh yeah that band is really overrated.

His early stuff is also pretty ace. He used to play some sort of posty grindcore but recently he has been doing only post.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
18.11.2018 - 01:21
Thank you once again for your words. Believe me when I say they mean a lot to me.
At least someone out there gets me, or at least understands my musical concept. :-)
Feels great, thanks!

And by the way, if you want the album but can't or don't want to buy it, I'll gladly send you a free download code. You're such an awesome supporter!
Just reach me through FB, Bandcamp or wherever :-)
18.11.2018 - 23:24
Written by Salqiu on 18.11.2018 at 01:21

Thank you once again for your words. Believe me when I say they mean a lot to me.
At least someone out there gets me, or at least understands my musical concept. :-)
Feels great, thanks!

And by the way, if you want the album but can't or don't want to buy it, I'll gladly send you a free download code. You're such an awesome supporter!
Just reach me through FB, Bandcamp or wherever :-)

Thanks a lot!

Also thanks for the offer, but I decided to support myself =)
Keep up the great work
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
18.11.2018 - 23:44
Written by Karlabos on 18.11.2018 at 23:24

Thanks a lot!

Also thanks for the offer, but I decided to support myself =)
Keep up the great work

I feel honoured, and again I thank you. I really meant it when I said I would provide you a free code.
Offer is kept for the next release, deal?

Nuno Lourenço, aka Salqius Laurentius
19.11.2018 - 00:10
Written by Salqiu on 18.11.2018 at 23:44

I feel honoured, and again I thank you. I really meant it when I said I would provide you a free code.
Offer is kept for the next release, deal?

Sure, I'd love that!
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei

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