Fat & Sassy!'s lists
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Best Thing Ever
Created by Fat & Sassy!
on 14.09.2011
IMAAAAGINATION! =3 My favorite element about music is probably atmosphere. My mind is a lazy, albeit adventurous, asshole that likes to take vacations whenever it can. And what better than the surprise mental adventures…
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Created by Fat & Sassy!
on 14.06.2011
Super Original List Of Iron Maiden Albums In Ranking Order! Welp, seems everyone else has done this, so I will too. Although, mine... is better than yours. Best fucking remember that, asshole. D:<…
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Created by Fat & Sassy!
on 06.09.2010
My Kitteh And I's Favorite (Metal/Rock) Listening Discs EVAR (2010) Here it is. In all it's glory, righteousness, and sexy-time (as in me air flute-ing the flute solo in Cross-Eyed Mary) delightful-ness. Mah kitteh and I's favorite things to jam to. As you may…
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Created by Fat & Sassy!
on 02.03.2010