Impending Doom
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Feb 03
Page: 1
Ugh these tariffs are becoming a major pain in my ass.
14:05 - NastyHero
v Must be very surprising that a write-in album didn't make it to nominations
13:01 - Cynic Metalhead
Yeah? Wormed didn't make into Death metal and Grindcore. Even by its own standard, their new album was underwhelming.
12:35 - theFIST
won"t be adding to the votes in many categories this year, but Wormed is the obvious choice for me in Death Metal
09:41 - Thryce
The Drama category is meant to be lighthearted and humorous, but AILD is anything but that. Why celebrate abusive and toxic behavior? This POS has already received too much attention - let him face the consequences and move on.
09:08 - Chidder
I'm a bit disappointed by the absence of As I Lay Dying in Drama of the Year. They are laying and dying and we don't know if they will make through the storms ahead :P
07:11 - VileVick-Bryant
I need to remember to listen to the new Pharmakon
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