Posts: 548 |
10.04.2013 - 14:15Rating: 9
Angry Chair
Posts: 153 |
I will definitely be checking this out
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
- Denis Diderot
Album Release day (May 27, 2013)
Album Release day (May 27, 2013)
Posts: 2
Thrash is not dead!!! Amazing album!! \m/
Posts: 250
I've listened through it once, and it's definitely a good album. Much better than the new Megadeth. Luckily this album came at the same time, so we can all forget that disaster.
I gotta say, "Tomb" was a pretty beautiful song. I see that Evile is indeed a band that can create great ballads. And not to mention all the other tracks on here. I have to listen through the album again though, before I can start talking track by track.
I sold my soul to any fool who'd buy it!
What's it gonna take to make you riot!?
Posts: 548 |
03.06.2013 - 11:39Rating: 9
Daggon Underpaid M.D.
Posts: 1689 |
13.06.2013 - 01:48Rating: 7
DaggonUnderpaid M.D.Posts: 1689
Take out the ballad of the album and this could become a short and fast Thrash metal album
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
AndMetalForAll kual21
Posts: 314 |
17.06.2013 - 17:30Rating: 9
Great album! It is most probably their best record up to date...
Posts: 165 |
I really don't get why this band gets so much praise.
This is my worship, this is my path...
Posts: 19 |
26.07.2013 - 22:45Rating: 9
Wonderful sounds, they remembered me Metallica in some sounds.
Posts: 71 |
Written by Daggon on 13.06.2013 at 01:48
Take out the ballad of the album and this could become a short and fast Thrash metal album
the ballad is shit
Warman Erotic Stains
Posts: 7695 |
13.12.2013 - 12:31Rating: 8
WarmanErotic StainsPosts: 7695
If someone told me that this was lost songs from "...and Justice for All", I would't be surprised.
Posts: 10
17.01.2014 - 00:06Rating: 10
Unbelievable Trash Metal! Better than Metallica's best days! Just listen to "Tomb"!!!
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 00:10
Disappointing especially after Five Serpent's Teeth and Infected Nations. A real step backwards IMO - none of the song have any memorability.
Disagreed. The albums you mentioned were incredibly mediocre and this is a nice step up in quality for the band since to Enter The Grave.
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 00:42
I found Skull doesn't have songs that stick in one's head unlike Five Serpent's Teeth (Centurion, Long Live the New Flest, In Memoriam, Cult).
Nothing remotely memorable about those songs, aside from that horrible chorus in Cult.
At any rate, memorability's not important. Quality and consistency is, and that's what Skull has.
And dude, learn to quote so I don't waste my time checking back to see if you actually responded.
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 02:16
Consistency in what? I've heard some very consistent albums that were rubbish or boring or at best mediocre. I agree Skull is consistent but it's consistently mediocre.
Consistency goes hand-in-hand with quality in this case. You're probably thinking of when a band sticks with the same old sound and it doesn't come out good. If the sound is consistent and merges with quality, then it comes out good, regardless of whether it's the same sound or not.
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 02:16
Memorable, stand out songs are important in my opinion, not some sort of emphasis on consistency at the expense of everything else. Without stand out songs, the album becomes background noise like so many Death and Thrash Metal albums which are performed well but the music is boring.
Again, disagreed. Memorable songs =/= a good album. Memorable songs may mean "the only songs worth remembering on the album among a multitude of unmemorable/horrible songs (such is the case with Evile's previous two albums). The album could not have any songs that stick out immediately, but if you enjoy them anyway, it won't matter, because you'll keep coming back to that album. For instance, my favorite album from 2012 that I often play back to back is Blood For The Master by Goatwhore. Not exactly groundbreaking or full of songs that make you wanna play it to death on replay, but so chock full of good shit and riffs I don't even care.
If I rated albums based on memorability, I'd barely like anything, because I rarely ever remember songs upon the first few listens. I'd prefer albums that make you wanna play them consistently, not albums that make you wanna play certain songs instead. That's pop music mentality, and it rarely works in metal.
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 02:16
Ideally all songs should be stand out and memorable but I don't think many albums achieve that - even Number of the Beast has the very average Gangland.
First of all, I like Gangland. If there's any filler on that album, it would be Invaders.
Second of all, you just proved my above point (and contradicted your "stand-out songs" belief) . Number Of The Beast would be one of those "quality as a whole" albums rather than "quality in certain songs" album, even if Run To The Hills and the title track are always played over radio are there are a few weak, unmemorable songs (Invaders, Total Eclipse).
If you're expecting an album that has perfect song through perfect song, don't hold your breath. Albums like that come out only in a blue moon, if at all. I've never seen one myself.
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 02:16
As for quality that's very subjective.
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 02:16
in my opinion
I find it hilarious that you think that means anything here.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306 |
Hey guys if you wanna continue discussing the psychology of what makes a great album great, maybe take it to the private messages.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
I'm done anyway. No point in arguing with a guy that constantly plays devil's advocate.
The point is, this album is better in quality compared to the last two. Considering it already has a better rating nearing 100 votes, it seems the majority agrees.
All right, now I'm done.
Angry Chair
Posts: 153 |
Written by deadone on 17.01.2014 at 05:34
Written by [user id=101272] on 17.01.2014 at 04:46
I'm done anyway. No point in arguing with a guy that constantly plays devil's advocate.
The point is, this album is better in quality compared to the last two. Considering it already has a better rating nearing 100 votes, it seems the majority agrees.
All right, now I'm done.
1. Not playing Devil's advocate. I'm not a fan of this album and see it as retrograde step.
2. Majority? Five Serpent's Tongue has 40% more votes than Skull. So of course 7 "10" votes for Skull will have more of an impact than 7 "10" votes for Five Serpent's Tongues.
3. Fans tend to buy albums sooner than casual listeners. Fans also vote higher.
Hence of course Skull's rating is going to be higher.
Let's see if Skull retains rating in 2016.
4. The votes actually show a band declining on popularity:
Enter the Grave: 197 votes
Infected Nations: 134 votes
Five Serpent's Teeth: 113 votes
Skull: 81 votes
yeah but you could argue that the older albums have more votes because they have been out longer thefore more time for people to vote.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
- Denis Diderot
Angry Chair
Posts: 153 |
Written by deadone on 14.08.2014 at 01:51
Written by Angry Chair on 14.08.2014 at 00:31
yeah but you could argue that the older albums have more votes because they have been out longer thefore more time for people to vote.
Totally true especially with newer releases.
However it's not necessarily an obvious conclusion. For example more popular newer albums can outvote older albums. For example Municipal Waste's The Art Of Partying (2007) has 157 votes, which is more than older Hazardous Mutation (2005) with 129 votes or Waste Em All (2003) with 58 votes.
I think the truth is that people have lost interest in Evile. There was a lot of interest when Enter The Grave came out as retro-Thrash was the new in thing. But the band never attained high enough standard to maintain momentum after that initial spark of interest. In fact they sunk into the mire along with pretty much the rest of the pack as people figured out older bands ala Death Angel, Overkill or Kreator were churning out far better quality/more appealling Thrash.
Indeed I find most of the 21st century thrash acts to be quite poor on terms of song writing and composition to their 1980s ancestors.
yeah I reckon your right, from what i can tell people have sort of forgotten about Evile. I think there was a lot of high expectations that was not met by the band.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
- Denis Diderot
Posts: 1506
19.10.2014 - 18:20Rating: 6
For me this is similar to Infected Nations, though I prefer that album by a margin. The songs here mostly follow the same formula but the main flaw I can see is how "serious" the band are trying to be. I always thought Evile were at their best when playing straightforward solid thrash (which this album has to a certain extent, though whereas this album has a more ambitious feel, the band's debut album, Enter the Grave is so much more fun to listen to. That said, I really liked 'Tomb'.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena
Posts: 7655 |
27.12.2014 - 15:30Rating: 4
Long awaited Evile album now up on my pad. I think I already gave this a thorough listen and was disappointed to frame this record as shoddy release. Except for "better structural", songs are weak, disjointed and uninteresting musical flow. This time it was no difference. Same 'ol grudge seems to crop up again and will lose the contact with this.
Sorry, it didn't connect with me.
Posts: 366 |
18.05.2023 - 11:36Rating: 8
"Underworld" is one of the best openers on a modern thrash album. "Silhouettes" from Warbringer's Woe to the Vanquished is up there as well.