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2017-  Kyle Walburn - guitars, vocals
2017-2021  Brandon J. Iacovella - guitars, vocals
› 2022-  -//- guitars, vocals, contrabass
2021-  Michael Sanders - bass
2021-  Matthew Longerbeam - guitars
2021-  Christopher Stropoli - drums
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2017-2019  James M. Peterson - bass
› 2020  -//- bass, keyboards
2017-2020  Scott Belcher - drums
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2022  Aaron Baumoel - keyboards
2022  Arran McSporran - fretless bass
2022  Spencer Moore - drums
2022  Marissa Godinez - vocals
2022  Matt Warner - guitars

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Tómarúm, according to a quick online search, is an Icelandic word meaning a vacuum or void. Having listened to Ash In Realms Of Stone Icons, Tómarúm’s music couldn’t sound less empty or voidlike.
Review by musclassia ››

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