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A Traitor Like Judas

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2000-  Dennis "Dan" Thiele - guitars
2000-  Jan Knackstedt - bass
2000-  Philipp Resslhuber - drums
2002-  Christoph Schoenbach - guitars
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2000-2007  Bjørn Dencker Gjerde - vocals
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2010  Kristian "Kohle" Kohlmannslehner - bass
› 2013  -//- guitars, keyboards

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No, even if they play Metalcore A Traitor Like Judas doesn't come from the United States but from Germany. And this "weird" localization for a Metalcore band doesn't mean that the last release of the combo is bad, at the opposite....
Review by Jeff ››


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