Behind The Scenery
Rank: 4643 6 fans |
1996- | Uwe Kurz - drums |
1996- | Holger Speidel - vocals |
1999- | Guntram Berger - bass |
2006- | Immanuel Rein - vocals |
› 2011- | -//- guitars |
2011- | Marcel Renning - guitars |
2011- | Simon Abele - guitars |
1996-1998 | Andreas "Andy" Kurz - bass |
1996-2000 | Till van der List - guitars |
1996-2006 | Thomas Lindberg - guitars |
2000-2007 | Stefan Horn - guitars |
2005-2007 | Christoph Rogler - guitars |
Latest reviews
Finally there is at least one Gothenburg metal band on this planet that is not happy with merely ripping off older bands. This is actually one of the very first times I see a band in this genre that shows a bit of identity and creativity. Ok, I admit...
Review by Deadsoulman ›› |
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