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Mournful Congregation


1993-  Damon Good - guitars, vocals
1993-1996  Ben Petch - drums, guitars
› 2016-  -//- guitars
1999-  Justin Hartwig - guitars
2011-  Ben Newsome - bass
2015-  Tim Call - drums
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1993-2011  Mark Bodossian - bass
1993-2011  Darren McLennan - guitars
1997-2015  Adrian Bickle - drums
2003-2004  Denny Blake - drums
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2014  Tim Call - drums
2009  Ben Petch - guitars
2011-  Stuart Prickett - guitars
2012-2013  Tim Call - drums

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Sometimes, coins have pretty identical sides.
Review by RaduP ››
In some genres, a 20 minute album counts as a full-length, in other genres you can go well over 30 minutes and still have an EP.
Review by RaduP ››
"I wanna laaaaay you down on a bed of roses ...". I will eventually get banned for using this on a metal-related website. But seriously, that was the first thing that came to my mind when starting this review. It's not that Mournful Congregation...
Review by Windrider ››

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