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1992-  Noah Carpenter - guitars
1992-2004  Sherwood Webber - vocals
› 2013-  -//-
1994-  Joe Keyser - bass
1997-2003  Bob Beaulac - drums
› 2005-  -//-
2013-  David "Dave" Matthews - guitars
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1991  Guy Spaglianelli - drums
1991  Jeff Vanloan - bass
1991  Ted Monsour - bass, vocals
1992  Dan Bell - vocals
1992  Mike Levy - vocals
1995-1997  Adam P. Lewis - bass
1995-1997  Ryan Wade - vocals, drums
2001-2002  George Torres - drums
2004-2011  Jason Keyser - vocals
2006-2011  Chris Mahar - drums
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2003  John Longstreth - drums

Latest reviews

You need four things to make an album, right? Something old: original vocalist Sherwood Webber, returning to duty. Something new: recent addition Dave Matthews on guitar (no, not that Dave Matthews). Something borrowed: most of these songs. Something...
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››
I hate bands with that old "Look at me, I am gore because I have blood on my logo" vibe going on; for me those bands are just wannabes trying to reach something already achieved by someone else you know? Skinless is one of those bands, I was...
Review by Herzebeth ››

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