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Syrens Call


1997-  Thibaut Coisne - guitars
1997-  Sebastian Paul - drums
1997-  Eric Serre - bass
1997-  Frank Manier - keyboards
1997-  Stéphane Thuriot - guitars
2005-  Soraya Hostens - vocals
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1997-2005  Valerie Paul - vocals
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2010  Stéphane Buriez - additional vocals

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Recorded to celebrate Syrens Call's 10th anniversary, the first DVD of the French combo will probably be a good buy for the fans of the French Metal scene. Syrens Call is maybe not yet the best band of our country but definitely they're solid...
Review by Jeff ››
I heard a lot of good things about Syren Call, but unfortunately I've never had the luck to listen to the first albums of the band, and I don't know why they had to change their first singer. But I can tell you something, her successor, Soraya...
Review by Jeff ››


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