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2005-2017  Mikael Medin - bass
2005-2017  Jimmie Olausson - drums
2005-2017  Linus Johansson - keyboards
2005-2017  Aron Parmerud - guitars
2008-2017  Anton Modig - guitars
2010-2017  Alexander Andersson - vocals
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2005-2006  The Roy - vocals
2005-2008  Johan Sporre - guitars
2007-2010  Axel Widén - vocals
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2011  Robin Jensen - drums

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Just one year after debut album Spite, we get to hear another jab at viciously aggressive and concise metalcore/melodeath from Gothenburg's Marionette. Spite was an impressive album for the genre due to the unrelentingly aggressive attack of the...
Review by jupitreas ››
Marionette is one of those bands that will most likely manage to repel potential fans simply by the way they present themselves - after all, five guys in effeminate make-up claiming to play a mixture of Gothenburg 'melodeath' and metalcore conjure...
Review by jupitreas ››

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