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2002-  Jadran "Conan" Gonzalez - guitars, vocals
2016-  Phillip Cody Nuñez - bass
2018-  Adrian Aguilar - drums
2018-  Chase Becker - guitars
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NA-2007  Kevin - vocals, guitar
2002-2007  Mario Moreno - drums, guitars
› 2007-2017  -//- drums
2007-2008  Tak Arayan - guitars
2007-2008  Balmore Lemus - bass, guitars, vocals
› 2008-2010  -//- guitars, vocals
2007-2011  Daniel Duarte - bass
2009-2012  Sean Redline - guitars
2011-2013  Aldo Bibiano - bass
› 2014-2015  -//-
2012-2017  David Rivera - guitars
2013-2014  Jovanni Perez - bass
2015-2016  Mike Cosio - bass
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2018  Carlos Cruz - drums
2017  Carlos Cruz - drums
2017-2018  Chase Becker - guitars
2018-  Richie Brown - guitars
2018  Adrian Aguilar - drums
2021-  Alex Lee - guitars
2018  Alex Lee - guitars

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An Exmortus album with no muscular swordsmen on the cover art?
Review by RaduP ››
Something about Slave To The Sword failed to capture my interest; I watched the album accumulate praises, but I never clicked with it. Evidently, Exmortus sensed my discomfort and delivered something that leaves me with no choice but to seriously reconsider...
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››

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