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Acid Witch


2007-  Slasher Dave - guitar, bass, vocals
2007-  Shagrat - guitar, vocals
2010-  "Magic" Mike Tuff - guitars
2017-  Phil Warren - drums
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2007-2009  Lasse Pyykkö - vocals
2010-2017  Gnarles "Chaz" Paxston - drums
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Wow, is it that time of year again already? Well, have you got your costume ready yet? Because if you have and you're in the spirit for Halloween this year, then I highly recommend a little acid trip from the Witch with Rot Among Us, as it will surely...
Review by AndyMetalFreak ››
In a world full of dead-serious satanists, devil worshipers, goat-slaughterers and sheepfuckers, Acid Witch are a true breath of fresh air. (A true breath, not a tr00 breath). Their debut Witchtanic Hellucinations was an insanely catchy and fun cauldron...
Review by Lucas ››

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