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1994-  Brett Caldas-Lima - vocals, guitars, programming
1994-  Laurent Pouget - keyboards
1994-  Thibaut Gerard - bass
2004-  Bruno Michel - guitars
2005-  Elodie Buchonnet - vocals, flute, saxophone
2010-  Anthony Druz - drums
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1994-2004  Loïc Tézénas - guitars
1994-2007  Laurent Bendahan - drums
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2008  Christophe "Chris" Godin - guitar solo
2008  Charly Sahona - guitar
2008  David Scott McBee - vocals
2008  Tom MacLean - guitar solo
2008  Arjen Anthony Lucassen - vocals
2008  Angela Gossow - vocals
2008  Sonm The Darkest - vocals
2009  Paul Masvidal - guitar solo
2009  Ludovic Loez - vocals

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Disclaimer: this review might be long (and so is the album) but I couldn't do without the context and other explanations. If you don't care about reading this slab of a review, just go and buy the album straight away.

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Review by wrathchild ››

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