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1995-  Santiago Dobles - guitars
2001-2002  Alan Goldstein - bass
› 2006-  -//-
2006-  Diana Serra - vocals
2008-  Matt Thompson - drums
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1995-1999  Andy Deluca - bass
› 2004-2005  -//-
1997-2002  Charlie Ekendahl - guitars
1997-2005  Danishta Rivero - vocals
1999-2000  Sean Malone - bass
2001-2002  Richard Komatz - drums
2004-2005  Ian Hayes - drums
2006-2008  Giann Rubio - drums
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1997-2000  Sean Reinert - drums
› 2006  -//-

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The young italian label code666, interested in the darker side of metal music and in all kind of experimantations, now decided to publish this compilation which features all the bands in its roster. It ranges from the most important bands of the label...
Review by Sephiroth ››

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