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2006-  Déhà - all instruments, vocals
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2009-2010  Abalonka - bass, vocals
2010-2018  Larvalis Lethæus - vocals
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2007-2008  Schabe - vocals
2008  Cadavre - vocals
2009  Dagon - guitars
2010  .selv. - vocals
2010  Pavulynathre - violin
2010  BB - vocals
2010  Cassiopée - vocals
2010  Daniel Robnik - vocals
2010  Neraath - guitar, vocals
2010  Phorgath - bass, vocals
2010-  Graf von Feigur - drums
2018  Daniel Neagoe - vocals
2019  S Caedes - vocals

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Periphrasis: a literary device in which inflated, circumlocutory language is employed in the place of a more succinct explanation purely for the sake of being tortu(r)ously oblique, much in the same way that we have all padded out writing assignments...
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››
Recorded: Hellries Studios, Belgium 2009
Total Running Time: 50:00

The void is out there.

From the deepest and darkest burrows of the Belgian underground, comes Yhdarl. These installments of the "Drone Nightmares"...
Review by Thryce ››

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