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Towards Darkness

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2004-  Simon Carignan - keyboards, guitars
2004-  Joël Cyr - vocals, guitars
2004-  Kevin Jones - vocals, bass
2004-  Nick Richards - drums
2004  Stefan Laroche - vocals

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Canada isn't exactly renowned for its doom scene. Sure, we have great beer and bacon and maple syrup, but doom? Longing For Dawn seem to be the only ones interested in that kind of music. Or at least Simon Carignan seems to be the only one interested......
Review by Troy Killjoy ››
Listening to this album is like smoking a cigarette: at first your lungs reject the strength of the chemicals, but eventually they grow accustomed to the kick and take the smoke in stride. Then your breathing relaxes and your pulse steadies as the world...
Review by Troy Killjoy ››

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