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1990-  Demonos Sova - bass, vocals
2000-  Nuklear Tormentörr - bass
2000-2007  Mikko "Pelceboop" Silvennoinen - guitars
› 2017-  -//-
2012-  Vendetta - drums
2014-  Ruttokieli - bass
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1990-1991  Aki Hytönen - guitars
1990-1992  Ilu - drums
1991  Neva - guitars
1991  Jetblack Roima - guitars
› 2012-2015  -//-
1991-1992  Niko - guitars
1993  Necronom Dethstrike - drums
1993-1994  Reaper Sklethnor - guitars
1993-1994  Bloodbeast - guitars
1993-1994  Destrukkktorr - drums
1993-1996  Infernus - bass
1994  Crowl - bass
1995-1996  Pimeä - drums
1996  Sulphur - guitars
1998  Nattasett - drums
1998  Anathemalignant - guitars
› 2000-2004  -//-
› 2007-2012  -//-
1998-2012  G'thaur - bass, backing vocals
1999  Warlord - guitars
1999-2000  Teemu Raimoranta - guitars
1999-2000  Samu Ruotsalainen - drums
2000-2001  Henri Sorvali - keyboard
2002-2007  Janne Parviainen - drums
2005-2007  Daimos666 - guitars
2007-2010  Agathon Frosteus - drums
2007-2017  Raakalainen - guitars
2012  Avenger - drums
2012-2014  Ceasar - bass
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2017  Zetekh - additional vocals
2017  Spellgoth - additional vocals

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Papa Undercraft's home-made recipes

Hello boys and girls! Welcome to Papa Undercraft good 'ol cooking lessons, I will teach you the secrets of high cuisine so you can enjoy a well balanced Metal dinner! So sit down, grab a pen and paper and...
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