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1987-  Peter Lans - guitars, backing vocals
1987-  Patrik Sporrong - bass, backing vocals
1997-  Larry Lethal - vocals
2016-  Unspeakable Emp - drums
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1987-1999  Theo Savidis - drums
1999-2015  Teddy Möller - drums, backing vocals
2015  Tom Terror - drums
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2005  Gerre - spoken vocals
2009  Jörgen Sandström - additional vocals
2013  Staffan Winroth - arrangement
2017  Anders "Andy" Ljung - choirs vocals
2017  Ronnie Nyman - choirs vocals
2017  Francisco Escalona - choirs vocals
2017  Tomas Åkvik - vocals
2017  Niklas Henning Sandin - choirs vocals
2017  Viktor Eklund - choirs vocals